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73 Cards in this Set

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What portion of the brainstem is continuous with the spinal cord
Medulla Oblongata
True or False

The thalamus is part of the brainstem
True or False

The thalamus belongs with the medulla oblongata, midbrain, and pons
What are the enlargements on the medulla oblongata that are involved in conscious skeletal muscle control
What serves as a motor center that is involved in maintaing muscle tone and coordinating movements
Substantia Nigra
What is affected if an injury leaves a person in a coma
Reticular Formation
What is another term for midbrain
What is the most specific part of the midbrain that is an integral part of the auditory pathway
Inferior Colliculi
What are the 3 large nerve tracts connecting the cerebellum to the rest of the central nervous system
1) Superior Cerebellar Peduncles
2) Middle Cerebellar Penduncles
3) Inferior Cerebellar Peduncles
What are cerebral cortex ridges called
What is the simplest part of the cerebellum
Flocculonodular Lobe
True or False

The tegmentum is a major part of the cerebellum
What is the largest feature of the diencephalon
What is the small stalk connecting the 2 lateral portions of the thalamus known as
1) Interthalamic Adhesion
2) Intermediate Mass
Where do axons carrying auditory information synapse in
Medial Geniculate Nucleus
Where do axons carrying visual information synapse in
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
Where do axons carrying information other than visual or auditory information synapse in
Ventral Geniculate Nucleus
True or False

The pons is part of the diencephalons
What is the stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary
What lobes of the cerebrum serve as the main center for receiving and processing of sensory information except for smell, hearing, and vision
What lobes receive and interpret sensory input for smell and/or hearing
Frontal and Temporal
What separates the right and left cerebral hemisphere
Longitudinal Fissure
True or False

The ethmoid is one of the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere
What lobes are part of the cerebral hemisphere
1) Frontal Lobe
2) Parietal Lobe
3) Occipital Lobe
4) Temporal Lobe
What comprises the bulk of the mature adult brain
What is the central sulcus
The posterior boundary of the frontal lobe
What type of nuclei in the cerebrum are involved in control of motor functions
Basal Nuclei
What is the basal nuclei located
Within the white matter of the cerebrum
True or False

The habenula is part of the limbic system
What lobe of the cerebrum is located deep within the lateral sulcus
What is the gyrus
A ridge or fold on the surface of the cerebrum
What do the tracts of nerves in the cerebrum consist of
1) Association Fibers
2) Commissural Fibers
3) Projection Fibers
Gyri on the cerebral surface _______ the surface area of the cortex
Greatly increase
Where do venous blood flow through
Through the dural venous sinuses, located in some areas of the meninges surrounding the brain
What do dural sinuses contain
Venous Blood
What is the name for the portion of the dura mater that separates the cerebellum from the overlying cortex
Tentorium Cerebelli
What is the name of the portion of the dura mater that separates the two cerebellular hemispheres
Falx Cerebelli
The cluster of specialized capillaries at which CSF is secreted into a ventricle is the
Choroids Plexus
Where do the CSF circulate around the brain and spinal cord
Subarachnoid space
What is the arachnoid ganulation
The fingerlike structure at which the reabsorption of CSF occurs
CSF circulates from the 3rd ventricle to the 4th through the
Cerebral Aqueduct
From the superficial to deep, what are the 3 layers of the meninges
1) Dura Mater
2) Arachnoid Mater
3) Pia Mater
What is the space within the brain that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid
True or False

One of the function of CSF is to transport oxygen in red blood cells to neurons in the CNS
What ascends to the head along the anterior - lateral part of the neck
Internal Carotid Arteries
What ascends to the head along the posterior part of the neck
Vertebral Arteries
What is the cerebral arterial circle comprised of
1) Basilar Artery
2) Internal Carotid Artery
How do lipid soluble substances move through the blood brain barrier
By Diffusion
How do water soluble substances move through the blood brain barrier
By Mediated Transport
What are the 3 branches of the cerebral arterial circle
1) Anterior Branch
2) Middle Branch
3) Posterior Branch
Where does the CNS develop from
Embryonic Neural Plate
What does the embryonic forebrain give rise to
Cerebrum and Diencephalon
What are the stages of development of the CNS
1) Neural Tube
2) Neural Plate
3) 3 Vesicle Brain
The bulk of the adult human brain develops from what secondary vesicle during embryonic development
What adult brain region does Not develop from the embryonic hindbrain
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there
Sensory impulses from taste receptors are transmitted to the brain on which cranial nerves
7, 9, & 10
The anesthetic a dentist injects before drilling to clean and repair a cavity is done to block sensory impulses from a branch of what cranial nerve
True or False

The trigeminal nerve does Not contain only sensory fibers
True or False

The trigeminal nerve supplies motor impulses to muscles of the eye
What do automonic fibers of the vagus nerve carry
Motor impulses to the heart and many smooth muscles and glands in the viscera of the thorax and abdomen
True or False

The olfactory nerve does Not originate from the brainstem
The nerve fibers carrying sensory information through the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone are associated with which nerve
Olfactory Nerve
How many of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves enter or exit the CNS through the brainstem
Which cranial nerve innervates 4 of the 6 muscles that move the eye and levator palpebrae superioris muscle that raises the superior eyelid
A drooping upper eyelid is a symptom indicative of possible damage to what cranial nerve
Which cranial nerves transmit sensory impulses pertaining to taste to the brainstem
1) Facial
2) Glossopharyngeal
3) Vagus
What is the only cranial nerve involved in sensory cutaneous innervation
Which cranial nerve controls the muscles involved in chewing
What cranial nerve causes movements of the tongue involved in speaking, manipulating food and swallowing
True or False

The sympathetic nerve is a category of the cranial nerve
The jugular foramen provides a route of passage through the cranium for which of the cranial nerves
1) Glossopharyngeal
2) Vagus
3) Accessory
What 2 pairs of cranial nerves do Not enter or exit the CNS through the brainstem