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41 Cards in this Set

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sites of rapid cell division in the shoot tips, root tips, and cambium are called ( Blank)?
Meristems located at the end of the shoots are called primary, or (Blank) Meristems/
The thendency for the terminal buds to inhibit the growth of lateral budes is called (Blank Blank)?
Apical Dominance
The "food Factories: of trees are the (Blank)
The Process of ( Blank) combines carbon dioxide and water in a reaction driven by light to produces sugars. (Blank) is also a product of this reaction.
Photosynthesis, Oxygen
The green color of leaves is created by the presence of ( Blank), which is necessary for the photosynthesis to take place.
(Blank) is the loss of water vapor from the leaves.
The opening and closing of (Blank) allow for gas exchange, and transpiration is controlled by the (Blank Blank).
Stomata, Guard Cells
Water and dissolved essential minerals are transported within the tree in the (Blank). The (Blank) conducts carbohydrates.
Xylem, Phloem
The (Blank) is a layer of meristematic cells located between the phloem and the xylem.
The (Blank Blank) is formed when trunk tissue grows around branch tissues. As the branch and trunk tissues expand against each other in the branch union, the (Blank Blank Blank) is formed.
Branch Collar, Branch Bark Ridge
(blank) protects the branches and trunk of a tree from mechanical injury and desiccation.
name four functions of the root system.
anchorage, storage, absorption, conduction
water enters young roots or mycorrhisal roots, in part, by a process called (Blank)
The orientation of growth in response to an external stimulus is called (Blank). Two examples are (Blank) and (blank).
Tropisms, Photo-tropism, Geo-tropism
CODIT stands for
Compartmentalization of Decay in Trees
Trees with upright growth and a strong, central leader are said to exhibit (blank) growth. More rounded trees, which are often broader than they are tall, have (Blank) Growth habits.
Excurrent, Decurrent
Roots and fungi form (Blank), which are a symbiotic relationship, aiding in the uptake of water and minerals.
The process by which chemical energy, stored as sugar and starch, is released is called (Blank).
Trees that lose their leaves in the autumn are called (Blank). Trees that maintain their leaves for more than one year are called (Blank).
Deciduous, Evergreen
uses more energy than it produces
Mostly located in the upper 12 inches of soil
Absorbing roots
"Stalk" of a leaf
Cells that cross the phloem and xylem for radial trasport
Waxy covering of a leaf
Small openings in stems for gas exchange
Plant growth regulator
Between the nodes of a twig
Mature, green leaves--sugar producers
Green pigment
Describe how growth rings are formed Are they always annual? what information can be obtained by the examining growth increments, and how might the rings be useful in diagnosis?
yearly growth of the cambium layer, levels of water per year, tell age
What is the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration? What is net photosynthesis? What might be the effect on a tree if respiration exceeds photosynthesis for an extended period of time? How could this occur?
fill in the blank
Explain the process of compartmentalization of decay in trees. What are the four walls and how do they function? How can trees be hollow and still remain vigorous?
Fill in the blank
Does a branch higher in a tree recieve direct nourishment from lower branches? discuss the vascular structure of trees and how it relates to branch attachment
fill in the blank
Armillaria mellea has been described as an "opportunistic" fungus that functions both as a mycorrhizae and a disease. How might this be explained?
Fill in the blank
Describe the differences and similarities between trees (dicots) and palms and consider how the different growth "strategies" of palms may be advantageous or limiting.
Fill in the blank
When cutting through a tree with a chain saw or drilling into a tree, you would pass through (in order)
bark, phloem, cambium, xylem
If the terminal bud is removed in pruning,
a. growth may be stimulated in lateral buds
b. flowering is stimulated to enhance fruit production
c. the branch will die back
d. all of the above
The growth rings of many trees
a. are visible because of the rapid grwoth rate of early wood relatife to latewood
b. can be counted to approximate a trees age
c. can give information about growing conditions in previous years
d. all of the above
Which layer of cells is responsible for outward trunk growth and incresed girth of a tree?
a. Cambium
b. pith
c. epidermis
d. cortex
Mycorrhizae are
a. collar-rot fungi
b. elongated underground stems producing sucker sprouts
c. a symbiotic relationship between fungi and roots
d. cells in which photosynthesis takes place