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96 Cards in this Set

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LI primary channel begins_______.
at the radial side of the tip of the index finger.
-D 96
According to _________, a branch of the LI primary channel descends to ________.
Ling Shu chp 4, Shangjuxu ST-37
LI Luo channel begins at ________.
Pianli LI-6
LI Luo connects LU channel______.
three cun above the wrist
LI Luo channel ascends the arm through _________ to the _____and ______where it divides, one branch connecting with the ________, the other entering______________.
Janyu LI 15, jaw, cheek, teeth, the ear to join the 'zong mai'
- D 96
Describe superficial pathway of LI channel?
Begins at the radial tip of the index finger, runs between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones to LI 4, continues on the lateral side of the forearm to the elbow at LI11, rises along lateral side of upper arm to the shoulder at LI 15. Crosses behind the shoulder to LI 16, meets other Yang channels at DU 14. From supraclavicular fossa a branch ascends along lateral aspect of the neck, through the cheek, enters the lower gums and around the upper lip to cross to the other side of the nose ending at LI 20
Describe the LI divergent pathway
separates from the primary channel on the hand, ascends the arm to the shoulder at LI 15, travels medially to the spinal column, crosses to the supraclavicular fossa and descends to the thorax, breast, Lung, and Large Intestine, a branch ascends from the supraclavicular fossa along the throat and unites with the LI primary channel
some special properties of the LI channel network include:
- primary channel enters the gums of the lower teeth
- primary channel crosses to the contralateral side of the face at DU-26
- sinew channel ascends to the corner of the forehead and crosses over the top of the head to connect with the opposite mandible
- lou connects enters the ear as well as the teeth
- divergent channel descends to the breast
- sinew channel attaches to the upper thoracic spine and the div. channel travels medially to the spinal column
Describe the pathway of the SI Luo channel?
Separates at SI 7 and connects wit the Heart Channel, ascends along the arm and connects with the shoulder at LI 15
describe the pathway of the Lung primary channel.
originates in the middle jiao, in the region of the stomach, descends to connect with the LI, returns upwards to pass the cardiac orifice of the ST and traverses the diaphragm, penetrates the LU, ascends to the throat region, passes obliquely downwards towards LU-1 where the channel emerges, ascends one rib space to LU-2 in the center of the hollow of the delto-pectoral triangle, descends along the antero-lateral aspect of the upper arm to the cubital fossa of the elbow at LU-5, passes along the antero-lateral aspect of the forearm towards the styloid process of the radius, follows the lateral border of the radial artery to the wrist, traverses the thenar eminece to terminate at the radial side of the thumbnail at LU-11, a branch separates from the main channel at LU-7, at the styloid process, and travels directly to the radial tip of the index finger, where it links with the LI channel at LI-1
The Lung primary channel connects with the following zangfu:
Stomach, Large Intestine, Lung
The Lung primary channel meets with other channels at the following points:
Describe the LU luo channel pathway
separates from LU primary channel at LU-7, follows LU channel into the palm and spreads through the thenar eminence, connects with LI channel.
Describe the Lung divergent channel pathway
diverges from the LU primary channel at the axilla and passes anterior to the Heart 'channel in the chest, connects with the Lung and disperses in the Large Intestine, a branch ascends from the Lung, emerges at the supraclavicular fossa, ascends across the throat and converges with the LI channel.
The Lung divergent channel....
diverges from the Lung primary channel at the axilla and passes anterior to the Heart channel in the chest, connects with the Lung and disperses in the Large Intestine, a branch ascend from the Lung, emerges at the supraclavicular fossa, ascends across the throat and converges with the Large Intestine channel.
The Lung divergent channel....
diverges from the Lung primary channel at the axilla and passes anterior to the Heart channel in the chest, connects with the Lung and disperses in the Large Intestine, a branch ascend from the Lung, emerges at the supraclavicular fossa, ascends across the throat and converges with the Large Intestine channel.
The Lung channel does not directly connect with the __________, but does so indirectly via the_________.
nose, Large Intestine channel
The Lung primary channel originates where?
