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99 Cards in this Set

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- processes that produce coherency and result in harmonious function
- cellular = process within cells
- whole animal = selective combination and processing of sensory, endocrine, and CNS in ways that promote harmonious functioning
- nerve and endocrine cells
control systems
- system that sets the level of a particular variable that is being controlled
- information from sensors to determine signals to the effectors
- negative feedback
- whole animal integration = processing to promote homeostasis
- nerve cells and endocrine cells control the way other cells function
- short term
- local
- control homeostasis
- allow response to stimuli
- secrete substances
- receptors on target cells
- long term
- long distance
- widespread, prolonged activities
- chemical substance
- secreted by endocrine
- cell specially adapted to generate electrical signal in form of an action potential
- dendrite, integration, conduction, and output
- functional unit of nervous system
- generate and transmit electrical signals
- extreme longevity = amitotic
- cell specially adapted to generate electrical signal in form of an action potential
- dendrite, integration, conduction, and output
- functional unit of nervous system
- generate and transmit electrical signals
- extreme longevity = amitotic
- specialized cell-cell contact points
- specialized cell-cell contact points
- branching processes where synaptic input occurs
- bring information in
- exert specific physiological effects on the postsynaptic cell by binding to neurotransmitter receptors
- contained in terminal buton
cell body
- part of neuron where signal integration and impulse generation occur
- processes originate
- also called soma
- conduction component
- serving to propagate action potentials along its length
- takes information out
axon hillock
- axon arises from soma
- free of nissl bodies
axon initial segment
- specialized area commonly the site of action potential initiation
presynaptic terminals
- place where neuronal output occurs
- axon ends
- form synapses with other neurons or cells
- excitatory or inhibitory response or stimulus
nervous system
- extended network of neurons
- sensory functions, integrate arriving signals, generate nerve impulse, transmit signals
- central and peripheral nervous system
- fine rapid movements of discrete muscles
neuron types
- afferent = relay sensory signals to integrative centers of CNS
- efferent = relay control signals from CNS to target cells
- interneurons = entirely within CNS
- motor = outgoing axons exit the CNS and innervate muscle interneruons synaptically excite
endocrine cells
- signals broadly distributed
- release hormones into blood
- receptor proteins to elicit specific response
- target cells = certain tissues or organs that respond
- slow and broadcast
- simple, stereotyped behavioral response to distinct stimulus
neuron classification
- classified according to number of processes
- unipolar, bipolar, mutlipolar
- unipolar - CNS, bipolar - sensory, multipolar - CNS vertebrates
- classified according to number of processes
- unipolar, bipolar, mutlipolar
- unipolar - CNS, bipolar - sensory, multipolar - CNS vertebrates
- 3 or more processes
- most common in humans in CNS
- purkinje cells and pyramidal cells
- 2 processes = axon and dendrites
- rare in humans but may occur as receptor cells
- olfactory and retinal cells
- also called pseudounipolar
- chiefly in ganglia
- single short process
- divides into a T process
- peripheral process associated with sensory central processes enters CNS
- multiple wrappings of insulating glial cells membrane that increase speed of transmission
transport mechanism
- ATP dependent motors
- kinesin = + end directed (anterograde)
- dynein = - end directed (retrograde)
- microtubule binding domain, cargo domain, body domain
- run inside axons
- ATP dependent motors
- kinesin = + end directed (anterograde)
- dynein = - end directed (retrograde)
- microtubule binding domain, cargo domain, body domain
- run inside axons
- toward axonal terminal
- neurotransmitters, mitochondria, cytoskeletal elements, and etc.
