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124 Cards in this Set

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________ refers to the obligation a person, group or organization assumes or the execution of authority and/or fulfillment of responsibility.


What are the five levels of accountability?

Personal, individual, team, organizational, and stakeholders

Single most important element of the accountability environment


What does HU TACK stand for?

Human skills

Tactical skills

Affective skills

Conceptual skills

Knowledge based skills

What part of HU TACK do the following skills represent? Coaches officers, counsels employees, deals with each officer as an individual, gives praise when appropriate

Human Skills

What part of HU TACK do the following skills represent? Applies appropriate techniques tailored to the problem at hand, establishes system of control, implements procedures in conformance with departmental policy, ensures that every officer is aware of the task and is oriented to its attainment

Tactical Skills

What part of HU TACK do the following skills represent? Coaches officers, deals with officers as individuals, develops rapport with officers and gives praise when appropriate.

Human Skills

What part of HU TACK do the following skills represent? Accepts responsibility, deals fairly with subordinates, performs as a role model, demonstrates quality of integrity, creates an environment based on belief in equality and the opportunity for all to exceed

Affective Skills

What part of HU TACK do the following skills represent? Assesses performance, develops and shares information, enhances and improves proficiency, makes decisions

Conceptual Skills

What part of HU TACK do the following skills represent? Interprets departmental policy, knows each officers workload, trains and develops officers, schedules officers according to organizational priorities


What is network management?

In order to become an accomplished supervisor it is important to use a flexible approach combining different approaches.

Supervisors serve as the ___________ link between line and higher management. Sergeants must translate the intentions of management into actuality.


________ thinking is a way of dealing with obstacles in a constructive manner.


By accepting the position of supervisor, one accepts the obligation of being part of the team. This is called?


What is integrity?

Ethical standard of excellence, professionalism, and commitment to the protection of constitutional rights of everyone. Management expects every supervisor to be a role model of this.

When it comes to resolving conflicts supervisors are the lead investigators. They spend an estimated ____ % (percent) of thier time resolving conflict.


Community Policing
A philosophy in which police officers work closely with community residents
What are the five characteristics of officers and supervisors operating in a community policing organization?
Risk Taking, Originality, Creativity, Individuality, Problem Solving
For community policing to work, officers and supervisors must be empowered by who to make decisions?
Chief Executive
Process Facilitation
Supervisor needs to convince officers that community engagement and problem solving are real police work
What is a way to effectively and productively address neighborhood problems and needs?
Working in partnership with community members and organizations. (Collaboration)
The four components of the modern problem solving approach
Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment



Identifying the problem



An in-depth exploration of the problem and its underlying causes



Implementing an analysis driven strategy to address the problem
Ongoing review and monitoring of the progress of the response in achieving its objectives
How to manage failure with community policing?
Engage in a course of depersonalizing the failure and judging the actual event rather then the involved individual
Communication is the __________ of an organization.

With who does first-line supervisors spend the majority of their time communicating with?


With who does first-line supervisors spend the least amount of time communicating with?
Other supervisors
When the sender of a message determines the relevancy and importance of each message
Operational Autonomy
This occurs when first line supervisors are in a position to control the amount and nature of information entering the information system
One way communcation
The communicator sends out a message, and no feedback occurs (Compliance is imperative especially during an emergency)T
Two way communication
Occurs when the receiver provides feedback to the sender. The risk is sharing authority and responsibility.
Name the two barriers to communication?
Physical and Psyschological
To ensure individual differences do not affect superior/subordinate relationships negatively, what must the supervisor do?
Focus on bringing each officer into a working relationship and stressing strengths rather than weaknesses.
Feedback should be:
Selective, specific, descriptive, issue oriented, and based on facts
Listening is an ________ process. It requires the listener to stop talking and hear what is being said.
Three components of a message contribute to the communication process. In terms of impact, only ___ percent can be accredited to actual words, ___ percent to the way it was said, and ___ percent to nonverbal facets of communication.
7, 38, 55
What are nonverbal aspects of communication?
Stance, gestures (silent language), facial expressions, other body language, and paralanguage (voice volume, tone, pitch, inflection)
Intercultural communication
Communicating with people of different cultural backgrounds
An individuals motivation to act depends on two things:
Strength of the need and believing a certain action will lead to need satisfaction

