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40 Cards in this Set

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What is sociology?
the social science that studies human society and social behavior (human relationships) p4
What is social interaction? p4
how people relate to one another and influence each other's behavior p4
What does the sociology term "social phenomena" mean? p4
an observable fact or event that involves the human society p4
What does the phrase sociological perspective mean? p4
a viewing of the behavior of groups in a systematic way p4
What does the sociological phrase "sociological imagination" mean?
ability to see the connection between the larger world and our personal lives p5
What are social sciences?
related disciplines that study various aspects of human social behavior p7
What are some social sciences?
Anthropology, Psychology, Economics, History, and Political Science p7
What other social science is is most similar to sociology in its subject matter?
Anthropology p7
Whatt is anthropology?
the comparative sudy of past and present cultures p7
What is psychology?
science that deals with the behaior and thinking of organisms p7
What is social psychology?
the study of how an individual's behavior and personality are affected by the social environment p8
What is economics?
the study of the choices people make in an effort to satisfy their wants and needs p8
What is political science?
the study of the organization and operation of governments p8
What is history?
the study of past events p8
Who coined the phrase "sociological imagination"?
C. Wright Mills p5
Why did C. Wright Mills think that a sociological imagination was important to sociology?
he said that it helps people view their lives within a larger social and historical context and gain insight into how the social environment shapes them and vice versa
What does a sociologist study?
studies human society and social behavior (human relations, group behavior)
Compare the focus of sociology and other social sciences.
Sociology examines the relations between society and culture, the individual, economics, politics, and past events which are all the focus of one or more other social sciences
What is "social Darwinism"?
a perspective that holds that societies evolve toward stability and perfection (survival of the fittest) p11
In a sociological context, what does function mean?
positive consequence an element of society has for the maintenance of the social system p13
What does the sociological term "Verstehen" mean?
empathetic understanding of the meaning others attached to their actions p14 (proposed by Max Weber)
What did Max Weber's "ideal type" concept mean"
description of the essential characteristics of some aspect of society p14
What is a theory?
systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena p14
What is a theoretical perspective?
general set of assumptions about the nature of phenomena. In the case of sociology, a theoretical perspective outlines certain assumptions about the nature of social life, p14
Describe the functionalist perspective.
theoretical perspective that view society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system p14 It is broadly based on the ideas of Comte, Spencer & Durkheim
What does the term dysfunctional mean?
negative consequence an element has for the stability of the social system p14
What is a manifest function?
intended and recognized consequence of some element of society p14
What is a latent function?
unintended and unrecognized consequence of some element of society p16
Describe the conflict perspective.
theoretical perspective that focues on those forces in society that promote competition and change; focuses on conflict and struggle for power p16 (Karl Marx)
Describe the interactionist perspective.
theoretical perspective that focuss on how individuals interact with one another in society p17 (Max Weber)
What is a symbol?
anything that represents something else (important to interactionists) p17
What is symbolic interaction?
interaction between people that takes places through the use of symbols p17
Who was Auguste Comte?
French philosopher (1798-1857) as the founder of sociology as a distinct subject - applied methods of physical science to social life. He was interested in social order and social change and is considered an early functionalist p10
Who coined the term sociology to describe the study of society?
Auguste Comte, French philosopher (1798-1857) p10
Who is generally considered the founder of sociology and as a distinct subject?
Auguste Comte, French philosopher (1798-1857) p10
Who is Herbert Spencer?
English contemporary of Comte (1820-1903) who inherited money and pursued the study of society, known for social Darwinism, and considered an early functionalist p10
What early sociologists developed the basis of the functional perspective?
Auguste Comte (French philosopher, 1798-1857)
Herbert Spencer (English scholar, 1820-1903) and Emile Durkheim (Frenchman 1858-1917) p14
Who is Karl Marx?
German writer (1818-1883) who was interested in the social effects of economic power and class conflict, an early conflict perspective theorist p12
Who was Emile Durkheim?
early French sociologist (1858-1917), taught 1st university sociology course in France, interested in function of different elements of society in maintaining social order, an early functionalist p12-13
Who was Max Weber?
German scholar (1864-1920), early sociologist interested in the effect of society on the individual and the meanings indivduals attach to their actions, interactionist p14