- kinesin is motor
- toward perikaryon
- organelles returned for degradation and intracellular communication
- dynein is motor
neuroglial cells
- supporting cells of nervous system
- also called glial cells
- take care of and support neurons
- Schwann cells
- olgiodendrocytes
- CNS has multiple axons
Schwann cells
- support axon in PNS
- 1mm allows action potential to move without losing voltage
- unmyelinated = wrapped a few times, multiple axon per cell
- myelinated = wrapped multiple times, 1 axon per cell
- wrap around multiple glial cells
microglial cells
- mediate immune responses in neural tissue and may act as phagocytes
- detect bacteria like white cells
- main resident immunological cells of CNS
- derived from nervous tissue
- line outer surfaces of capillaries in CNS and act as metabolic intermediates
- take up NT from extracellular space
- supply metabolic substrates to neurons
- star shaped glial cells
- majority of cell types in CNS
- regulate ionic conditions in intracellular space
- uptake and/or breakdown some NT
- formation of blood-brain-barrier
- place direct role in signaling the brain = regulate function of neurons
- important in cellular basis of learning
- foot processes against blood vessels
- myelin producing cells of CNS
- myelinate multiple neurons
ependymal cells
- line ventricle of brain
- cubodial and often have cilia
- produce cerebrospinal fluid
- atoms or molecules that bear a net charge because they have unequal numbers of protons or electrons
- net movement of charge
- separation of positive and negative electrical charges
- potential difference = does work when currents flow
- electrical potential difference
- limits current flow
- degree object opposes electrical current
- function of both physical geometry and resistivity
- charged stored per unit of voltage
- ability for body to hold electrical charge
- greater it is = more ions the membrane can separate and store
circuit of cells
- inside and outside are aqueous solutions
- ions aren't free electrons
- voltage occurs because ion difference separated by phospholipid membrane
- ions carry current
- lipid bilayer = dielectric layer of capacitor, separate charge
- resistance = ion channel
transmembrane potential
- electrical potentials observed in the cell membrane
- directly determines electrical properties
passive electrical properties
- passive response = electrical properties don't change
- resistance = lipid bilayer impermeable to ions
- capacitance = insulating properties of bilayer
- govern how voltages change over time and space along axon
resting membrane potential
- potential difference across the axon membrane
- dependent selective permeability
- electrogenic pump
- diffusion potential
- Donnon equilibrium
membrane resistance
- restricts current flow across axon membrane
- decrease in absolute value of membrane potential toward zero = less negative
- increase in absolute value of membrane potential away from zero = more negative
membrane behaves like resistor and capacitor in parallel
- capacitor = blocks ion exchange and allow charge accumulation
- resistor = allows ions to flow across
- current redistributes charge and then flows through
- slows change in voltage on membrane = increase if resistance or capacitance increase
passive spread
- decremental spread
- electronic conduction
- voltage change decrease exponentially with distance from source
Nernst equation
- relation between concentration difference of permeating ion across a membrane and membrane potential at equilibrium
- large concentration difference = larger membrane potential
- based on model that treats ions as ideal gas
- driven by electrogenic gradient
- gradient represents 2 influence = voltage gradient and concentration gradient
- voltage gradient = concentration gradient - Donnan equilibrium
- one ion at a time
equilibrium potential
- electrical force holding ion inside is balanced by chemical force for ion diffusion out
sodium potassium ATPase pump
- active transport = sodium out and potassium in
- every cell has one
- ATP energy for pumping
- ratio of sodium and potassium = 3:2
- active transport = sodium out and potassium in
- every cell has one
- ATP energy for pumping
- ratio of sodium and potassium = 3:2
Donnan equilibrium
- passive equilibrium despite strikingly unequal concentrations
- nonpermeating anions inside can lead to unequal concentrations across membrane of permeating ions
- electrochemical gradient equilibrium = 2 solutions separated by membrane permeable to only some ions in solution
- magnitude can be calculated using Nerst equation
ionic hypothesis
- concentrations of ions inside and outside cell are maintained in steady state by mixture of active transport and passive transport
- determine resting membrane potential
2 kinds of active ion transport mechanisms
- electroneutral pump
- electrogenic pump
electroneutral pump