In the middle jiao in the region of the Stomach
Describe the pathway of the stomach primary channel on the head
begins at the lateral side of the nose at LI-20, ascends to the medial canthus where it meets BL-1, descends laterally along the infra-orbital ridge to ST-1, descends to enter the upper gum and curves to meet DU-28 & DU-26, circles the lips and meets REN-24 in the mento-labial groove of the chin, runs laterally across the cheeks to ST-5 & ST-6 at the angle of the mandible, ascends anterior to the ear passing via ST-7 to GB-3, ascends within the hairline of the temporal region to ST-8, passing via GB-6, GB-5 & GB-4, follows the hairline to meet DU-24
The stomach primary channel connects with the following zangfu:
Stomach and Spleen
Describe the pathway of the Stomach Luo channel
originates on the lateral side of the lower leg at ST-40, travels to the medial aspect of the lower leg to join with the Spleen channel, ascends the leg and trunk to the nape of the neck and head where it converges with the qi of the other yang channels, then travels internally to terminate at the throat.
Describe the pathway of the Stomach divergent channel.
branches from the primary channel in the middle of the thight, ascends and enters the abdomen, travels to the Stomach and disperses in the Spleen, ascends to penetrate the Heart, ascends along the oesophagus and emerges at the mouth, continues along the nose to connect with the eye and then unites with the primary Stomach channel
The Spleen primary channel connects with the following zangfu:
Spleen, Stomach, Heart
Describe the primary channel pathway for the Spleen (without branches).
begins at the medial side of the tip of the big toe, runs along the medial aspect of the foot, following the border where the skin changes color, ascends in front of the medial malleolus, follows the posterior border of the tibia up the medial aspect of the leg to a point 8 cun superior to the medial malleolus where it crosses the LV channel. ascends along the medial aspect of the knee and the antero-medial aspect of the thigh to the lower abdomen where it intersects the CV at REN-3, REN-4 & REN-10 before entering the Spleen and connecting with the Stomach, emerges in the region of the Stomach and ascends first at 4 cun lateral to the midline then at 6 cun lateral to the midline, passing through GB-24, LV-14 and LU-1, and descends to terminate in the seventh intercostal space on the midaxillary line at SP-21.
Both the spleen primary and divergent channels connect with the _______.
Describe the pathway of the two Spleen primary channel branch pathways.
- one ascends through the diaphram, runs alongside the esophagus and spreads over the lower surface of the tongue
- another ascends from the Stomach, passes through the diaphram and flows to link with the Heart
The Spleen Luo pathway....
originates at SP-4, connects with the Stomach channel, enters the abdomen and connects with the intestines and Stomach
The Spleen divergent channel....
branches from the primary channel in the middle of the anterior thigh, follows the Stomach divergent channel to tne throat where it penetrates the tongue
The Heart primary channel...
originates in the Heart, emerges from the system of blood vessels surrounding the Heart and descends through the diaphragm to connect with the SI, a branch separates from the Heart, ascends alongside the esophagus and then across the face and cheek to connect with the tissues surrounding the eye, another branch travels directly from the Heart to the Lung and descends to emerge from the axilla at HT-1, then travels along the medial aspect of the upper arm to the elbow, descends along the antero-medial aspect of the lower arm to the pisiform bone of the wrist at HT-7, travels through the palm and along the radial side of the little finger to terminate at the radial corner of the nail at HT-9
The Heart primary channel connects with the following zangfu:
Heart, Lung, Small Intestine
The Heart Luo channel.....
seperates from the Heart channel at HT-5 and connect with the Small Intestine channel, follows the Heart channel to the Heart zang then continues to the root of the tongue and the eye.
The Heart divergent channel...
seperates from the primary channel at the axillary fossa, enters the chest and connects with the Heart, ascends along the throat and emerges on the face, connecting with the Small Intestine channel at the inner canthus.
The Heart divergent channel...
seperates from the primary channel at the axillary fossa, enters the chest and connects with the Heart, ascends along the throat and emerges on the face, connecting with the Small Intestine channel at the inner canthus.
The Small Intestine Luo channel...
separates from the Small Intestine channel at SI-7 and connects with the Heart channel, ascends along the arm and connects with the shoulder at LI-15
The Small Intestine divergent channel...
separates from the primary channel at the shoulder, enters the axilla, crosses the Heart and descends to the abdomen where it connects with the Small Intestine.
Which channel's primary and divergent pathway both connect to the Heart zang?
