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99 Cards in this Set

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The use of the lights and siren on an ambulance:
is a request for the right of way.
In contrast to a type II ambulance.. a type III ambulance:
is a specialty van that usually has a modular ambulance body.
What entity is responsible for making recommendations regarding infection control practices that include all areas of personal protective equipment. sharps containers.. and disinfecting equipment that is carried on an ambulance?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The equipment and supplies that are carried in the back of an ambulance:
must be stowed safely yet easily accessible.
Which of the following pieces of equipment requires regular calibration
Cardiac monitor
Which of the following entities created the first taudardized list of equipment to be carried on an ambulance'?
.vmcricun College of Surgeon
The motor oil level of the ambulance:
should be checked prior to starting the engine.
Unless the fluid level is low.. you should NOT uncap the brake fluid reservoir because:
brake fluid absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.
When checking the ambulance engine.. you note the odor of sewer gas. What should you do'?
Thoroughly clean the battery terminals and cables.
Which of the following statements regarding belt noise is correct?
Belt noise is a squealing sound related to a load on one of the belt-operated appliances.
An ambulance should be removed from service immediately if you feel or hear:
brake fade.
"Iigh-pcrforrnance E;-""fS systems typically use a Iractile response time standard.. in which:"
a significant fraction of all responses must be achieved within an established time.
When determining productivity of an EMS system.. the EMS provider:
measures how many patient transports per hour each ambulance accomplishes.
A third-service EMS system is one in which:
a privately owned ambulance service works in tandem with a public EMS system.
In a tiered-response EMS system:
an EMS system attempts to assign ALS ambulances only where they are needed.
The goal of system status management is to:
minimize respon~e times by deploying EMS resources strategically.
Upon arriving at a motor-vehicle crash.. the paramedic should look for safety hazards and then:
evaluate the need for additional resources.
With respect to emergency driving. due regard means that:
the U5e of lights ami siren docs not exempt you lrom operating the ambulance with concern for the safety or others
Which of the following statements regarding the use of emergency escorts is correct?
Many drivers will only see the first emergency vehicle and assume that it is clear once that vehicle has passed.
"The decision to use lights and siren when transporting a patient to the hospital is MOST dependent upon:"
judgment on the part of the paramedic.
When you are dispatched to an emergency.. it is MOST important to:
determine which route will be used to arrive safely.
When parking the ambulance off the side of the highway in dry weather:
the heat from underneath the vehicle could start a grass fire.
"Safe practices when parking your emergency vehicle on a roadway at night include all of the following. EXCEPT:"
leaving the headlights on.
"Which of the following statements regarding loading and securing a patient in the back of the ambulance is correct?"
"Whether the patient is lying on the stretcher or sitting on the bench seat. he or she must be properly seat-belted."
The paramedic should NOT operate an emergency vehicle if he or she:
is taking a cold remedy or an analgesic.
An ambulance operator's cushion of safety can be maintained by
checking for tailgaters behind the ambulance.
General principles for backing up an ambulance include:
stopping the vehicle if you lose sight of your spotter.
When transporting a small child on the stretcher. you should:
use a pediatric transport securing device whenever possible
"The MOST important factor to consider when determining iftransport ofa trauma patient via helicopter is appropriate i s:"
the patient's hemodynamic status
In contrast to rotary-wing air ambulances.. fixed-wing air ambulances:
are mainly used to transport patients over long distances.
Air ambulances are advantageous for all of the following reasons. EXCEPT:
more experience of the the fight paramedics.
In which of the following situations should a helicopter generally NOT be utilized?
A patient in cardiopulmonary arrest who has been unresponsive to defibrillation
"Which of the following disadvantages of using an air ambulance should concern you the LEAST when utilizing it for a critically injured patient?"
The cost that will be incurred
A helicopter landing zone should be:
100 feet by 100 feet in size and on a surface that is firm. level. and free of debris
When assisting with a helicopter landing at night. you Should:
avoid shining a spotlight up at the descending aircraft.
After a helicopter lands and continues to keep its rotor blades active. you should:
not approach the aircraft until the pilot or a crew member signals you to do so.
"The killing of pathogenic agents by directly applying a chemical made for that purpose is called:"
"You are operating an ambulance in emergency mode on a two-way street. The driver in front of you will not yield accordingly. You should:"
remain behind the vehicle and anticipate that the driver may slam on the brakes
"While responding to an emergency scene. you approach a sharp turn in the road. What should you do?"