- transport equal quantities of charge inward and outward across membrane and thus changes ion concentrations without generating current
electrogenic pump
- transports unequal quantities of charges inward and outward across membrane and thus generates a net current
- changes concentration to offset passive leaks
- alters resting membrane potential directly via the pump current
excitable cells
- ability to generate electrical signals
- neurons, muscle fibers, and a few others
- electrical signal = action potential
diffusion potential
- ion mobility
- not all ions mobile in membrane
- experience frictional force
- magnitude frictional force dependent on size
- absolute ion mobility = average voltage in electric field
- smaller radius have decrease mobility because hydration layer
permeabilities and ion channels
- potassium leakage channels allow potassium to diffuse across membrane and remain open throughout action potential
- stimulus depolarizes membrane past threshold = voltage gated sodium channels open
- sodium rushes in driving membrane potential toward inside positive = cause depolarization and polarity reversal at riding
- falling phase results from two changes in membrane permeability to ions = first opening sodium channels in membrane permeability and second potassium channels open increasing permeability to potassium
- inactivation = abruptly decreases permeability to Na
- at conclusion = highly permeable to K producing characteristic undershoot and Na recover from inactivation
ionic permeability
- plasma membranes selectively permeable
- sodium, calcium, chloride is very low
- potassium is high
- permeability due to molecular weight, hydration layer, charge
2 types of Na channels
- transient
- persistent
transient Na channel
- inactivated by tetrodotoxin in puffer fish or saxitoxin in red marine dinoflagellates
- once activate = automatically inactive
- rectified = resistance and conductance vary with voltage
- depolarization in action potential
- 3 conformations = open, closed, inactive
- rapidly activating and inactivating
- mediates action potential in rising phase
persistent Na channel
- noninactivating
- enhances depolarization
molecular structure of Na channels
- sequence homology = evolved from common ancestral peptide
- 4 domains containing 6 membrane spanning segments
- aqueous channel pore
- voltage sensor
- P loop
- cytoplasmic loop
- voltage dependent conformational change
- major alpha protein forms channel
- single polypeptide chain
4 domains contain 6 membrane spanning segments
- contain predominantly hydrophobic AA side chains that can form alpha helices and cross lipid bilayer of membrane
voltage sensor
- membrane spanning segment 4
- charged and close to membrane
- collection positively charged AA
- rotates and slides outward in depolarization
P loop
- connect segment 5 and 6
- helps mediate ion selectivity
- lines pore of ion channel
cytoplasmic loop
- between domain 3 and 4
- mediate inactivation of Na channel
- block channel from cytoplasmic side = ball on a string
Hodgkin cycle
- positive feedback leads to depolarization
- threshold = high enough decrease in membrane potential for all Na channels to open
- more that open = more that open
- describes effects of depolarizing an excitable membrane in which permeability to Na is
- positive feedback leads to depolarization
- threshold = high enough decrease in membrane potential for all Na channels to open
- more that open = more that open
- describes effects of depolarizing an excitable membrane in which permeability to Na is voltage dependent
- only rising phase of action potential
3 processes of Hodgkin cycle
- opening voltage gated Na channels increase PNa
- increased Na flow
- further membrane depolarization
calcium channels
- 4 domains with 6 membrane spanning segments
- P loop
- voltage selector
4 types of calcium channels
- low threshold
- high threshold
- rapidly inactivating
- purkinje cells
low threshold
- transient
- rapidly inactivating
- threshold negative to 65mV
- involved in cardiac pacemaker activity, growth regulation, and trigger contraction
- low abundance in myocardium
- not sensitive to calcium blockers
high threshold
- long lasting large sustained conductance
- slowly inactivating
- threshold about -20mV
- activated by strong depolarization
- underlies Ca spikes of dendrites
- synaptic transmitter release in skeletal muscle, brain, and cardiovascular
- responsible for plateau phase = slow inward current
- trigger release of internal calcium
- regulated by cAMP dependent protein kinase
- sensitive to Ca blockers
rapidly inactivating
- neural type
- activated by strong depolarization
- threshold -20mV
- presynaptic terminals and involved in NT release from presynaptic cell
- not sensitive to Ca blockers
purkinje cells
- activated by strong depolarization
- slow inactivation
- transmitter release from purkinje cells
- found in purkinje fibers in electrical conduction system of heart
potassium channels
- multiple types