Small Intestine
The single most important acupuncture point to transform phlegm is ______.
Fenglong ST-40
Which channel connects to both the upper and lower teeth?
Stomach primary channel
Lung entry and exit points?
LU-1, LU-7
Large Intestine entry and exit points?
LI-4, LI-20
Stomach entry and exit points?
ST-1, ST-42
Spleen entry and exit points?
SP-1, SP-21
Heart entry and exit points?
HT-1, HT-9
Small Intestine entry and exit points?
SI-1, SI-19
The Heart divergent channel emerges__________.
on the face.
Which channel's primary, divergent and luo pathways all reach the area of the eye?
The Heart:
primary: tissues surrounding
divergent: inner canthus
luo: ascends to the eye
Which channel's luo pathway ascends to the root of the tongue:
BL primary channel begins...
at the inner canthus
From BL-1 the BL channel __________, then a branch ___________, while another branch_________.
ascends to the vertex, descends to the temples in the region of the ear, enters the brain, meets the GV then emerges to descend to the nape of the neck where it splits into two branches
The bladder channel connects with the following zangfu:
Kideneys, Bladder
The Bladder Luo channel...
separates at BL-58 and connects with the Kidney channel
The ____ channel is longest in the body with ______ points
Bladder, 67
___________ is the most superficial of the six channels and therefore _____________.
Taiyang, is the first to be attacked by exterior wind.
Bladder divergent channel connects with:
anus, Bladder, Kidneys, Heart, neck
Kidney primary channel connects with the following zangfu:
Kidney, Bladder, Liver, Lung, Heart
Both the primary and luo channels of the Kidney pass through _________
the lumbar vertebra
The Kidney Luo channel begins at _________, then....
KD-4, encircles the heel and enters internally to connect with the BL channel, ascends along w/KD primary channel to a point below the PC where it travels posteriorly to and spreads into the lumbar vertebra
Kidney divergent channel...
- separates from prim. ch. in popliteal fossa
- intersects BL div. ch. on the thigh
- ascends to connect w/Kidneys
- crosses Dai Mai near 2nd lumbar vetebra
- ascends to root of tongue
- emerge at nape of neck and converge w/BL primary ch.
Pericardium primary channel connects with the following zangfu:
Pericardium luo channel...
starts at PC-6, follows the primary channel up the arm to the pericardium, then connects with the Heart
According to the Ling Shu, ________ points are indicated for changes in a patient's voice.
Sanjiao primary channel connects with the following zangfu:
Sanjiao (upper, middle, lower jiao), Pericardium
Sanjiao luo channel...
- separates from primary channel at SJ-5
- proceeds up the posterior aspect of the arm and over the shoulder, converging w/PC channel in chest
Sanjiao divergent channel....
- separates from primary channel on head and branches to vertex,
- descends inot the supraclavicular fossa and across the 3 jiao, dispersing in the chest
List the functions of the channels
1. Transporting qi and blood throughout the body and rendering the body an integrated whole
2. Protecting the body
3. Responding to dysfunction in the body
4. The channels serve to transmit qi to the diseased area
Describe the difference between the internal and the external pathways of the primary channels.
The internal pathways connect to the channel’s related zangfu and its internally/externally related zangfu
The internal pathway of a channel may also connect to other zangfu.
The external pathway of a channel is where the acupuncture points are located.
Describe the general areas of the body covered by the yin channels and the yang channels respectively.
The yin channels traverse the inner surface of the limbs, the abdomen and the chest.

The yang channels traverse the outer surface of the limbs and travel to the head, and with the
exception of the Stomach channel, the back.
Where do the following groups of channels begin and end?
a Three yin channels of the hand
b Three yang channels of the hand
c Three yang channels of the foot
d Three yin channels of the foot
a Three yin channels of the hand
Begin on the chest and end on the inner aspect of the hand
b Three yang channels of the hand
Begin on the hand and end on the
c Three yang channels of the foot
Begin on the face and end on the outer surface of the foot.
d Three yin channels of the foot
Begin on the foot and end on the chest or flanks.
