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60 Cards in this Set

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Define Organisim

All living things;

Maintain an internal order that is separated from the environment

Define Cell

The simplest/smallest unit of life

Define Cell Theory

1) All organisms are composed of cells

2) Cells are the smallest units of life

3) New cells come from pre-existing cells via cell division

Define Growth

Growth produces more or larger cells

Define Development

Development produces organisms with a defined set of characteristics

Define Cell Division

The dividing of one cell into two cells with the same genetic material

Define Homeostasis

The process whereby living organisms regulate their cells and bodies to maintain relatively stable internal conditions

Define Respiration

Metabolic reactions that a cell uses to get energy from food molecules and release waste products

Define Tissue

The association of many cells of the same type, for example, muscle tissue

Define Organ

Two or more types of tissue combined to perform a common function

Define Reproduction

The generation of offspring by sexual or asexual means

Define DNA

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) - One of two classes of nucleic acids; consists of two strands of nucleotides coiled around each other to form a double helix, held together by hydrogen bonds

Define RNA

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) - One of two classes of nucleic acids; consists of a single strand of nucleotides

Define Genes

A unit of heredity that contributes to characteristics or traits of an organism; at the molecular level, a gene is comprised of organized sequences of DNA

Define Polypeptide

A linear sequence of amino acids; the term denotes structure

Define Protein

A functional unit composed of one or more polypeptides; each polypeptide is composed of a linear sequence of amino acids

Define Biological Evolution

Also known as evolution, biological evolution is the phenomenon that populations of organisms change from one generation to the next; as a result, some organisms become more successful at survival and reproduction

Define Atom

The smallest functional unit of matter that forms all chemical substances and cannot be further broken down into other substances by ordinary chemical or physical means

Define Molecule

Two or more atoms that are connected by chemical bonds

Define Macromolecule

Many molecules bonded together to form a polymer; carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids (for example, DNA and RNA) are important macromolecules found in living organisms

Define Polymer

A large molecule formed by linking many smaller molecules called monomers

Define Carbohydrate

An organic molecule often with the general formula, C(H2O); a carbon-containing compound that includes starches, sugars, and cellulose

Define Nucleic Acid

An organic molecule composed of nucleotides; the two types of nucleic acids are DNA and RNA

Define Species

A group of related organisms that share a distinctive form in nature and (for sexually reproducing species) are capable of interbreeding

Define Ecosystem

The biotic community of organisms in an area as well as the abiotic environment affecting that community

Define Gametes

A haploid cell that is involved with sexual reproduction, such as a sperm or egg cell

Haploid Cell = Containing one set of chromosomes

Define Prokaryote

One of the two categories into which all forms of life can be placed; prokaryotes lack a nucleus and include bacteria and arcaea

Define Eukaryote

One of the two categories into which all forms of life can be placed; the distinguishing feature of eukaryotes is cell compartmentalization, including a cell nucleus; includes protists, fungi, plants, and animals

Define Cell Nucleus

The membrane bound area of a eukaryotic cell in which the genetic material is found

Define Genome

The complete genetic composition of a cell or a species

Define Proteome

The complete complement of proteins that a cell or organism can make

Define Anatomy

The study of the structure or internal workings of something

Define Physiology

The branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.

Define Systems Biology

A field of study in which researchers investigate living organisms in terms of their underlying networks - groups of structural and functional connections - rather than their individual molecular components

Define Metabolism

The sum total of all chemical reactions that occur within an organism; also, a specific set of chemical reactions occurring at the cellular level

Define Photosynthesis

The process whereby light energy is captured by plant, algal, or bacterial cells and is used to synthesize organic molecules from CO2 and H2O (or H2S)

Define Asexual Reproduction

A reproductive strategy that occurs when offspring are produced from a single parent, without the fusion of gametes from two parents. They offspring are therefore clones of the parent.

Define Sexual Reproduction

A process that requires a fertilization event in which two gametes unite to produce a cell called a zygote

Define Mutation

A heritable change in the genetic material of an organism

Define Natural Selection

The process that eliminates those individuals that are less likely to survive and reproduce in a particular environment, while allowing other individuals with traits that confer greater reproductive success to increase in numbers

Define taxonomy

The field of biology that is concerned with the theory, practice, and rules of classifying living and extinct organisms and viruses

Define Domains

A defined region of a protein with a distinct structure and function (Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya)

Define Scientific Method

A series of steps to test the validity of a hypothesis. This approach often involves a comparison between control and experimental groups

Define Hypothesis

A proposed explanation for a natural phenomenon based on previous observations or experimental studies

Define Prediction

An expected outcome based on a hypothesis that can be shown to be correct or incorrect through observation or experimentation

Define Theory

A broad explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is substantiated by a large body of evidence

Define Independent Variable

Stands on its own; causes a change in the dependent variable

Define Dependent Variable

Relies on the Independent variable; changes in the independent variable affect the outcome of the dependent variable

Define Control Group

A group of subjects closely resembling the treatment group in many demographic variables but not receiving the active medication or factor under study

Define Experimental Group

An experimental group is the group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested

Define Constants

A quantity or parameter that does not change its value whatever the value of the variables

Describe the characteristics that distinguish living organisms from nonliving matter

8 of 12 broad principles are often used as criteria to define the basic features of life:

1) Maintain an internal order; 2) Use Energy; 3) Interact with their environment; 4) Maintain homeostasis; 5) Grow and Develop; 6) Reproduce; 7) Evolve; 8) Related by an evolutionary history

Diagram the hierarchical organization of living matter from atoms to the biosphere

Atoms -> Molecules/Macromolecules -> Cells -> Tissues -> Organs -> Organism -> Population -> Community -> Ecosystem -> Biosphere

What is the Domain Bacteria

Mostly unicellular prokaryotes that inhabit many diverse environments on earth

What is the Domain Archaea

Unicellular prokaryotes that often live in extreme environments, such as hot springs

What is the Domain Eukarya

Have larger cells with internal compartments that serve various functions; has a cell nucleus

What are the steps of hypothesis testing?

1) Observations are made regarding natural phenomena

2) A hypothesis that tries to explain the phenomena is created

3) Experimentation is conducted

4) Data from experiment analyzed

5) Hypothesis is considered to be consistent with the data, or it is rejected

What is horizontal gene transfer?

NOT the most common; can occur between members of different species

What is vertical gene transfer?

The more common method of gene transfer; new species evolve from pre-existing ones by the accumulation of mutations, which are random changes in the genetic material of organisms.

Explain why variation and mutations within a population improves the chances that the species will survive under new environmental conditions

The mutations and variations give the species a better set of tools to deal with the new environmental conditions. For instance, large areas of North America changed from dense forests to grasslands and, as a result, horses increased in size to allow them to better escape predators and travel greater distances for food