Slow the vehicle to the posted speed limit and avoid braking during the turn.
"A man tells you that he will be following the ambulance in his personal vehicle as you transport his wife to the ambulance. You should:"
advise him to drive at normal speeds and ensure that he knows where the hospital is located
"While responding to a call for a pediatric cardiac arrest. you approach a school bus with its red warning lights on. You should:"
"wait for the bus driver to turn off the red warning lights and close the door before carefully passing."
"You are driving in the right-hand lane while transporting a patient to the hospital in nonemergency mode. In your side view mirror. you notice that a small truck is tailgating you. What should you do?"
Maintain your current speed and advise the dispatcher to contact the police.
"As you approach the scene of a car crash.. you see two badly damaged vehicles that are off the road to the right. Where should you park the ambulance?"
100 feet past the crash site on the right side of the road
"An ambulance and a fire engine are responding to a motor-vehicle crash when both emergency vehicles approach a red light. After the fire engine clears the intersection and proceeds. the operator of the ambulance should:"
Come to a comptcie stop and then proceed alter looking in all directions.
"A helicopter has just landed to transport your critically injured patient to the hospital. The helicopter is configured so that the patient must be loaded from the rear of the aircraft. Unless otherwise directed by the night crew. you should approach the aircraft from the:"
A single command system is one in which:
one person is in charge. even if multiple agencies respond.
A multiple-casualty incident is MOST accurately defined as an event in which:
the number of patients exceeds the resources available to the initial responders.
"Which of the following events would MOST likely cause an open. or uncontained. Multiple- Casuality incident?"
A closed. or contained. multiple-casualty incident is a situation that:
is not expected to produce more patients than initially present.
Using the incident command system provides a modular organizational structure that:
depends on the size and complexity of the incident.
"_______ is the process in which individual units or different organizations make independent decisions about the next appropriate action.."
An individual's span of control:
represents the number of personnel who report to him or her.
Command functions include all of the following.. EXCEPT the:
triage officer.
Which of the following duties is NOT a responsibility of the incident commander'?
Authorizing medical treatment interventions
During a small-scale incident.. the incident commander:
may perform all the command functions.
Which of the following statements regarding the unified command system is correct?
"In a unified command system. multiple agencies from multiple jurisdictions work together to develop a plan that involves shared responsibilities"
A single command system:
"is one in which a single person is in charge. even if multiple agencies respond to the incident."
Prior to implementing any plans or operations at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident.. you should FIRST:
notify your supervisor or the incident commander
The transfer of incident command should occur:
face to face. if possible.. and in an orderly manner.
Broadly speaking.. the finance section chief is responsible for
documenting all expenditures at an incident and seeking reimbursement.
If responders at a major incident require additional medical equipment and supplies. They should notify the:
logistics section.
At a very large incident.. the operations section is responsible for:
"managing the tactical operations job usually handled by the incident commander on routine ElvIS calls."
"MIultiple-casualty equipment and supplies needed for airway control include all of the following. EXCEPT:"
oral and nasal airways. ET tubes.. and Combitubes.
Occlusive dressings and large-bore IV catheters for thoracic decompression are supplies used to address issues at a multiple-casualty incident.
airway control
"The ______ has the authority and responsibility to stop an emergency operation if he or she believes a rescuer is in danger."
safety officer
"If an incident is such that it warrants evacuation of people. the incident commander would MOST likely request that the disseminate that information as well as evacuation directions."
safety officer
The National Incident Management System is designed to:
educate state. federal. and local governments. as well as private-sector organizations.. to effectively prevent a domestic incident.
"The National Incident Management System standard incident command structures are based on:"
"U.S. military oversight.. coordination among multiple public and private agencies.. and a warning system."
"Two MOST important underlying principles of National Incident Management System are:"
Flexibility and standardization.
Preparedness in a given area should involve decisions and planning about:
the most likely disasters Cor the area. among other disasters.
"When sil:ing up the scene of a multiple-casualty incident.. the LEAST of your initial concerns should he:"
why the incident occurred.
If your unit is the first to arrive at an incident you should keep yourself safe. size up the scene.. and then:
notify dispatch.. identify your unit.. apprise dispatch of the situation.. and assume command.
After ensuring your own safety. you should consider the safety of. in order:
your partner. other rescuers. the patient. and any bystanders.
Initial command of an incident should be assumed by the:
most experienced public safety official.
When functioning at the scene of a major incident.. communication should:
be face to face to minimize radio traffic.
Which of the following is the MOST difficult aspect of being a triage supervisor?
