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42 Cards in this Set

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What makes eating disorders so hard to classify?
they occur as a continuum.
What is normal eating?
Peoples’ attitudes toward eating and body image occur on a continuum.
Body image:
a persons perception of his or her body's appearance and functioning
What is the difference between eating disorder and disordered eating?
Eating disorder: psychiatric condition involving extreme body dissatisfaction and long term eating patterns harming the bodies

Disordered eating: variety of abnormal or atypical eating behaviors used to reduce weight
What are examples of eating disorders and behaviors?
- severe food restriction
- obsessive exercising
- self induced vomiting....
- anorexia, bulimia
Anorexia Nervosa:
potentially life-threatening eating disorder that is characterized by self-starvation, which eventually leads to severe nutrient deficiencies
Bulimia Nervosa:
characterized by recurrent episodes of extreme overeating and compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain, such as self induced vomiting, misusing of laxatives, fasting, or exercising excessively
Eating disorders- not otherwise specified
- cluster of symptoms and behaviors
- can significantly impair an persons heath
- Binge eating disorder is under here
What factors contribute to the development of eating disorders?
what are the two main categories?
1. Genetic and biological factors
2. Environmental factors
•Family environment
•Media images
•Sociocultural values
1. Genetic and biological factors
- The probability of having an eating disorder is several times higher if a biological relative also has an eating disorder.
This implies that there may be a genetic component; however, it is very difficult to separate genetic and environmental influences.

Individuals with eating disorders may exhibit specific personality traits.

- imbalances in chemicals are also being looked at
- role of serotonin, may have high serotonin production
Personality traits
- people with anorexia have high rates of OCD, genetic
- perfectionism
- social problems
- complience,

- impulsive, low self esteem, seek attention admiration
Environmental factors
A genetic predisposition for an eating disorder may not be manifested until the environment triggers the behaviour.

Environments experiences play a role in the development of an eating disorder in 20-40% of individuals diagnosed with the disease.
Family environment
•Our family influences what we eat and our patterns with regard to eating.
•Families with an anorexicmember seem to have a more rigid family structure.
•Families in which a member has bulimiashow a less stable family organization.
Media images
•Computer-enhanced images of “perfect” bodies fill the media.
•Adolescents are not always able to distinguish between reality and media fantasy.
•Comparing themselves to these images, adolescents may develop a negative body image.
Sociocultural values
Western culture values slenderness as beautiful and as a sign of self-discipline, health, and wealth.
•These cultural values influence a person’s body image and can contribute to eating disorders.

- in cross cultural analysis shows that is mostly western cultures that have a high incidence of eating disorders.

- family, friends, teachers, teacher, co workers can greatly influence us. and those with disorders show higher pressure from the outside then those without
- bullying
Anorexia nervosa: definition, stats?
medical disorder in which unhealthful behaviours are used to maintain a body weight less than 85% of expected weight.
•90-95% are young girls and women
•0.5-4% of Canadian females will develop anorexia
•5-20% of females with anorexia will die from complications
Symptoms of anorexia nervosa:
- extremely restrictive eating practices
- self- starvation
- intense fear of weight gain
- amenorrhea: no period for 3 months
- unhealthful body image
Primary amenorrhea
when a girl hasnt began period by 16 yrs, even though she has secondary sex charac.
- when i girl dosnt have period for at least 3 months after menarche
Health Risks of AN:
- stop in growth
- Electrolyte imbalance
•Cardiovascular problems: slow HR, low BP, heart failure
•Gastrointestinal problems: weak, lose function, IBS, constipation,
•Bone problems leading to osteoporosis: no calcium, vitamins D and K, protein
•Muscle and organ wasting
•Dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails
Bulimia Nervosa
eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging.
Binge eating:
eating a large amount of food in a short period of time.
an attempt to rid the body of unwanted food by vomiting, laxatives, fasting, excessive exercise or other means.
Stats of Bulimia nervosa? how many women are effected? women to men ratio? how many die?
•Affects 1 to 4% of women
•Affects women more than men, with a male-female ratio of between 1:6 and 1:10
•1% of bulimia patients will die from complications within 10 years of diagnosis
•Rates for men are higher in sports where participants are encouraged to have low body weight.
Recurrent episodes of binge eating
•Recurrent inappropriate behaviour to compensate for binge eating (vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, fasting, exercise)
•Binge eating occurs on average at least twice a week for three months
•Negative body image
- sometimes periods of eating, following by periods of fasting
Health Risks:
Electrolyte imbalance –caused by dehydration and loss of sodium and potassium ions from vomiting
•Gastrointestinal problems
•Dental problems
•Calluses on backs of hands or knuckles
•Swelling of the cheeks or jaw area
Eating Disorders –Not Otherwise Specified:
an eating disorder that does not meet the specific criteria for classification as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.
•Includes many different types of disordered eating patterns.
•Become preoccupied with what they eat, how much they eat, and whether foods are “good” or “bad”.
- females, all criteria for AN except regular menses
- all AN, except weight in normal range
- al BN, except binge eating less than twice a week
- repeated chewing, or spitting out food
Health Risks:
Poor nutrient and energy intakes
•Decreased total daily energy expenditure due to reduced basal metabolic rate
•Decreased ability to exercise
•Psychological stresses
•Increased risk of developing anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa
Weight cycling:
when a person who is normal weight or overweight successfully loses weight from dieting but regains the weight and then repeats the cycle.
•Chronic dieting:.
consistently and successfully restricting energy intake to maintain an average or below average body weight.

- experience a lot of stress related to eating
Binge Eating Disorder:
Charaterized by bing eating on everage of twice a week or more without compensatory behaviors, such as dieting or exercise
Often overweight
•A sense of lack of control during binging
•Chaotic eating behaviours (eating too fast, too much, in private)
•Negative self-esteem, poor body image
•Often associated with depression, substance abuse, anxiety disorders
- men as much as women,
- cannot resist food,
- low self esteem,
- depression in 50-60 % of people with binge eating
- substance abuse, anxiety disorders
Health risks:
Increased risk of overweight or obesity
•Foods eaten during binging are often high in fat and sugar
•Stress leads to psychological effects
Female athlete triad:
serious medical syndrome frequently seen in female athletes; consists of:
•Disordered eating
•Menstrual dysfunction
Where is this most common?
Seen especially in sports that emphasize lean bodies or use subjective scoring
- endurence sports
- body contourning outfitted sports
- weigh ins for precipitation
- preadolescent body build for success
Successful treatment requirements?
Need a team:
•Nutritional counselors
•Psychiatric counselors
•Clinician kinesiologist
Treatment for Eating disorders:
Many different treatment plans are used depending on the needs of the patient

Treatment plans may include:
•Nutritional rehabilitation
•Psychosocial interventions
•Lifestyle rehabilitation
Treatment for anorexia should include:
Restore healthy weight
•Treat complications
•Encourage healthful behaviours
•Correct dysfunctional feelings toward the eating disorder
•Enlist the help of family and friends
Bulimia treatments
Identify and modify the events that trigger binging and purging behaviours
•Monitor and alter thought patterns related to food and body image
•Include family and friends to support the patient
Prevention of eating disorders requires:
Reducing weight-related criticism of children and young adults
•Identifying unrealistic body images in the media
•Participation in physical activity and sports
•Modeling a healthy diet by parents