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29 Cards in this Set

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what is chemical equilibrium

when the forward and reverse rates of reaction are equal

and the concentrations of the products and reactants are constant

what is physical equilibrium

when the phases are in equilibrium

rate of changing into one phase is same as rate of changing back phase

what is the equilibrium constant

when a reaction is in equilibrium, the concentrations of the reactants and products, to power of their stoichiometric coefficients, will produce a constant = the equilibrium constant

what factors is the equilibrium constant dependent upon


will change with temperature

what is teh law of mass action

for a certain temperature, a certain reaction, that is reversible, at equilibrium

the ratio between the reactant and products is a constant

what does the K equilibrium constant tell you about what concentrations are favored - where teh equilibrium lies

if K is greater than one, greater concentrations of products are present than reactants, at equilibirum

if K = 1, products and reactants same concentrations at equilibrium

if K less than one, greater concentrations of reactants are present at equilibrium

what are very small and very large Ks

greater than 10 = much larger K values

less than 0.1 = very small K values

what is a homogeneous equilibrium

the reaction at equilibrium - the reactants and products are the same phase

what is Kp

the equilibrium constant for gaseous reactions - in terms of partial pressure of reactants and products

how is Kp related to Kc?

Kp = Kc(RT)^change in n

change in n = moles of product - moles of reactant

does Kc have units

yes but we don't ever include them

what is heterogenous equilibria

the reactants and products of an equilibrium reaction is in different phases

what phases are not included in the equilibirum constant and why?

solids and liquids are not included in the equilibrium constant since they don't change volume/molar concentrations much throughout the reaction

thus no need to include, cosnidered part of the constant

what is the equilibrium constant for an overall reaction - combination of multiple reactions

multiply the equilibirium constants to get the overall equilibrium constant

what happens to the equilibrium constant when the reaction is reversed

to write it for the reverse reaction, divide 1 by the Kc of the forward reaction

how to write the equilibrium constant if the reaction is multiplied by a coefficient

raise the Kc to the power of the stoichiometric coefficient

relationship between k rate constant and K equilibrium constant - for a reaction at equilibrium

K = kf/kr

both are constant at a certain temperature

meaning that K is also constant at a certain temperature

orders of reactants for elementary steps of a reaction

orders of reactants = to the stoichiometric coefficients of reactants in an elementary reaction

but NOT the case for a multi step reaction's overall equation does not necessarily equal to the rate law's order of reactants

what is Q

the ratio between concentrations of products and reactants when the reaction is NOT at equilibrium

comparing Q and Kc

if Q is less than Kc = too much reactants, will go towards products, to the right

if Q is = to Kc, at equilibrium, won't shift concentrations anymore

if Q is greater than Kc, then too much products, will make more reactants, go to the left

what are the four factors that can affect equilibrium





what can be done to a reaction but not affect equilibrium/the equilibrium constant

adding a catalyst

changes reaction rate both forward and back

but does not shift the equilibrium or change the equilibrium constant

what does le chatelier's principle state

that when stress is applied to a system in equilibrium, the system will adjust, to reach a new equilibrium

how does change in concentration affect equilibrium

adding a reactant = shift to teh right to make more product

adding a product = shift to the left to make more reactant

taking away a reactant = shift to the left to make more reactant

taking away a product = shift to the right to make more product

are liquids, solids or aqueous solutions affected by change in pressure and volume?

no, only gases

so changes in pressure and volume will only affect gases in equilibrium equations since they affect concentration of the gases

what happens to reactions in equilibrium when pressure is increased/volume decreased or when pressure is decreased/volume increases?

-when pressure increases/volume decreases = reaction favors less moles

when pressure decreases/volume increases = favors more moles

what happens to equilibrium when there is a change in temperature

first depends on whether endothermic or exothermic

a temperature increase favors the endothermic side

a temperature decrease favors the exothermic side

WHEN WRITING THE HEAT - heat can be ONLY ON ONE SIDE, left to right is the direction of the CHANGE IN H

how does a catalyst work

it lowers the activation energy

increases the rate of a reaction

helps teh system reach equilibrium sooner

does not perturb equilibrium

does not change the equilibrium constant

does not affect what concentrations will be equilbrium

only temperature

can change the VALUE of teh equilibrium constant

not concentration, not volume, not pressure not catalyst