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66 Cards in this Set

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2 Phases of the cell cycle

Interphase & M phase (Mitosis)

Stages of Interphase

G1 -> G0 or S & G2

Stages of Mitosis







2 Stages of M Phase



Stage of Cell Cycle when Chromosome is most condensed



Specialized DNA sequence on eukaryotic chromosomes that is the site of kinetochore protein and microtubule binding


Protein complex bound to the centromere that facilitates chromosome division by binding to spindle fiber microtubules


A cytoplasmic region, containing a pair of centrioles from which the growth of microtubules forms the spindle apparatus during cell division

Three kinds of spindle fibers

Kinetochore microtubules

Polar microtubules

Astral microtubules

Kinetochore microtubules

Responsible for chromosome movement during cell division by binding to kinetochore

Polar Microtubules

Contribute to the elongation of the cell and to cell stability during division

Astral microtubules

Grow toward the membrane of the cell where they attach and contribute to cell stability


Protein that binds and stabilizes sister chromatids to resist the pull of kinetochore microtubules


Enzyme that cleaves cohesin, allowing for separation of sister chromatids during Anaphase


The separation of sister chromatids in anaphase

Cyclin proteins

Control the progression of cells through the cell cycle by activating cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) enzymes

Cyclin-Dependent Kinase

Proteins that regulate the cell cycle, particularly entry and progression through mitosis

Cyclin-Cdk complex

Regulates the cell cycle progression at various checkpoints


The close approach and contact between homologous chromosomes during early prophase I in meiosis

Synaptonemal Complex

A tri-layer protein structure that maintains synapsis by tightly binding nonsisterchromatids of homologous chromosomes


Contact points between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes where crossing over may occur

Sex Chromosome

Homologous Chromosomes that differ between the sexes. Designated X & Y in species in which females are XX and males XY. Designated Z and W in species in which females are ZW and males are ZZ (birds)

Dosage Compensation

A mechanism for equalizing the expression of X-linked genes in males and females of a species

Sister Chromatids

The identical DNA duplexes that are produced by DNA replication and are temporarily joined to one another during early stages of cell division

S Phase (synthesis phases)

The middle phase of interphase , during which DNA replication takes place


The process of cell division in somatic cells that produces genetically identical daughter cells through a single nuclear division

Nonsister Chromatid

A chromatid belonging to a homologous chromosome. Nonsister chromatids of homologs are involved in crossing over

germ-line cell


Meiosis I

First nuclear division characterized by chromosomes separating.


The stage of M phase during which chromosome condensation starts


Phase of Mitosis during which sister chromatids separate (Anaphase A) and move to opposite poles (Anaphase B)


The stage of M phase during which chromosomes align in the middle of the cell. Chromosomes are most condensed.

X-linked Inheritance

The pattern of inheritance characteristic of genes located on the X chromosome


The spore sac formed by fungi containing four (tetrad) or eight (octad) haploid spores.

Y-linked inheritance

The exclusively male-to-male transmission of genes on the Y chromosome

Meiosis II

Second nuclear division characterized by sister chromatids separating. Similar to Mitosis


The process of cell division occurring in germ-line cells. Produces four haploid gametes through two successive divisions in diploid species

Barrr Body

The inactive X chromosome in mammalian female nuclei. The result of random X inactivation


The gene of mammalian Y chromosomes known as the sex-determining region of Y that initiates male sex development.


The structure formed during cell division that contains microtubules emanating from centrosomes

G1 Phase

The "Gap 1" phase of the cell cycle during which genes are actively transcribed and translated and cells carry out their normal functions


The last stage of M phase, in which the nuclear contents are divided (karyokinesis) and the daughter cells are divided (cytokinesis)

Sex determination

The genetically controlled processes that determine the sex of offspring

M Phase

The cell division phase of the cell cycle


The reproductive cells produced by make and female reproductive structures; sperm or pollen in make animals and plants and eggs in females

Metaphase Plate

The cell midline along which chromosomes align during metaphase

Chromosome theory of heredity

Genes are carried on chromosomes, and the meiotic behaviour of chromosomes is the physical basis of Mendel's laws

Random X-inactivation

Process of randomly inactivating one copy of the X chromosome in each mammalian female nucleus in zygotic development


Genotype of males that carry a single copy of each X-linked gene

Haploid number

The number of chromosomes (n) typically found in the nuclei during the haploid phase of the life cycle.

Recombination Nodule

Proteins along the synaptonemal complex that are thought to play a role in crossing over

Crossing Over

The breakage and reunion of homologous chromosomes that results in reciprocal recombination

Diploid Number

The characteristic number of chromosomes (2n) in somatic cell nuclei during the diploid phase of the cell life cycle. Equal to twice the haploid (n) number of chromosomes found in the nuclei of gametes

G2 phase

"Gap 2" phase of the cell cycle during which the cell prepares to divide

Sex-linked Inheritance

The inheritance of genes on the sex chromosomes

X-linked Inheritance

The pattern of inheritance characteristic of genes located on the X chromosome

X-linked Dominant

A pattern of inheritance consistent with the transmission of a dominant allele of a gene on the X chromosome

Sister Chromatid Cohesion

Temporary attachment of sister chromatids facilitated by cohesin protein that resists the pulling forces of spindle fibers in metaphase

G0 Phase

"G zero" phase of the cell cycle, an alternative to G1, entered by mature cells that generally do not divide again until the die


The failure of homolog or sister chromatid separation during cell division resulting in aneuploidy


The multiphase period of the cell cycle between cell divisions. Includes G1, S and G2 phase


Part of telophase, the process of nuclear division between daughter cells

Daughter cell

The genetically identical cells produced by mitotic cell division


Part of telophase, the process of cytoplasmic division between daughter cells

X-linked recessive

A pattern of inheritance consistent with the transmission of the recessive allele of a gene on the X chromosome

Pseudoautosomal Region (PAR)

Homologous regions of the X and Y chromosomes that synapse and cross over