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64 Cards in this Set

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Pairs of similar chromosomes are called
The number of chromosomes present in human gametes is ____, which is referred to as haploid or n chromosomal number
When a sperm and egg fuse they form a ______ that reestablishes the diploid chromosomal number
zygote... (fertilized egg)
Cells divide by ______: A unique type of cellular division that occurs in the gonads.
______ is an exchange of genetic material between the chromosomes of a chromosome pair, which increases genetic variation among offspring
crossing over
During ________, each daughter cell receives both copies of either the maternal chromosome or the paternal chromosome from each chromosome pair.
anaphase I
The process of_____ will separate the duplicate chromatids.
meiosis II
the male gonads are called?
B. Development of the testes begins in the
__________ During the last two months before birth or shortly after birth they descend through the _______ into the scrotum.
abdominal cavity. inguinal canal
Failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum is called ______ a condition that can result in infertility if not corrected.
one to four highly coiled tubules that are located in each lobule of the testes are called?
Seminiferous tubules
the process of sperm formation that occurs in the seminiferous tubules is called?
when does Spermatogenesis begin?
in the fetus
Some spermatogonia enter into meiosis to ultimately become __________
D. The immature cells (_________) are located along the wall of the tubule, and as they progress through meiosis, they are moved by the _____ cell’s cytoplasm toward the lumen of the seminiferous tubule.
clusters of cells that are located between the seminiferous tubules and are responsible for producing testosterone are?
Interstitial cells of Leydig
The ductus deferens and the duct from the seminal vesicle join to form the __________
ejaculatory ducts
which glandular accessory organ produces the largest proportion of semen
the seminal vesicles
what is erection and what division of the ANS regulates it?
erection is stiffening of the penis that occurs when blood is prevented from leaving the penis. It is caused by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
what occurs during resolution and what is the result?
Resolution is a period of muscular and psychological relaxation that follows orgasm. It results as the sympathetic nervous system constricts the internal pudendal arteries, reducing blood flow to the penis, and activates small muscles that force blood out of the penis.
the process by which most body cells divide is called ______. In gamete formation in the gonads, this nuclear division is called _________
Which hormone stimulates the corpus luteum to continue producing progesterone and estrogen after 10 days?
Through which structure do both semen and urine flow?
Prostatic urethra
Which hormone stimulates proliferation of the endometrium?
Blocking receptor sites for LH on Leydig cells will drastically reduced the levels of which hormone?
What effect does high progesterone levels have on the uterus?
Causes glands to produce secretions
Which hormone, if elevated, would increase the production of FSH and LH?
Prostate enlargement can compress which structure preventing the passage of sperm into the penis?
ejaculatory duct
Which process will not occur if there is no LH surge?
Conversion of a primary oocyte to a secondary oocyte
when does Meiosis of oocytes begin
before birth
the testes have both _____ and ________ functions. They secrete ______ into the vas deferens and ______ into the blood.
exocrine and endocrine functions...
secrete sperm into the vas deferens and testosterone into the blood.
______decrease the viscosity of the mucus covering the cervix and stimulates reverse peristalsis in the uterus and the ovarian tubes.
Secretions from the seminal vesicles constitute ______% of the volume of semen.
the proper name for an egg cell is an ____
ova or oocytes
when a sperm first meets an oocyte is is called a ______ which later becomes an _____
zygote ...embryo
what is the goal for mitosis and meiosis?
to split the dna in half
After the cell has completed the first meiotic division it contains ______amount of DNA and ______ the chromosomes as the original cell
same amount of dna and half the chromosomes as the original cell
in the four cells that are created out of meiosis how many are viable for a male and how many for a female?
four viable cells for a male... 1 for a female
when a cell goes through mitosis the finished product cells have _ chromosomes, whereas in meiosis they have _ chromosomes
4 vs 2
in meiosis and mitosis what are the non viable cells called?
polar bodies
in which stage of cell division are primary spermatocytes and primary oocytes?
prophase 1
in which stages of cell division are secondary spermatocytes? how about secondary oocytes?
secondary spermatocytes are in prophase 2 secondary oocytes are in metaphase 2
what are found inside of the lobules of the testes?
seminiferous tubules (this is where the sperm are being produced)
difference between type A spermatagonium and type B spermatagonium??
type a goes into mitosis... type b goes into meiosis
the differenciation process of going from an early spermatid to a late spermatid is called?
spermiogenesis (the whole process of creating sperm is called spermatogenesis)
the release of the sperm into the seminiferous tubule is called?
how many chromosomes does a secondary spermatocyte contain?
which of the following cells contains 46 chromosomes and double the amount of DNA as compared to a somatic cell?

primary spermatocyte
secondary spermatocyte
early spermatid
late spermatid
primary spermatocyte
which of the following cells contains half the number of chromosomes and the same amount of dna as compared to a somatic cell?

primary spermatocyte
secondary spermatocyte
early spermatid
late spermatid
secondary spermatocyte
the cytoplasm of which cell supports and nourishes developing germ cells?
sertoli cells
Sertoli cells have receptors for ____
They produce inhibin and ABP
FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone released by the anterior pituitary gland)
What does ABP (androgen binding protien) bind to?
the interstitial cells of leydig produce ______ under the influence of which hormone
testosterone under lh
what carries out the absorption and secretion in the epidydimis?
the long microvilli (stereovilli)
where do sperm develop motility?
in the epididymis
how does the sperm move through the vas deferens?
by peristalsis
what does the spermatic cord travel through to get to the abdominal cavity?
the inguinal canal
what is the slightly enlarged portion of the ductus deferens called?
the ampulla
what does the seminal vessicle do?
produces secretions (fructose:for sperm production) and prostaglandins
_______ decreases the viscosity of the mucus covering the cervix and stimulates reverse peristalsis in the uterus and the uterine tubes
the glands beneath the prostate are the ________ what do they do?
bulborethral glands... they secrete alkaline fluid to protect the sperm by neutralizing acid from urine... it also lubricates the urethra for the passage of sperm
which cell protects the developing sperm from antibodies produced by immune cells?
sertoli cell
which cell produces the hormones inhibin and abp?
sertoli cells
at the start of an erection parasympathetic nervous system stimulation causes a release of _____
NO (nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neuron)