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73 Cards in this Set

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Nervous System

- Master controlling and communicating system of the body

1. Sensory Input

2. Integration

3. Motor Output

3 Overlapping functions of the Nervous System

Sensory Input

- Nervous system uses it millions of sensory receptors to monitor changes occurring both inside and outside the body

- The gathered information is called?


- The nervous system processes and interprets sensory input and decides what should be done at each moment - a process called what?

Motor Output

- The nervous system activates effector organs such as the muscles and glands to cause a response, called the?

Central Nervous System

- Consists of the brain and spinal cord

- Integrating and control center of the nervous system

- Interprets sensory input and dictates motor output based on reflexes, current conditions and past experience

- Tracts (bundle of axons)

- Nuclei (collection of nerve cell bodies)

Peripheral Nervous System

- Consists mainly of nerves (bundles of axons) that extend from the brain and spinal cord, and ganglia (collections of neuron cell bodies)

- Cranial and spinal nerves carry impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord

Sensory (Afferent = "carrying toward")

Motor (Efferent = "carrying away")

PNS 2 Functional Subdivisions

Sensory Afferent Division

- Consist of nerve fibers (Axons) that convey impulses to the central nervous system from sensory receptors located throughout the body

- Somatic: Convey impulses from the skin, skeletal muscles and joints

- Visceral: Transmit impulses from the visceral organs (organs within the ventral body cavity)

Motor Efferent Division

- Transmits impulses from the CNS to effector organs, which are the muscles and glands, and activates them to contract or secrete

- Two main parts called the somatic and autonomic/visceral nervous system

Somatic nervous System

- Composed of somatic motor nerve fibers that conduct impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles

- Cell bodies are located in the CNS

- Voluntary

Automatic nervous System

- Consists of visceral motor nerve fibers that regulate the activity of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and glands

- Involuntary

- Two function subdivisions called the sympathetic and parasympathetic division


- AKA associated neurons, lie between motor and sensory neurons in neural pathways and shuttle signals through CNS pathways where integration occurs

- Multipolar


- Supporting cells that surround and wrap the more delicate neurons

- Darker stained nuclei, small, out number neurons by 10 to 1


- Nerve cells that are exciteable (responsive to stimuli) and transmit electrical signals

- Can have more than one nucleolus to form more ribosomes

- Processes called dendrites

- Rough ER like organelle called Nissl bodies

- Synaptic terminals or bulbs at the end of the axon is where neurotransmitters are stored.



Central Nervous System

What is the collection of cell bodies called?

The bundle of axons?



Peripheral Nervous System
What is the collection of cell bodies called?
The bundle of axons?

Brain of the Central Nervous System

Gray Matter: Outer layer (Cortex) Consist of Nuclei

White Matter: Deeper, whiter layer, consists of tracts.

Describes what part of the CNS?

Spinal Cord of the Central Nervous System

White Matter: Outer lighter layer. Tracts.

Gray Matter: Inner darker layer. Nuclei.

Describes what part of the CNS?

Cell Body

Can also be called soma, perikaryon

- Contains a very conspicuous nucleolus


- Phospholipid covering

- Speeds up impulses/action potential

- Insulates axons

- Made by oligodendrocytes in the CNS and Schwann Cells in the PNS.




3 Functions of Neurons




3 Types (Shapes) of Neurons

Multipolar Neurons

- Most common type of neuron shape

- Major type in CNS, interneurons

- Motor neurons of PNS

Bipolar Neurons

- neuron shape Found in neurons of the Retina, olfactory cells, inner ear

- Almost always sensory afferent ganglia of PNS


- Shape of neuron

- Always sensory information, found in the spinal cord


Microglial Cells

Ependymal Cells


4 Types of Neuroglia in the Central Nervous System


- Most abundant and versatile star-shaped glial cells and perivascular feet

- The feet surround blood capillaries in the brain and form a tight seal called the blood-brain barrier

