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49 Cards in this Set

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Muscles that fibers run parallel to long axis. Example is biceps brachii
Parallel Muscle
Muscles based over broad area, but all fibers come together at common attachment. Example is trapezius
Convergent Muscle
Muscles the form common angle with attachment. Example is rectus femoris and deltoid
Pennate Muscle
One side type of pennate muscle
Two sides type of pennate muscle
Three sides type of pennate muscle
Example is orbicularis oculi & oris
Circular Muscle
Muscle responsible for the primary movement. Example prime mover for elbow flexion is bicep
Muscles that oppose the primary mover. Example of antagonist for elbow flexion is tricep
Many muscles produce one action
O. I. A. of orbicularis oris
O. Maxilla and mandible
I. Skin around angle of mouth
A. Compresses & purses lips
O. I. A. of buccinator
O. Maxilla and mandible
I. Orbicularis oris around angle of mouth
A. Drew angle of mouth laterally
A. of occipitofrontalis (epicranius)
Occipital belly - retracts scalp
Frontal belly - wrinkles forehead and raises eyebrows
O. I. A. of orbicularis oculi
O. Maxilla and Facial bone
I. Skin of eyelids around eyes
A. Close eyes
All muscles of facial expressio are innervated by the facial nerve _____
O. I. A. of inferior rectus
O. Sphenoid bone
I. Inferior, medial surface of eyeball
A. Eye looks down
O. I. A. of medial rectus
O. Sphenoid bone
I. Medial surface of eyeball
A. Eye looks medially
O. I. A. of superior rectus
O. Sphenoid bone
I. Superior surface of eyeball
A. Eye looks up
O. I. A. of lateral rectus
O. Sphenoid bone
I. Lateral surface of eyeball
A. Eye looks to the side
O. I. A. of inferior oblique
O. Maxillary bone
I. Inferior, lateral surface of eyeball
A. Eye rolls, looks up and to the side
O. I. A. of superior oblique
O. Sphenoid bone
I. Superior, lateral surface of eyeball
A. eye rolls, looks down and to the side
O. I. A. of masseter
O. Zygomatic arch
I. Mandible
A. Elevates mandible and closes the jaws
O. I. A. of temporalis
O. Along temporalis lines of skull
I. Mandible
A. Elevates mandible
O. I. A. pterygolds (medial and lateral)
O. Lateral pterygold plate
I. Mandible
A. (Medial) Elevates mandible and closes jaws, or performs lateral excurions
(Lateral) Opens jaws protrudes mandible, or performs lateral excursion
O. I. A. of sternocleidomastoid
O. Sternum and clavicle
I. Mastoid process
A. (if only one) rotation opposite side
(if both) flexion of neck
O. I. A. of external intercostals
O. inferior border of rib above
I. Superior border of rib below
A. Elevates the ribs, inhalation
O. I. A. of internal intercostals
O. Superior border of rib below
I. Inferior border of rib above
A. Depress ribs, exhalation
O. I. A. of diaphragm
O. Posterior surface of xiphoid process, last 6 ribs and anterior surface of lumbar vertebrae
I. Central tendon
A. prime mover of inhalation
O. I. A. of rectus abdominis
O. Superior surface of pubis around symphysis
I. Inferior surfaces of costal cartilage (ribs 5-7) and xiphoid process
A. Depresses ribs, flexes vertebral column
O. I. A. of trapezius
O. Occiput & thoracic
I. Scapula & clavicle
A. Extends the neck
O. I. A. of latissimus dorsi
O. lower 6 thoracic and all lumbar
I. Humerus intertubercular groove
A. prime extender of humerus, adducts and medially rotate, extension
O. I. A. of pectoralis major
O. Clavicle, sternum and 1-6 ribs
I. humerus intertubercular groove
A. Prime flexor of humerus, adduct and medially rotate, flexion
O. I. A. of deltoid
O. Clavicle and spine of scapula
I. Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A. (interior) flexion, (posterior) extension and (main action - whole muscle) abduction
O. I. A. of biceps brachii
O. Short head from the coracoid process; long head from the supraglenoid tubercle
I. Tuberosity of radius
A. Flexion at elbow and shoulder, supination
O. I. A. of brachialis
O. Anterior, distal surface of humerus
I. Tuberosity of ulna
A. Flexion of elbow
O. I. A. of brachioradialis
O. Ridge superior to the lateral epicondyle of humerus
I. Lateral aspect of styloid process of radius
A. Flexion at elbow
O. I. A. of triceps brachii lateral head
O.Superior lateral margin of humerus
I. Olecranon of ulna
A. Extension at elbow
O. I. A. of triceps brachii long head
O. Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
I. Olecranon of ulna
A. Extension of elbow plus extension and adduction at the shoulder
Any muscle with ______ indicates thumb muscle.
Any muscle with _______ indicates little finger muscle.
O. I. A. of adductor brevis
O. Inferior ramus of pubis
I. Linea aspera of femur
A. Adduction, flexion and medial rotation at hip
O. I. A. of adductor longus
O. Inferior ramus of pubis anterior to adductor brevis
I. Linea aspera of femur
A. Adduction, flexion, and medial rotation at hip
O. I. A. of adductor magnus
O. Inferior ramus of pubis posterior to adductor brevis and ischial tuberosity
I. Linea aspera and adductor tubercle of femur
A. Adduction at hip superior part produces flexion and medial rotation; interior part produce extension and lateral rotation
O. I. A. of pectineus
O. Superior ramus of pubis
I. Pectineal line inferior to lesser trochanter of femur
A. Flexion, medial rotation, and adduction at hip
O. I. A. of gracilis
O. Inferior ramus of pubis
I. Medial surface of tibia inferior to medial condyle
A. Flexion at knee; adduction and medial rotation at hip
O. I. A. of sartorius
O. Anterior suprior iliac spine
I. Medial surface of tibia near tibial tuberosity
A. Flexion at knee; flexion and lateral rotation at hip
O. I. A. of fibularis longus
O. Lateral condyle of tibia, head and proximal shaft of fibula
I. Base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneform bone
A. Eversion of foot and extension at ankle; supports longitudinal arch
______ indicates action in toes.
_____ indicates big toe.