What factors determine what motivates an officer to act in a certain way in a certain situation
Internal and external factors
What are the 3 steps in the motivational cycle
Perceived need, behavioral response and goal
A mental process that produces an attitude resulting in an action leading to a result
What are the five hierarchies of needs in Maslow's theory

Physiological (food,shelter,water etc.), Security (stability in job), Social (a place in a group), Esteem (recognition for accomplishments), and Self-Actualization (creative and constructive skills put to work)

Motivators are the factors that result in ___________
Job satisfaction
Hygiene factors are _________ and relate to _________
Short lived, unhappiness
Theory X

Comparable to "carrot and stick" motivational theory

Places emphasis on control and direction

-Employees dislike work and need to be told what to do

Would apply to an Officer on probation

Theory Y

Employees will exercise self-control and self- direction

Employees react positively to work

What is valence?
The strength of an individuals desire for a particular outcome. (drive, incentive, desire)
Psychological success occurs when:

-A personal, challenging goal is set

-Methods of achieving the goal are set

-The goal is relevant to one's self concept

Expectancy Theory
-Employee is motivated to put forth effort when it will result in the attainment of desired goals.-Individual does not exclusively determine behavior, there are environmental factors

What is the most important characteristic of a well-managed department?

Positive Leadership

What is a true leader?

One who is optimistic and confronts adversity with persistence and consistency. Strives to establish a strong organizational culture.

Skills required of a first-line supervisor

Human Skills, Conceptual, Operational and Leadership

Four critical tasks that skilled leaders need to carry out in a high performance organization

Permits decisions are made at appropriate level, builds trust, empowers others and creates a vision that's communicated to everyone

Leadership as defined by the textbook

The process of influencing group activities toward the achievement of goals

Power can be extended through the following techniques

-Persuasion - Patience -Kindness - Teachableness (willing to be enlightened) -Consistency (doing whats expected of you) - Integrity (honesty and concern of others)

Sources of Power: Some come strictly from your position "POSITIONAL"

-Coercive Power (ability to administer some type of punishment, creates "fear")

-Legitimate Power (ex. directives that state employee should obey direction of supervisor)

-Reward Power (Post assignments)

Sources of Power: Some come strictly from you "PERSONAL"

-Expert Power (Expertise and knowledge learned from experience)

-Referent Power (Personality)

Behavioral Theory

Consideration: Super. uses 2 way communication and shows respect to officers ideas

Initiating Structures: objectives attained by structuring a subordinates role (deadlines and instructions giving)

Contingency Theory

Position power

Task Structure - task are enforceable, officers will not question

Personal relationships- good working relationships lead to employees who will comply

3 leadership styles that influence behavior

Consultative: show concern for officers and thier needs

Directive: dictatorial, makes decision and ensures it is implemented

Participative: consults with subordinates and involves them in decision making.

What is a group as defined by the textbook?

Two or more people who interact with and influence each other for a common purpose

What are the two factors that are important to the definition of group?

-Interaction (extensive or limited)

-Influence (individual of group will exhibit behavior influenced by group)

Through what process does an individual become indoctrinated into a police agency?

Socialization (new employee is expected to adjust to organization, not the organization to the individual). They will acquire norms, values, and specific behaviors.

What are three reasons, there has been less organizational effectiveness in promoting and reinforcing a strong and viable police identity in recent years?

-Impossible for every member to go with group norm

-Average recruit today is older and more educated

-More diversity in departments

The more _______ a supervisor accumulates about each member of a group, the greater the opportunity for effective work with the group.


What are the two types of groups?

Formal - supported by organization for the purpose of fulfilling specific needs or tasks (Narcotics task force, traffic detail etc.)

Informal- cut across organizational lines and may not necessarily support the formal organization.

