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15 Cards in this Set

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Scientific study of behavior and mental processes


Wundt’s approach which focuses on uncovering the fundamental mental components of consciousness, thinking, and other kinds of mental states and activities


A procedure used to study the structure of the mind in which subjects are asked to describe in detail what they are experiencing when they are exposed to a stimulus


In early approach to psychology, led by William James, that concentrated on what the mind does, the functions of mental activity, and the role of behavior in allowing people to adapt to their environments

Gestalt psychology

An approach to psychology that focuses on the organization of perception and thinking in a “wholesense rather than on the individual elements of perception

Neuroscience perspective

The approach that views behavior from the perspective of the brain, the nervous system, and other biological function

Blood, sweat, and Fears

Psychodynamic perspective

The approach based on the view That behavior is motivated by unconscious inner forces over which the individual has little control

Behavioral perspective

The approach that suggests that observable, measurable behavior should be the focus of study

Cognitive perspective

The approach that focuses on how people think, understand, and know about the world

Humanistic perspective

The approach that suggests that all individuals naturally Strive to grow, develop, and be in control of their lives and behavior

Free will

The idea that behavior is caused primarily by choice that are made freely by the individual


The idea that people‘s behavior is produced primarily by factors outside of their willful control

Subfields of psychology

Biological foundations

sensing perceiving learning and thinking

sources of change as Stability

physical and mental health

social networks

expanding frontier

Five major psychological perspective






Psychology key issues and controversies

Nature vs nurture

conscious vs unconscious

observable behavior vs internal mental processes

free will vs determinism

individual differences vs universal principles