Not initiating treatment until all patient have been triaged
The primary duty of the triage officer is to:
ensure that every patient receives a primary assessment.
In contrast to primary triage secondary triage:
is performed in the treatment area.
"Which of the following statements regarding triage during a multiple-casualty incident is correct?"
"If your resources are limited. apneic patients with a pulse may be placed in the expectant category.."
Which of the following injuries or conditions should be assigned the HIGHEST triage priority?
Respiratory distress
Triage tags that have tear-off receipts are MOST useful to the:
transportation supervisor.
The FIRST step in the START triage system involves:
directing ..All the walking wounded to an easily identifiable landmark
"According to the START triage system. a nonbreathing patient should be triaged as immediate if:"
a manual airway maneuver restores breathing.
According to the START triage system. if a patient has a strong radial pulse. you should:
control bleeding and assess mental status.
"According to the JumpSTART triage system tor pediatric patients.. infants or children not developed enough to walk or follow commands should be:"
taken to the treatment sector as soon as possible tor immediate secondary triage.
"According to the JumpSTART triage system.. if an infant or child is not breathing. you should:"
immediately assess for a pulse.
Patients who are hysterical and disruptive to rescue efforts:
"may need to be made an immediate priority and transported out of the disaster site. even if they are not seriously injured."
"Which of the following statements regarding critical incident stress management at the scene of a multiple-casualty incident is correct?"
"Rescuers should be encouraged. but not forced. to report to the rehabilitation sector lor a stress debriding."
"During an incident involving a building collapse. a paramedic is assigned eight rescuers to function under his authority. However. as the incident progresses.. the paramedic finds that he is unable to effectively manage the personnel assigned to him. He should:"
"divide tasks and delegate supervision of some tasks to one or more of the rescuers assigned to him."
"You are caring tor a patient with non-life-threatening injuries in the treatment section of a multiple-casualty incident when you are approached by several TV reporters who are seeking details regarding the incident. You should:"
direct the reporters to the public information officer.
Your unit is the first to arrive at the scene of a bus crash. As you approach the scene.. you see multiple patients.. some of them lying on the ground not moving and others walking aound in a dazed state. You should:
remain aware of the potential lor hazards.
"During an incident involving an explosion. you determine that two critically injured patients should be transported to a trauma center by air. After stabilizing the patients'conditions to the best of your ability. you should:"
"notify the transportation supervisor and request that he or she establish a landing zone."
"Upon arriving at the scene ota major incident. you can clearly see that there are numerous patients. some of whom are receiving care and others of whom are walking around unattended. Your MOST appropriate action should he to:"
report to the staging area for further instructions.
You are triaging four patients who were involved in a motor vehicle crash. Victim 1 has bilateral femur fractures.. is in severe pain. and is conscious and alert. Victim 2 is unresponsive.. apneic.. and pulseless. Victim 3.. who is profusely diaphoretic. is wearing a medical alert bracelet identifying her as a diabetic. Victim 4 is responsive to pain only and is in obvious respiratory distress. How should you categorize these patients?
Victim I.. delayed; victim 2.. expectant; victim 3.. immediate; and victim 4.. immediate
"While triaging patients at a multiple-casualty incident.. you rapidly assess a patient and determine that he is conscious and alert. but cannot feel or move anything below his umbilicus. You should:"
place a yclloxv tag on him and move on to the next patient.
"You are caring for numerous patients in the treatment section at the scene of a school shooting. During secondary triage. you encounter a patient wearing a yellow tag. I fer level of consciousness is markedly diminished and she is breathing inadequately. You should:"
rccategorize her as an immediate patient. begin treatment. and notify the transportation officer
"Upon arriving at the scene of a multiple vehicle crash. you call for additional resources and begin triaging patients using the START triage system. The first patient you assess is a young male who is unconscious and apneic. After manually opening his airway. you note that he starts breathing shallowly. You should:"
assess the rate and quality of his radial pulse.
"You are assessing the circulation status of an injured patient using the START triage system. The patient. a 33-year-old man.. has strong radial pulses bilaterally. You should:"
control any bleeding and assess his mental status.
"A man stormed into a daycare center and opened tire with a semiautomatic rifle. The scene has been secured by law enforcement. and you are in the process of triaging the injured children. The first child you assess.. a -l-ycar-old boy. is unresponsive and apneic but has a pulse. Alter manually opening his airway. he remains apneic. You should:"
provide five rescue breaths and reassess his respiratory status.