What are the three cliques informal groups can involve into?

Horizontal- includes first line supervisors, assume a defensive posture and functions when the situation dictates

Random- different ranks and purpose is to exchange information

Vertical- relationship is between first line supervisor and subordinates. Goal is to reduce friction between the department and the officers.

Six stages of group development

Orientation, Conflict & challenge, Cohesion, Delusion, Disillusion, Acceptance

Group norms

(Loyalty, Secrecy, Danger, Isolation, Performance)

The techniques members of a group develop as a way of controlling behaviors of others

What does group cohesiveness generate?

Members are more loyal, identify with the group, accept group decisions, and more apt to conform to group norms.

What are five characteristics that make a group leader effective?

-Actively participates in group

-Serves as a coach and facilitator

-Supports group members in assuming leadership roles

-Constant focus on goals to achieve group effectiveness

-Responsible for connecting with other groups and units

BLOW - Achieving a winning team

Be part of the cause

Lend a hand

Obey the rules

Work in partnership

What is the recommended amount of members that teams should be kept under in order to foster cohesiveness?


What is the importance of conducting meetings?

Establish ground rules identifying the nature, frequency, and goals of the meeting.

What is Groupthink?

By product of cohesiveness and is the glue that binds members of a group together. It inhibits decision making.

What is change in the police environment? and What skills are needed by first line supervisors to deal with change?

An inevitable and ongoing process that can be met with resistance or support.

Skills needed are communication, team building, motivation, training, and leadership.

Reasons for accepting change

Alternatives, enhancement, knowledgeable, need is fulfilled

Resistance to change

-Ambiguity (the unknown)

-Cultural reasons ( doing something how its always been done)

-Discretion is restricted

-Economic reasons

-Habits are altered

-Relationships are restricted (limit social interaction)

-Unpopular decisions

Informal leaders

Should be utilized as a resource in the change process.

Andragogy Theory

Adult learners are adults who are self-directed and willing to take responsibility for their decisions. The instructor should act as a resource.

Four assumptions of adult learning (ROSE)

Readiness to learn

Orientation to learning



Additional types of training

In-service, specialized, supervision, field-training officer, managerial

What is the sergeants primary job?

CH. 9 Train, coach, counsel, mentor

Is to obtain results through people

What is needed to become a good supervisor/trainer?

Positive attitude, human relation skills, training and a commitment to the concept of human resource development.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a positive process that places a supervisor in a position to help officers perform more effectively

Characteristic of an Effective Coach

-Vision (works towards accomplishing agency's mission)


-Self-development (developing your individual skills, and actions needed to become competent in your job

A truly effective coaching process involves ________ communication.

two way

What is a successful skill of a successful coach?


What are two types of constructive feedback?

-Optimistic Feedback (positive reinforcement)

-Corrective Feedback (tell officers improvement is necessary)

What is counseling?

It is non punitive. It is developmental and is a helping process that make officers improve their performance.

Features of a successful counseling style:

Communication, Flexibility, Intention, Support

Styles of Counseling

Directive Style: Simply telling officer what to do in order to correct a problem on the spot

Non directive Style: Preferred method over others. Supervisor will encourage growth and development and listen primarily.

Combined Style

Four variables of the counseling process


Time: should be 1 hr or less

Documentation: provides a basis for providing feedback

Counseling session: develop a plan, listen to officer, emphasis need to work together

What is the goal of discipline?

To produce desirable behavior by encouraging appropriate behavior and punishing inappropriate or unacceptable behavior

How is discipline described in the textbook?

It is considered positive and a means of teaching, instruction, training, and remediation.

Two main forms of discipline

-Positive (The point where all police employees share a common sense of purpose, practice self-discipline and voluntarily follow policies)

-Negative (based on punishment)

What is the protocol that can almost guarantee improvement in employment performance?

Pinpoint -scan to pinpoint problems

Record- record current performance level of problem employees

Involve- involve the employees in determining best way to deal with problems

Coach- provide advice, encouragement and positive reinforcement

Evaluate- provide feedback on a continuous basis

First line supervisors spend a great deal of time and energy trying to cope with with _________ employees. Individuals that do not measure up to reasonable expectations.


