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64 Cards in this Set

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What is microbiology?

it is the study of microbes, organisms so small that a microscope is needed to study them.

What are Microbes?

organisms like bacteria that causes disease only seen through microscope

Why study Microbiology?

1. Microbes are important to human health and disease.

2. Microbes can increase our understanding of biology

3. Microbes are very useful in biological research

How are microbes beneficial?

1. They can be use as food

2. They decompose (Cleaning up our waste)

3. Help in digestion for animals and humans to digest the food. Microbes in our guts.

4.Killing pests

5. Making medicines( microbes can synthesize antibotics)

6. Major tool of genetic engineering

- In the making of such things as leather (Aspergillus niger), soy sauce, cheese and paper.

7 they generate oxygen,

8.are part of the carbon and nitrogen cycles,

9.can survive the harshest conditions

What are the microbes?

Bacteria (bacterium)- Bacteriology

Algae (alga)- Phycology

Fungi (fungus)- Mycology

Protozoa (protozoan)- Protozoology

Viruses (virus)- Virology

What forms the basis of food chain oceans, lakes and rivers?

marine and freshwater microorganisms

What do soil microbes do?

break down wastes and incorporate nitrogen gas from the air into organic compounds, thereby recycling chemical elements between the soil, water, life and air.

Why do humans and animals depend on microbes in their intestines?

For digestion and the synthesis of of some vitamins that their bodies require including some vitamin b for metabolism and vitamin k for blood clotting.

Where would archea be found?

In extreme environment

What are pathogens?

Microorganisms ( bacteria, virus, fungi,protocol and some algae) that causes diseases in human being.

Even after the discovery of bacteria, what two things hindered the realization that bacteria caused disease?

1. belief in spontaneous generation

2. lack of understanding of contagion


Single celled as well as multicellular

Define cell nucleus and numerous membrane enclosed intracellular structures

Photosynthesize their own food

They move

Found in fresh water and ocean

Only one species, Prototheca found to cause diseases in humans and animals. Can feed on host

True of False: organisms that can provide for themselves will not cause disease in other?


True or False: organisms that can not provide for themselves are the ones that provide diseases on other?



Yeast and mold are single celled

Mushrooms are multicellular

Cell nucleus n intracellular strcutures

Absorb ready made nutrients

Do not move

Found in water and soil

Decomposes of dead organisms

The cause disease

Source of antibotics

True or False: Viruses are not considered living organisms, they can not multiple on themselves


What equipment do you need to see viruses?

Electron microscope



Composed of DNA or RNA and few proteins

Can be crystallized and store

Invade cells

They can replicate themselves

Invade humans and cause disease

What are the smaller acellular agents?




Small, circular RNA composition, does not have protein coat. Causes disease on plants


Infectious Protein composition, infects mammals like cows. causing them mad cow disease


Single celled

Only studied through microscope

Obtain food by engulfing smaller microorganisms

Can be found in soil, variety of water and animals such as mosquitoes carrying malaria


Aka worms


Aka insects

What are the 3 domain?




Yes or No: Does viruses come in the 3 domain?


What are the two names that cellular organisms are referred to ?

Genus and species

Greeks accounts of microbiology

400 B.C. Hippocrates

Set forth medicine practice used today

Linked signs and symptoms with certain illnesses

Discover that diseases can be transmitted through one person to another by clothing or other objects

father of medicine

Greeks accounts of microbiology

400 B.C. Thucydides

Noticed that people who had recovered from plagues did not get it again

Robert Hooke

Created the compound microscope and observed "cells" in cork. He created the word "cell"

17th century (1665)

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

Grounded more than 500 lenses

First to see living cells and micro "anamacules"

He knew we had microorganisms living on us and in us

Carlos Linnaeus

Developed general classification system of all living organisms

Father of Taxonomy

Schneider and schwann

Created the cell theory in which all cells are the fundamental units if life and carry out all functions of living things and cells come from other cells. ( doesn't apply to viruses)

Cell theory

states that: all living things are composed of one or more cells; the cell is the basic unit of life; and new cells arise from existing cells.

The germ theory of disease

The idea that tiny organisms called microbes cause infectious diseases that are easily passed among humans.

Who is the father of modern epidemiology?

John Snow

John Snow

determine on how cholera was spread created a statistical mapping methods

19 century

What is epidemiology?

The study of disease in groups or populations through the collection of data and information, to identify patterns and causes. Used by governments and health-related organizations to obtain a picture of the health status of a population.

What is spontaneous generation?

A theory that many scientists in the second half of the 19th century adhered to saidthat some forms of life could spontaneous form from nonliving matter a vital force form of life.

Francesco Redi

demonstrated that the presence of maggots in putrefying meat does not result from spontaneous generation but from eggs laid on the meat by flies.

Challenged the spontaneous generation theory by conducting a set of experiments. He did the jar experiment. Maggots only appeared on the meat on the open jar but not on the meat with the closed jar.

Louis Pasteur

proved that germs cause disease; he developed vaccines for anthrax and rabies; and he created the process of pasteurization.

What are 3 main contributions louis pasteur did?

1. Disproved spontaneous generation in the 19th century (1859)

2.described fermentation

3.invented pasteurization

Worked in wine industry

Who is Robert Koch?

Founder of bacteriology

What did Robert Koch discovered?

Anthrax disease cycle and the bacteria for TB and Cholera

He also isolated bacteria using streak technique.

What is agar?

Looks like jelly

Commonly used in labs to help feed and grown bacteria and other microorganisms

Koch's postulates

The purpose of Kochs postulates?

To prove bacteria is a disease causing agent

Semmielweis discovered

Importance of washing hands

It was the number 1 reason for mothefs dying during and after childbirth, known as childbed fever.

Joseph Lister

Father of antiseptic medicine and a pioneer in preventative medicine.

He figured out that using diluted carbonic acid on Bandages, and to clean surgical instruments will reduce the infection, first antispetic techniques.


Edward Jenner

Discover first vaccination as a preventative treatment for smallpox in the late 18th century

His theory was that anyone who came down with cowpox were immune to smallpox

In the 18th century _______ was a very common disease and was a major cause of _______.

Smallpox; death

What was the magic bullet?

Who was Paul Ehrlich?

Who was Paul Ehrlich?

Paul Ehrlich

Alexander Fleming

Discovered penicillin by mistake. 20 th century (1928)

Charles chamberland

Developed porcelain filter to remove bacteria from water. 19th century

Martinus Beijerinck

First to characterize virues

Wendell Stanly

In the 20th century crystallized tobacco mosiac virus. Consisting of RNA and protein.

When were virues first observed? And with what?

1939 with a electron microscope

Alfred Hershey and Martha chase

Demonstrated that some virus were consisted of DNA (1952)

What did James Watson and Francis Crick determined in 1953?

The structure of DNA

Binomial nomenclature system has the first name capitalized reflects the __________and the second name is the __________ and has the numbered/lettered _________

Genus, species, strain