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33 Cards in this Set

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Spearman studied the relationships between scores on several types of mental tests to develop a theory of intelligence. This approach is known as the __________ ______.
Psychometric Approach
Thurstone's theory of primary mental abilities suggests the primary mental abilities are fairly ___________ _______.
independent abilities
Fluid intelligence is best described as what?
the natural ability to solve problems and reason.
Spearman's two-factor theory of intelligence proposes what two things?
general intelligence and specific abilities.
In Sternberg's triarchic theory,which type of intelligence best predicts performance on traditional intelligence tests?
When Dr. Askew gave her new personality test to a group of people on three separate occasions, she found that the scores were very similar each time, this suggests the test is _______.
Eve didn't go to college and she was never trained to run a business, but with experience she developed great management skills and understands how to make a business prosper. Eve would score well on a test of ______ _________.
Tacit Knowledge
Daria is 10 and scored as well as the average 8-year-old. Terman would compute her IQ score to be ____.
Dr. Fort is comparing an 8-year-old's intelligence test score to the average score of 8-year-olds. Dr. Fort is determining the _________ of the IQ score.
To evaluate the construct validity of a new test for depression, a psychologist might check to see if its scores tend to do what?
vary the way an accepted theory of depression would predict.
Most psychologists would agree that the most widely used intelligence tests have good ________ _______ for academic performance?
Predictive validity
Most psychologists agree that a reliable assessment of intelligence can't be obtained until the person is ___ to _____ years old.
four to seven
Although some researchers give heritability estimates of 70%, the most common estimate is approximately ___%.
Although Winner has reported contradictory finding, most research suggests that gifted children are _______ _____.
emotionally stable
The idea of emotional intelligence is most similar to Gardner's ________ _________.
interpersonal intelligence
The Mozart effect most likely is due to improved _____ or _____.
mood or arousal
When people take several very different mental abilities tests, their scores across tests are often similar or positively correlated. This best supports Spearman's ________________________.
Two-factor theory of intelligence
How do most modern psychologists perceive the concept of general intelligence?
It is at the top of hierarchy of factors that are involved in intelligence.
Holly graduated last in her law school class, but she is the first in her class to make partner in a big firm. Her success was due to her ability to evaluate how things work in the firm and to adapt her behavior accordingly. According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, Holly is probably high in ________ ________.
Practical Intelligence
The Psychology subject test required by some graduate schools tests a person's knowledge of psychology. This test is an example of an _________ ____.
achievement test
Using deviation IQ is preferred today because it avoids what?
problems created by using mental age to compute IQ
To allow fair comparisons of scores across individuals, a test must be __________.
Mike is a skilled therapist, partly because he is very good at perceiving his clients' moods; temperaments, and motivations. Based on this, we should expect him to score high in ___________ _________.
interpersonal intelligence
Although Terman's study found general benefits of being gifted, recent research has suggested increased emotional problems and social isolation for a subgroup of the gifted population. This subgroup is primarily the _______ _______.
profoundly gifted (IQ > 180)
The most popular intelligence tests include exercises of several types in an attempt to test the different aspects of intelligence. This broad approach should increase the test's ________ ________.
content validity
Binet's intelligence test originally was intended to do what?
identify children who would not do well in standard schools.
Research shows that children identified as smart get more respect from teachers and are given more educational opportunities than other children. This difference in how they are treated is an example of the _______ _______.
labeling effect
Jess can think of many new and useful ways to use duct tape. Jess probably would score high on a test of ________.
African Americans perform worse when they believe they are taking an intelligence test than when they think the test has some other purpose. this has been explained in terms of ________ _______.
Stereotype threat
Suppose the IQ scores of fraternal twins raised together. This would support what?
a strong environmental determinant of intelligence
During adulthood, fluid intelligence usually ______, and crystalized intelligence _______.
decreases, stays the same or increases.
Most psychologists believe that intelligence is determined by a significant interaction of _______ and ________.
genetics and environment
Girls from schools with “Females Count,” a program that combats negative perceptions about the math abilities of females, reported greater confidence and less nervousness prior to taking the math portion of a standardized exam than did girls from schools without that program. The girls from “Females Count” schools also scored 10 points higher than the other girls. If the girls’ different perceptions are the important factor here, this illustrates the impact of
_______ ________.
stereotype threat