4 How do the arm channels within the ‘six channel’ system relate anatomically to their corresponding leg channel?
Lung taiyin:
Anterior portion of the inside of the arm
Spleen taiyin:
Anterior portion of the inside of the leg
Pericardium jueyin:
Middle portion of the inside of the arm
Liver jueyin:
Middle portion of the inside of the leg
Heart shaoyin:
Posterior portion of the inside of the arm
Kidney shaoyin:
Posterior portion of the inside of the leg
Large Intestine yangming:
Anterior portion of the outside of the arm
Stomach yangming:
Anterior portion of the outside of the leg
Sanjiao shaoyang:
Middle portion of the outside of the arm
Gall Bladder shaoyang:
Middle portion of the outside of the leg
Small Intestine taiyang:
Posterior portion of the outside of the arm
Bladder taiyang:
Posterior portion of the outside of the leg
List the functions of the divergent channels
1. strengthening the yin-yang relationship between internally-externally paired channels and zangfu
2. distributing qi and blood to head and face
3. integrate areas of the body not supplied or interconnected by the primary channels.
4. help explain the clinical action of some commonly-used acupuncture points
Give two characteristics that are specific to the Sinew channels.
i. Circulate only on the periphery of the body.
ii. Do not penetrate to the zangfu.
iii. Are more superficial and follow the lines of major muscles and muscle groups, tendons, ligaments etc.
iv. All originate at the extremities and ascend to the head and trunk.
The superficial pathways of the twelve channels complete three circuits of the body. Describe the direction of the flow through this circuit, with reference to areas of the body and yin and yang.
Chest to hand (downwards), to face (upwards), to foot (downwards), to chest (upwards) – travelling from yin to yang and back again.
Which luo-connecting channels connect to internal zangfu. Name the zangfu they connect to.
Spleen – Stomach and intestines
Heart – Heart
Pericardium – Pericardium and Heart
Which luo-connecting channels connect to sense organs. Name the sense organs they connect to.
Large Intestine – teeth and ear
Heart – base of tongue and eye
The shu-stream points of the yin channels are the primary points for ___________________.
tonifying and harmonizing their respective zang
which channels are considered to have little affect on the related organs?
The arm yang channels
"the point at which the qi enters inward is known as the_______"
he-sea points are indicated for:
- counterflow qi and diarrhoea
- disease of the stomach and disorders resulting from the irregular eating and drinking
- diseases of the fu
- diseases of the skin (yang he-sea pts only)
jing-well point of the yin organs is ascribed to the ________phase while that of the yang organs is______phase.
wood, metal
define xi-cleft
Where the qi and blood, which flow relatively superficially along the channels from the jing-well points, gather and plunge more deeply.
The actions of the luo-connecting points may be summerized as:
- treating disorders of their interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zangfu
- treating disorders in regions reached by the luo-connecting channel
- treating psycho-emotional disorders
Describe the "host and guest" point combination
the yuan-source point of the first or primarily affected channel is combined with the luo-connecting point of its biao-li coupled channel
The jing-well is known as________________.
the point at which the qi emanates.
The point at which the qi glides is known as the ________,
The point at which the qi _______ is known as the shu-stream.
On the yin channels, the _______ point is the same as the _______ point.
yuan-source, shu-stream
lung channel originates in
the middle jiao ,in the region of the stomach
-D 73
LU channel ________ to connect with ___________.
descends, LI
-D 73
LU chan. returns upward to pass the ____________ of the _________ and traverses the ____________.
cardiac orifice, Stomach, diaphragm
-D 73
A branch of LU main channel seperates at _________ and travels to the __________where it links with ___________.
LU-7, at the styloid process, radial side of the tip of the index finger, LI channel at LI-1
The LU primary channel connects with which zangfu?
Stomach, Large Intestine, Lung
LU divergent channel diverges from LU primary channel at ________and passes ________to the HT channel in the _______.
the axilla, anterior, chest
-D 74
LU divergent channel connects with the _______ and disperses in the ____________.
Lung, Large Intestine
-D 74
A branch of the LU divergent channel ascends from the Lung, emerges at _____________, ascends across __________ and converges with____________.
supraclavicular fossa, the throat, LI channel
-D 74
The lung primary and divergent channels __________to the _____.
ascend, throat
=D 75
List the five principal functions of the Lung:
-governing qi and controlling respiration
- controlling disseminating and descending
- regulating the water passages
- controlling the skin and body hair
- opening into the nose