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85 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is an example of a direct democracy?
New England Town Meetings
Popular sovereignty is:
The concept that ultimate political authority is based on the will of the people
___is one of our most prized liberties, because democracy could not endure with out it.
Freedom of speech
The institution in which decisions are made that resolve conflicts or allocates benefits and privileges is known as:
Totalitarianism means:
The Government controls all aspects of the political and social life of a nation
The right and power of a government to enforce its decisions and compel obedience is known as:
Oldest purpose of government is:
Maintaining order by protecting members of society from violence and criminal activities
The political groups that people organize into:
Usually are intended to influence the system and affect changes in public policy
The government should do what the majority of the people want
The theory that politics involves conflict among interest groups using bargaining and compromise is know as:
The absence of any form of government or political authority.
Rule by the "best", in reality, rule by an upper class
A type of regime in which only the government is fully controlled by the ruler. Social and economic institutions exist that are not under the government's control
An economic system characterized by the private ownership of wealth-creating assets, free markets, and freedom of contract
A revolutionary variant of socialism that favors a partisan (and often totalitarian) dictatorship, government control of all enterprises, and the replacement of free markets by central planning
Constant of People
The idea that governments and laws derive their legitimacy from the constant of the governed
A set of belief that includes a limited vote for the national government in helping individuals, support for traditional values and lifestyles, and a cautious response to change
A system of government in which political authority is vested in the people. Derived from the Greek word "demos" -- the people; and "kratos" -- authority
Democratic Republic
A republic in which representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies
Direct Democracy
A system of government in which political decisions are made by the people directly, rather than by their elected representatives; probably attained most easily in small political communities
Dominant Culture
The values, customs, and language established by the group or groups that traditionally have controlled politics and government in a society
Elite Theory
A perspective holding that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further self-interest
Eminent Domain
A power set forth in the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution that allows government to take private property for public use under the condition that just compensation is offered to the landowner
As a political value; all people are of equal worth
A 20th century ideology often totalitarian that exalts the national collective united behind an absolute ruler. Fascism rejects liberal individualism values action over rational deliberation and glorifies war
Someone who can claim a heritage from a Spanish speaking country (other than Spain). The term is used only in the US or other countries that receive immigrants. Spanish speaking countries do not normally apply the term to themselves
A comprehensive set of beliefs about the nature of people and about the role of an institution or government
A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment
An ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society
A governmental body primarily responsible for the making of laws
Popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority
A set of beliefs that includes the advocacy of positive government action to improve the welfare of an individual, support for civil rights, and tolerance for political and social change
A political ideology based on skepticism or opposition toward almost all government activities
The greatest freedom of individuals that is consistent with the freedom of other individuals in the society
Limited Government
The principle that the powers of government should be limited, usually be institutional checks
More than 50%
Majority rule
A basic principle of democracy asserting that the greatest number of citizens in any political unit should select officials and determine policies
Rule by few in their own interest
A state of peace and security. Maintaining order by protecting members of society from violence and criminal activity is the oldest purpose of government
Political Culture
The collection of beliefs and attitudes toward government and the political process held by a community or nation
Political Socialization
The process through which individuals learn a set of political attitudes and form opinions about social issues. Families and educational systems are two of the most important forces in the political socialization process
The struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant or withhold benefits or privileges
Anything that is or maybe subject to ownership. As conceived by the political philosopher John Locke, the right to property is a natural right superior to human law. (Laws made by government)
A procedure allowing the people to vote to dismiss an elected official from the state office before his/her term had expired
An electoral device where by legislative or constitutional measures are referred by the legislature to the voters for approval or disapproval
Representative Democracy
A form of government in which representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies; may retain the monarchy in a ceremonial role
A form of government in which sovereignty rests with the people, as opposed to a King or Monarch
A political ideology based on strong support for economic and social equality. Socialists traditionally envisioned a society in which major business were taken over by the government or by an employee
Universal Suffrage
The right of all adults to vote for their representative
Politics is the struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant or withhold benefits or privileges.
Governments oldest purpose is:
Maintaining Order
The New England town meeting is an example of direct democracy.
According to the Framers of the Constitution, direct democracy was:
Dangerous, because of the likelihood that it would lead to mob rule
____is the view that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further their self-interest.
Elite Theory
is a theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups involving bargaining and compromise.
The dominant culture in the United States is characterized by:
individualism and private property
Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, the U.S government:
emphasized security over liberty.
In terms of political ideology, ______ oppose governmental regulation of personal behavior and the economy as well as attempts to promote moral values to redistribute income
According to the most recent data, people from ____ are the largest percentage of immigrants into the United States.
The Declaration of Independence:
identified the colonist' reasons for wanting independence from Britain
President Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase and President George W. Bush's decision to allow a foreign company to operate several American ports are examples of the exercise of:
inherent powers
The _____ prohibits the creation of a state-supported religion.
establishment clause
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967:
prohibits age discrimination against people without a valid occupational reason
Push polls:
give misleading information in order to persuade respondents to vote against a candidate
Interest groups attain reputation for being powerful through their willingness to formally link themselves to a specific party.
Recently, cultural issues, such as abortion and same-sex marriage, have:
increased in importance in defining the differences between the parties.
When no presidential candidate gets a majority of the vote in the Electoral College:
the election is decided by the U.S House of Representatives.
To win elections today, candidates seek to capture all of the votes of their party's supporters, majority of the independent voters, and a few votes from supporters of the other party.
Broadcast radio and television have full First Amendment protections.
The allocation of seats to each state in the U.S House of Representatives after each census is known as:
To be elected president, a candidate must receive:
a majority of the electoral college vote
The ____ is based on the selection and promotion of government employees on the basis of examinations
merit system
The Supreme Court reviews less than one-half of 1 percent of the total number of cases that are decided each year.
All of the following steps EXCEPT ____ are part of the policy making process.
policy adjustment
occur when the economy shrinks for at least six months
American isolationism came to an end with the bombing of the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor.
The first woman governor to win re-election (in 1932) was:
Ma Ferguson
The constitution of 1876 provided for all of the following, EXCEPT:
a powerful chief executive
The publication that contains rules, regulations, and notices of Texas state agencies is the:
Texas Register
A broad-based coalition with the primary purpose of winning elections is a(n):
political party
Special elections in Texas are held for all of the following purposes, EXCEPT:
confirming a governor's appointment
A role of the Texas governor NOT based on the constitution is that of:
chief of party
Probably the most controversial issue with regard to judges in Texas is that of:
campaign financing
Publicly financed schools in Texas which are exempt from most state regulations are:
charter schools
The most numerous form of local governmental in Texas and the U.S. is:
special district