- 4 identical domains each consisting of 6 membrane spanning regions
- P loop and voltage selector
- tryptoptian and tyrosine form cuff around a pore = pull pore opening
- selectivity filter = glycine, tyrosine, glycine residues
delayed rectifying channel
- potassium channel
- voltage gated/dependent = rectified
- activated by strong depolarization
- delayed activation and slow inactivation
- mediates action potential repolarization
leaky K channels
- involved in action potential
- contribute to resting potential
inward rectifying channel
- nonconducting at + potentials
- allows K to flow into cell
- depolarizing current that is activated by hyperpolarization
- dependent on interaction with phospatdinositol 4,5 biophosphate
- contributes to cell excitability = rhythmic spiking, burst activity
- cardiac muscle, frog skeletal muscle, starfish egg
calcium activated
- activated by increase in Ca concentration
- mediates action potential repolarization and interspike interval
- long hyperpolarized period
- burst firing due to calcium influx
- fast transient
- inactivated channel
- sensory organs
- encode sustained depolarizing stimuli into rate of action potential
- delays onset of firing = lengthens interspike interval
chloride channels
- plasma membrane and vesicles
- stabilize membrane potential = depolarization in smooth muscle
- some rectified but many aren't
action potential
- momentary reversal of membrane potential from inside negative to inside positive
- voltage dependent = ion channels produce action potentials that are voltage gated
- inactive Na channels allow unidirectional flow down an axon
- K slow to close = dro
- momentary reversal of membrane potential from inside negative to inside positive
- voltage dependent = ion channels produce action potentials that are voltage gated
- inactive Na channels allow unidirectional flow down an axon
- K slow to close = drop below membrane potential
- all or none
- strength duration relationship = length and strength of stimulus determine if you will get past threshold
- triggered by any depolarization of membrane that reaches a critical value of depolarization = voltage threshold
- conduction without decrement = continue with no decrease in voltage
- can't summate
action potential results from...
- intense, localized increase in permeabilites to specific ions
- voltage and time dependent
- selective = first sodium and then potassium
all or none
- depolarization below threshold doesn't generate an action potential but all suprathreshold depolarization produce a complete impulse of like amplitude and duration
- minimum current that will produce a response
lactency period
- period before you have measurable action potential
- adjusts to slowly increasing strength of stimulus
- reduction in sensitivity and action potential generation in presence of constant stimulus
refractory period
- prevent reexcitation and bidirection propagation
- increased permeability to K doesn't decrease to resting levels until after repolarization
absolute refractory period
- period from initiation to immediately after the peak
- another action potential can't be generated for 1ms
- inactivation of Na channels resists until membrane potential returns near its negative resting state
relative refractory period
- period during a stronger than normal stimulus needed in order to elicit action potential after Na recover from inactivity
- generate for a few ms longer
- increase Pk also renders membrane refractory because it represents decreased membrane resistance
cardiac muscle action potential
- longer duration and a plateau
- Ca channels open in rise and cause plateau when K channels open
- longer duration and a plateau
- Ca channels open in rise and cause plateau when K channels open
nonspiking neurons
- don't generate sharp "spikes" of action potential
- produce graded membrane - potential changes
- substantially lack voltage gated Na channels
- compact cells with short axons
- photoreceptors, bipolar cells, horizontal cells
- conduction velocity of an action potential depends on axon diameter, myelination, and temperature
axon diameter
- larger diameter conduct more rapidly than small diameter
- conduction velocity increases with axon diameter = longer length constant and thus more distant spread local currents
- membrane surface increase proportionally with axon diameter increase
- axoplasmic resistance decreases proportionally with increase cross sectional area of cytoplasm
- larger axons have lower resistance
- allow very high conduction velocities with relatively small axon diameters
- saltatory conduction = action potential jumps from node to node without active propagation in the internode
- increase membrane resistance
- decrease membrane capacitance
- greatly increase conduction velocity by increasing axon length constant without increasing time constant
- vertebrates have substantial numbers
- increase speeds gating channels
- increase = conduction increase