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38 Cards in this Set

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What is Common Sense?

Everyday and second-hand knowledge passed down by authoritative figures and tradition and based on personal experience that does not take failure of predictions as a big deal.

Who is Auguste Compte and what did he do?

Coined the term Sociology and Positivism. Created the first technical school, institution to teach scientific technical knowledge. Established that we needed a positive scientific study of Society known as Sociology.

He was not concerned with what was "wrong" and "right" in society (only concerned with positivism or empirical information.

Wanted sociology to become a secular religion (science to take the place of religion so that scientist s would take the place of priests).

Believed sociologists should make predictions and that it should be include or be positive, empirical, material causes, systematic, laws- litigation of causes.

What is Positivism?

It follows rules and procedures, objective, precise. Positive equals knowledge or information that can be proven, measured, verified by research, statistics, demonstration.

What is the looking glass self and who coined it?

It is a theory coined by Symbolic Interactionism Sociologist Charles Horton Cooley about self development and identity. Who you are is a product of your social interaction. We change and become who we are as a response to watching how others act. We change ourselves to be similar/ mimic other people we interact with in our lives. This process never ends. Our whole lives we are changing and developing to be like others and like the rest of Society. The self mirrors society. It is a very critical part of socialization and how you fit into life.

What did the Solomon Ash experiment test?


What did the Milgrim experiment test?

Obedience to authority

Who is George Herbert Mead?

A Sociologist that coined the term generalized other, the stages of self (a theory of socialization), took a sociological approach to explaining the development of self (society shapes self). Was one of the founders of symbolic interactionism.

What is Symbolic Interactionism?

A theoretical perspective in which society is viewed as composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning, develop their views of the world and communicate with one another. Focuses on the interactions between concrete physical individuals. It was founded by Charles Horton Cooley.

Who was George Herbert Mead?

Sociologist that coined the term generalized other. One of the founders of symbolic interactionism. Spoke about the stages of self (a theory of socialization).

What two famous sociologists taught sociology at the university of Chicago?

Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead, the two founders of symbolic interactionism.

What is a symbol?

Things that represent things in theories of our interactions like for example, hand gestures, words, traffic lights and titles like aunts and uncles, employers or teachers). Symbols define our relationships in society.

What do symbolic interactionists do?

They analyze how social life depends on the beats we define ourselves and others. They study face to face interaction, examining how people make sense out of life and their place in it.

Who is Robert K. Merton?

Sociologist who spent most of his academic career at Columbia university and was a major proponent of Structural Functionalism, one of the main theoretical perspectives of Sociology.

What is functional analysis?

A theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of various parts each with a function, that when fulfilled, contributes to society's equilibrium. Also known as structural functionalism.

What is micro level analysis?

An examination of small scale patterns of Society such as how the members of a group interact.

What is macro level analysis?

The study of large scale patterns of Society such as how Wall Street and the political establishment are interrelated.

What is social interaction?

Ones person's actions influencing someone else. Usually refers to what people do when they are in one another's presence, but also includes communications at a distance.

What are the three main theoretical perspectives of Sociology?

Symbolic interactionism, structural functionalism, and conflict theory

What is conflict theory?

Karl Marx's term for class conflict: the struggle between capitalists and workers.

What are the six points of Rational Choice theory?

Founded by Gary Becker. Discussed micro level analysis. The key idea is that society doesn't exist. All about personal responsibility and personal choices. Everything is a choice. And society is the sum total of all of the individuals that exist, and all the choices they make (good and bad).

Who was Herbert Spencer?

Called the second founder of Sociology. Coined the term "survival of the fittest". Thought that helping the poor was wrong, that this merely helped the less fit survive. Believed that sociologists should not guide social reform because it would interfere with a natural process that improves societies.

Who was Emile Durheim?

French sociologist of the 19th century who's main professional goal was to get sociology recognized as a separate academic discipline. First academic sociologist. Wanted to show how social forces affect people's behavior. Proved that suicide is endorsement during times of anomie. Identified society integration, the degree to which members of Society or a group feel United by shared values and other bonds. Found that people who have weaker social ties commit suicide.

Who was Max Weber?

An early German sociologist who used cross cultural and historical materials to trace the causes of social change and to determine how social groups affect people's orientations to life. Disagreed with Karl Mark's claim that economics is the central force in social change. Believed that capitalism was more likely to flourishing protestant countries. Analysed large scale organizations known as bureaucracies. Coined the term Verstehen, which means to "to understand", or rather, to have insight into someone's situation. This meant that someone who can understand the feelings and motivations of the people being studied.

What is Verstehen?

Literal meaning "to understand". Coined by Max Weber. It means to have insight into someone else's situation in order to better understand their feelings and motivations when studied.

What is subjective meaning?

The meanings thatched give their own behavior. How people interpret their situation in life, how they view whatctheycare doing and what is happening to them.

What is social facts?

The term coined by Emile Durkhiem that describes a groups recurring patterns of behavior. Groups patterns reflects some condition of Society.

What is the sociological perspective?

Understanding human behavior by placing it with in it's broader social context.

What is a society?

People who share a culture and a territory.

What is social location?

The group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society.

What is science?

The application of systematic methods to obtain knowledge and the knowledge obtained by those methods.

What are the natural sciences?

The intellectual and academic disciplines designed to comprehend, explain, and predict events in our natural environment. They are biology, chemistry, geology, physics.

What are the social sciences?

The intellectual and academic disciplines designed to understand the social world objectively by means of controlled and repeated observations. They are anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.

What is the scientific method?

The use of objectives, systematic observations to test theories.

What is Sociology?

The scientific study of Society and human behavior.

What is proletariat?

Karl Marx's term for the exploited class of the mass of workers who do not own the means of production.

What is objectivety?

Value neutrality in research.

What are values?

The standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, superior or inferior, good or bad, beautiful or ugly.

What is globalization?

The growing interconnections among nations due rob the expansion of capitalism