- Numerous radiating processes

- Support and brace the neurons and anchor them to their nutrient supply lines


- Small macrophages derived from white blood cells called monocytes

- Phagocytize dead nervous tissue

Ependymal Cells

- Line the internal cavities of brain (ventricles) and spinal cord's central canal

- Secrete cerebro-spinal fluid: fluid that bathes the CNS

- Cuboidal columnar cells with cilia to help circulate the cerebro-spinal fluid

- Carries electrolytes and nutrient


- Produces the myelin sheath in axons in the CNS

- One cell wraps segments of several axons and make several myelin sheaths at a time

Astrocytes receive oxygen and nutrients from blood but prevents hemorrhage with the blood brain barrier. Hemoglobin is toxic to the brain.

Why is the astrocyte so important?

Schwann Cell

Satellite Cell

2 Types of Neuroglia in PNS

Schwann Cell

- Produces the myelin sheath for the PNS by winding around the axon several times

- The outermost thickest coil of the sheath contains most of the cytoplasm and is called a Neurilemma

- Assist in regeneration of nerve fibers (axons)

Satellite Cell

- Surround and supports the main neuron in the PNS

Nodes of Ranvier

- Production of myelin in CNS and PNS is laid down in segments

- Areas of axon between the segments not covered by the myelin sheath

- Allow very quick conduction action potential


- Segments covered by myelin sheath on the axon of the neuron


- Nucleated cytoplasmic layer of the Schwann cell

- Outermost thickest coil of the sheath contains most of the cytoplasm

- Assist in regeneration of nerve fibers (axons)

Multiple Sclerosis

- Myelin sheaths & oligodendrocytes in CNS degenerate

- Autoimmune disorder

- Blindness, speech deficits, tremors and numbness

Leakage/Nongated channels

Gated channels

Two types of Membrane Channels

Voltate Gated Channels

Chemically Gated Channels

Mechanically Gated Channels

3 Types of Gated Channels

Voltage Gated Channels

- Open and close in response to changes in the membrane potential


Chemically Gated Channels

- Known as 'ligand-gated channels,' open when the appropriate neurotransmitter binds

Mechanically Gated Channels

- Open in response to physical deformation of the sensory receptor

Resting Membrane Potential

- Potential difference across the membrane in a resting neuron (Vr), between the extracellular fluid (sodium) and within the neuron (potassium and negative proteins)

- Means the membrane is polarized

- Approximately -70mv

- Differences in the ionic composition of the intracellular and extracellular fluids

- Differences in the permeability of the plasma membrane to those ions

- Two factors generating the resting membrane potential

Action Potential

Neurons use changes in their membrane potential as signals to receive, integrate and send information. Changes in membrane potential can produce an _____________________ ______________________________________, long distance signal of axons.

- Brief reversal of membrane reversal with a total amplitude of about 100 mV

- Called nerve impulse in a neuron, generated only in axons


- Decrease in membrane potential, inside of membrane becomes less negative than resting potential

- Na+ into cell through gated sodium gates

- Occurs when a stimulus binds to receptors on neuron

- Receptors are Ligand or Mechanically gated sodium gates

- Approximately -55 to -60mv threshold, then goes to +30mv when more Na+ chemical gates open, allowing Na+ in


- K+ out of the cell

- K+ gates open slower than Na+ gates, open when depolarization of the membrane has peaked

- Outflow of K+ brings inside of membrane back to negative numbers

- K+ gates stay open longer than Na+ gates, so more K+ out than Na+ in, so membrane potential initially drops to more negative than Resting Potential (Undershoot)

- Approximately -80mv


- Approximately -55mv

- When depolarization reaches a critical level, becomes self-generating, urged on by positive feedback

- Na+ enters, and more channels open until all Na+ channels open

Resting State:

- All gated Na+ and K+ channels are closed

- Only leakage channels open, maintaining resting membrane potential

What stage of generating action potential? (1-4)


- Na+ channels open

- Na+ rushed into cell, reaching threshold (-55mv), becomes self-generating and opens more Na+ channels

