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41 Cards in this Set

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It is believed that 'who' migrated from North America from Asia before/after the time of Christ
Indians, before
Central and South America had three impressive civilizations, they were? Were these civilizations built before or after the Columbus the New World?
Mayas, Incas, Aztecs
North America
What is the meaning of Nomadic?
wandering from place to place in search of plants and animals
Which Indians were Farmers, Mound builders, believed in the Iroquois of Five Nations, and lived in peaceful confederations?
The Woodlands Indians
Which Indians hunted buffalo, liked horse, and lived in Tepees?
The Plains Indians
Which Indians lived in Adobe homes, and were nicknamed "cliff-dwellers"?
The Southwest Indians
Which Indians lived in Hogans and made rock drawings?
Plateau Indians
Which Indians ate salmon and oysters, and had totem poles?
The Indian Tribes of North America
What are Totem Poles?
The Indian Tribes of North American used Totem poles for local history, legends, and religion
What are Hogans?
lodges covered by earth (aka dirt)
What are adobe houses?
Houses made of clay and straw
What is culture?
The way of life of a group of people
What kept the Indians from developing as Europeans have already have?
Religion was what to Indian culture?
central (aka important)
What is Animism?
The belief that spirits live in objects in nature.
Superstitious is what?
Who were the first KNOWN Europeans to reach the New World?
Vikings or Norseman
Who was the Viking who came to America before Columbus?
Leif Ericson
Where did the Vikings settle?
Greenland and Iceland
What were two factors that affected exploration?
~Advances in science and technology
~Increased wealth
There were three reasons for exploration, what were they?
~New route to Orient (for spices)
~Spread Christianity while combating the spread of Islam
~For silk, precious metals, porcelain, and gems
What is "Orient"?
What did Columbus want money for?
To fight the Muslims
Who were Columbus's sponsors?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
In 1492 where did Columbus think he reached?
The Orient
Who was the first to relize that Columbus's discovery was new land?
Amerigo Vespucci
Who is America named after?
AMERIGO Vesspucci
Who was most responsible for encouraging European exploration?
What are Conquistadors?
Where did Conquistadors find mineral treasures?
Central and South America
Who searched for the Fountain of Youth?
Ponce de Le'on
Who was the first European to see the land that is now the U.S.
Ponce de Le'on
Who discovered the MiSSiSSippi River?
Hernando de Soto
Who was the first European to see the Grand Canyon?
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Who was the person to discover adobe villages of Pueblo Indians?
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
St. Augustine, Florida is the ____ permanently inhabited city in the U.S.?
What were Spain's three main goals in the New World?
~Take as much from the New World as would profit
~Prove Conquistadors to be cruel
~They were now interested in settling in new land.
Who "called dibs" to North America for England in 1497?
John Cabot
Who were the English naval captains that pirated Spanish treasures from the New World?
Sea Dogs
Who was the most famous Sea Dogs?
Sir Francis Drake
Who was the 1st Englishman to circumnavigate the earth?
Sir Francis Drake