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16 Cards in this Set

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It has been said that C++ sits at the center of the modern programming universe. Explain this
C++ is at the center of modern programming because it was derived from C and is the parent of Java and C#. These are the four most important programming languages.
A C++ compiler produces object code that is directly executed by the computer. True or false?
True, a C++ compiler produces code that can be directly executed by the computer.
What are the three main principles of object-oriented programming?
Encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance are the three guiding principles of OOP.
Where do C++ programs begin execution?
C++ programs begin execution at main( ).
What is a header?
A header contains information used by the program.
What is <iostream>? What does the following code do?

#include <iostream>
<iostream> is the header the supports I/O. The statement includes the <iostream> header in a program.
What is a namespace?
A namespace is a declarative region in which various program elements can be placed. Elements declared in one namespace are separate from elements declared in another.
What is a variable?
A variable is a named memory location. The contents of a variable can be changed during the execution of a program.
Which of the following variable names is/are invalid?

a. count

b. _count

c. count27

d. 67count

e. if
The invalid variables are d and e. Variable names cannot begin with a digit or be the same as a C++ keyword.
How do you create a single-line comment? How do you create a multiline comment?
A single-line comment begins with // and ends at the end of the line. A multiline comment begins with /* and ends with */.
Show the general form of the if statement. Show the general form of the for loop.
The general form of the if:
if(condition) statement; The general form of the for: for(initialization; condition; increment) statement;
How do you create a block of code?
A block of code is started with a { and ended with a }.
The moon’s gravity is about 17 percent that of Earth’s. Write a program that displays a table that shows Earth pounds and their equivalent moon weight. Have the table run from 1 to 100 pounds. Output a newline every 25 pounds.
// Show a table of Earth to Moon weights.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

double earthweight; // weight on earth
double moonweight; // weight on moon
int counter;

counter = 0;
for(earthweight = 1.0; earthweight <= 100.0; earthweight++) {
moonweight = earthweight * 0.17;
cout << earthweight << " earth-pounds is equivalent to " << moonweight << " moon-pounds.\n";
if(counter == 25) {
cout << "\n";
counter = 0;

return 0;
A year on Jupiter (the time it takes for Jupiter to make one full circuit around the Sun) takes about 12 Earth years. Write a program that converts Jovian years to Earth years. Have the user specify the number of Jovian years. Allow fractional years.
// Convert Jovian years to Earth years.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
double e_years; // earth years
double j_years; // Jovian years

cout << "Enter number of Jovian years: ";
cin >> j_years;

e_years = j_years * 12.0;

cout << "Equivalent Earth years: " << e_years;

return 0;
When a function is called, what happens to program control?
When a function is called, program control transfers to that function.
Write a program that averages the absolute value of five values entered by the user. Display the result.
// Average the absolute values of 5 numbers.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

int main()
int i;
double avg, val;

avg = 0.0;

for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
cout << "Enter a value: ";
cin >> val;

avg = avg + abs(val);
avg = avg / 5;

cout << "Average of absolute values: " << avg;

return 0;