- Overshoots to about +30mv

- This spike of action gives the action potential

What stage of generating action potential? (1-4)


- Na+ channels are inactivating, and K+ channels open

- Abrupt decline in Na+ permeability and increased permeability to K+

What stage of generating action potential? (1-4)


- Some K+ channels remain open, and Na+ channels reset

- Excessive K+ before closing cause overshoot of repolarization

- Approximately -80mv

Saltatory Conduction

- Type of conduction where the electrical signal appears to jump from gap to gap along the axon

- 30 times faster than continuous conduction

Continuous Conduction

- Action potential propagation involving nonmyelinated axons, these channels are immediately adjacent to each other

- Relative slow conduction

Chemical Synapses

Most common type of synapse

- Specialized to allow the release and reception of chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters

- Presynaptic: Made up of a knoblike axon terminal, containing synaptic vesicles, and each of these containing neurotransmitters

- Postsynaptic: Receptor region usually located on a dendrite or cell body

Information Transfer across Chemical Synapses

- Action potential arrives at presynaptic axon terminal

- Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open and allows entrace into axon terminal because of depolarization

- Ca2+ entry allows release of neurotransmitters by exocytosis

- Neurotransmitter diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds to specific receptors on postsynaptic membrane

- Binding of neurotransmitter opens channels, creating graded potentials

- Empty vesicles recycle back to presynaptic knob to be reused

Axon Hillock

- Decision making

- Interprets all of the information coming from the presynaptic neurons

Excitatory postsynaptic potentials

- Instead of action potentials, local graded depolarization events occur at the ___________ postsynaptic membrane

- Help trigger action potential distally at the axon hillock of the postsynaptic neuron

Inhibitory Postsynaptic potentials

- Open K+ and Cl- channels to hyperpolarize postsynaptic membrane

Temporal Summation of the Postsynaptic Neuron

- Occurs when one or more presynaptic neurons transmit impulses in rapid-fire order and bursts of neurotransmitters are released in quick succession

- First impulse produces small EPSP, and before it dissipates, successive impulses trigger more EPSPs

- Cause postsynaptic membrane depolarization to reach threshold

Spatial Summation of the Postsynaptic Neuron

- Occurs when the postsynaptic neuron is stimulated simultaneously by a large number of terminals

- Dramatically enhances depolarization to reach threshold


- Released at vertebrae neuromuscular junctions in both CNS and PNS

- Excitatory neurotransmitter

- Decrease in Alzheimer's disease



2 Types of Amino Acid derivatives Neurotransmitters


- Principal Inhibitory in CNS, brain

- Secreted in invertebrate neuromuscular junction


- Excitatory in CNS, brain

- Secreted in invertebrate neuromuscular junction

- "Stroke Neurotransmitter": excessive release produce excitotoxicity, stimulation to death


- Fine motor muscle control, often inhibitory but can be excitatory too

- In both PNS and CNS, "feel good" neurotransmitter

- Deficient in Parkinson's disease


- Inhibitory in CNS, plays a role in sleep, regulating mood

Gases Nitric Oxide

- Blood vessel dilation to relax smooth muscle

- Can be excitatory or inhibitory in CNS and PNS


- Endorphins

- Enkephalins

- Inhibitory in CNS

- Inhibit pain, "pain killers"

(2 Types)

Graded Potential

- Located in cell body and dendrites

- Travels short distance to axon hillock

- Various amplitudes; decays with distance

- Chemical or sensory stimulus

- Repolarization is voltage independent, when stimulus no longer present

- Temporal and Spatial Summation

- Excitatory EPSP or Inhibitory IPSP functions

- Depolarization toward 0mv or hyperpolarizes toward -90 mv

Action Potential

- Located from axon hillock to axon

- Travels long distance across axon

- Same amplitude; no decaying with distance

- Stimulus by voltage (Reaching threshold)

- Repolarization is voltage regulated

- All-or-none

- Function is to constitute nerve impulse

- Peak membrane potential +30 to +50 mv