In the department, sergeants are the departmental __________ with the power to discipline nearly every line officer engaged in the delivery of police services.


The imposition of disciplinary action within an organization has two distinct objectives, which are:

-To reform the offender

-To deter other who may be influenced by what has happened

Several keys to effective discipline

-Do not overlook discipline problems

-Sergeants must lead by example

-Practice the hot stove rule

-Never lose control

-Be instructive (be a teacher, a counselor)

-Be firm, but fair

-Stay out of employees personal life

-State rules

-Don't make up rules as you go

-Comply with labor laws and collective bargaining agreements

In order to make any disciplinary policy or procedure work effectively and remain within the legal guidelines, management and supervision must ensure the employees know what two things?

1. the expected standards of behavior

2. what sanctions will be imposed if the standard is violated

List the progressive discipline system

-informal discussion

-oral warning

-written reprimand

-final written warning





Who is responsible for policing the police?

Police administrators and first line supervisors

What is police occupational deviance?

corruption, unlawful use of force, mistreatment of prisoners, discrimination, illegal search and serizure

3 categories of deviance

nonfeasance - failure to take action as required

misfeasance - performing a required and lawful task in an unacceptable manner

malfeasance - illegal conduct related to misuse of legitimate authority

Who is ultimately responsible for the discipline and control of all subordinate personnel?

chief executive officer

What must be specifically done with complaints against department or officers?

Employees be investigated and specifies:

-which complaints to be investigated by line supervisors

-type of complaints that require investigation by IAB

-type of complaints to be reviewed by IAB

What is a personnel complaint?

A formal accusation alleging that a particular employee is guilty of legal, moral, or professional misconduct.

Misconduct complaints lodged against police officers come from two sources.

-Internal complaints (initiated by COs and supervisors against other officers)

-Internal personnel complaints (come from police officers against other police officers)

What are the three types of personnel complaints?

Primary- received directly from alleged victim of police misconduct

Secondary- from persons who, while not victims themselves, complain about police misconduct

Anonymous- from unidentified source

Who is responsible for the adjudication of all internal discipline complaints?

chief executive officer

Trial boards

administrative bodies, meant to be neutral and detached, intended to help make decisions on internal discipline cases. their role is advisory

Early warning system

alert internal affairs personnel and first line supervisors that there may be potential disciplinary problems on the horizon. it is programmed to keep track of complaints.

Employee assistance programs

offer services to officers who job performance is adversely affected by physical , psychological, or other social problems

Morrissey vs Brewer

case that outlined the minimum requirements of procedural due process in order for the courts not to reverse decision or make the department civilly liable.

Types of employees

Ascendant - very few, workaholics, and driven by success. require little supervision

Indifferent- acceptable performer, does not seek promotion, will do the minimum to get by. Requires close supervision

Ambivalent - Search for interesting work. Routine task become boring. Seeks challenges to take on from supervision for praise.

Problem Employees

Erudites- highly opinionated and somewhat intolerant to follow procedures.

Tyrants- absolute intolerance and use intimidation. supervisors must stop aggressive behavior.

Defeatist- chronic complainers who resist progress. supervisor must confront him/her with specifics.

Manipulator- unethical and cause conflict and confusion to garner control. supervisor must investigate and use facts to override.

Indecisives- avoid making decisions at all costs and expert at procrastination. supervisor needs to challenge him/her to force a direct answer.

Marginal performers

usually late, chronic sick, take advantage for their own benefit, complainers about management of the organization. The job is not the priority. supervisors must set goals and give praise when deserved and take corrective action when needed.

Task stressors- things that affect the officer's work and personal life

Danger- possibility of being injured or killed


Role Conflict and Ambiguity- lack of clarity of objectives

Control over work- the less control the worst

Shift work - night shifts and rotating shifts bring health risks

Use of excessive force - officers involved can have severe legal, physical and emotional problems.