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50 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the placenta?
The placenta acts as an endocrine gland, secreteing hormones (HCG, estrogen, progesterone). It is also the site for nutrient/waste exchange between the mother and the fetus. It also blocks the fetus from danger, using the placenta barrier which blocks certain substances/viruses from passing to the fetus.
How do you assess for fetal heart tones?
Depending on how far along the pregnancy, you can use a fetoscope, ultrasound stethescope, or a doppler (doppler can be used between 12-20weeks).
What conditions does an amniocentisis used to indentify?
An amniocentisis can identify the gender of a baby, as well as chromosomal abnormalities (spinal disorders, down syndrome), health status, and maturity of the fetus, lung maturity, presence of intrauterine infection or fetal distress.
What are the nurses responsibilities during an amniocentisis?
The nurse should explain to the patient what she can expect during the procedure, make sure she understands what the doctor has told her about the procedure, then obtain informed consent, she should instruct the patient to empty her bladder, place the pt in a supine position, wedge her right hip with pilows and drape her abdomen. The nurse shold obtain baseline vitals, FHR, cleanse abdomen with aniseptic solution, and if needed administer Rhogam, after the procedure obtain vitals, encourage the pt to drink water!
What are the risks of an amniocentisis?
Risks include amniotic emboli, maternal or fetal hemmorage, infection, fetal damage (limb complications).
Describe the effects of hormones during pregnancy on the uterus and breasts.
Hormones cause the uterus to enlarge and change the consitency of tissues. The change in breasts include increased vascularation, increased size, change in pigmentation, prominence of areola and nipples.
What are the presumptive signs of pregnancy?
These signs indicate that pregnancy is possible, but are not defenitive, amenorrhea, nausea, vomitting, frequent urination, breast changes, changes in size of the abdomen, quickening, skin changes, and Chadwicks sign,
What are the probable signs of pregnancy?
These signs indicate that a woman is probably pregnant, but not definative: Changes in reproductive organs (enlarged uterus), Hegar adn Goodell's sign, ballotment, positive pregnancy test,
What are the positive signs of pregnancy?
Positive signs of pregnancy occur ONLY IN PREGNANCY, there for they are definitive signs of pregnancy, visualization, fetal movement, ausulation of fetal heart beat.
Explain Nagele's rule.
Nagele's rule is used to estimate a due date, You start with the first dat of the last menstural cycle, count back 3 months, then add 7 days. Most babies are born within 10 days before or after EDB.
What danger signs during pregnancy may indicate a need for immediate medical attention?
These signs are reasons to seek immidiate medical attention during pregnancy: diplopia, bluring vision or seeing spots, headaches (severe, sudden ot continuous), edema of the face, presacral area, or fingers, rapid wieght gain, severe abdominal or epigastric pain, signs of infection (fever, chills, diahrrea), changes in vaginal discharge, pain or burning with urrination, vagninal bleeding, presistant vomitting, muscular irratability or convulsions. absence or decrease in fetal movement (once its felt).
Describe the musculoskeletal changes that women experience during pregnancy.
Muscoskeletal changes during pregnancy may include postural changes, a forward tilted pelvis, decreases muscular tone. The spine can realign, center of gravity shifts, the ulmbosacral curve increases, and a compensatory curve in the cervicodorsal develops to help maintain balance. The ligaments and muscular structures of the middle and lower spine become very stressed, Pelvic joints become relaxed and increase mobility. Connective tissues become exaggerated, elasticity amd softening increase.
When do breast changes occur in pregnancy?
Breast changes occur early in pregnancy, they include, tingling, a feeling of fullness, increased sensitivity, increased size, nipples and areolas darken in late pregnancy, colustrum may be secreted.
What are some comman methods of preparing for childbirth?
Comman methods of prepared childbirth include:
Dick Read~ progressive relaxation, avoiding analgesics.
Bradley ~ stresses control of enviroment,
Leboyer~ warm, water bath
Lamaze~ breathing, distraction and focusing techniques,
It is important for a woman to be prepared, it will decrease anxiety during labor and birth.
Name 5 discomforts of pregnancy and the physiological reasons behind them.
Any of the discomforts on your worksheet are acceptable, here are a few:
Constipation~ smooth muscles relax in preperation for labor, baby presses on the colon, as well as iron supplemnts.
Headache~ the body is adjusting to changes in blood volume, and vascular tone,
Heart burn~ pressure on the throat due to the baby getting bigger, increased progesterone levels.
Shortness of breath~ uterus enlarges and pushes diaphram upward.
Varicose veins~ pressure on the veins that carry blood bacl to the heart from the enlarging uterus.
When does conception (fertilization) take place?
Conception occurs when the sperm joins or fuses with the ovum
Where does conception normally occur?
Conception normally occurs in the outer 1/3rd portion of the tube.
After fertilization occurs, what is the new cell called?
After conception until implantation, the cell mass is refered to a zygote.
Implantion normally occurs in the __________________.
Implantion normally occurs in the fundus of the uterus on either the anterior or posterior surfaces.
What is an eptopic pregnancy?
Eptopic pregnancies occur when implantation occurs outside of the uterine cavity.
Hormone levels are extremely important in pregnancy, in early pregnancy __________ is the most important to maintain the pregnancy.
Hormone levels are extremely important in pregnancy, in early pregnancy progesterone is the most important to maintain the pregnancy.
What provides noursihment to the zygote before the placenta is formed?
The yolk sac provides the nourishment
When does the embryo turn from a zygote into a fetus?
As soon as a zygote implants, it is then considered an fetus.
How long does the embryonic stage last?
Embryonic stage lasts approximately 8 weeks.
During the first 8 weeks of pregnancy (the embryonic stage), what kind of development does the embryo go through?
During the embryonic stage a simple heart beat begins, and primary forms of all the major organs are developed, by the end of this stage the embryo has a acquired a human appearance.
Starting with the 9th week, the embryo is referred to as a _______, and the ________ stage begins.
Starting with the 9th week, the embryo is referred to as a fetus and the fetal stage begins.
What is a teratogenic agent?
Any drug, virus, or irradiation that can cause malformations of the fetus.
The placenta develops and takes over nutrition of the developing embryo at the ____-_____ week of pregnancy.
The placenta develops and takes over nutrition of the developing embryo at the 12-14th weeks of pregnancy.
If a pregnant mother is diabetic, can she continue to take her oral hypoglycemics?
No, most oral hypoglycemics can cross the placental barrier, but insulin DOES NOT, so alot of time diabetic mothers are switched to insulin during pregnancy.
The umbilical cordis normally ___-___inches long and less than ___inch in diameter at the time of delivery.
The umbilical cordis normally 20-22 inches long and less than 1 inch in diameter at the time of delivery.
What is Wharton's jelly?
Wharton's jelly is gelatinous-mucoid substance that remains when the embryonic body stalk blends with the yolk sac withing the umbilical cord, it is the major part of the umbilical cord.
The umbilical cord is made up of 2 __________ and 1 ______, whcih gives it a rope like appearance.
The umbilical cord is made up of 2 arteries and 1 vien, whcih gives it a rope like appearance.
What is the purpose of amniotic fluid?
Amniotic fluid acts as a cushion against injury, helps regulate temperature, and allow room for growth.
At the time of delivery, there is aproximetly ____ liter of amniotic fluid.
At the time of delivery, there is aproximetly 1 liter of amniotic fluid.
What is lanugo?
Lanugo is the downy, fine heair charecteristic of fetuses between 20 weeks if gestation and birth.
Describe what the maternal serum alpha-fetoprotien screening test for?
The maternal serum alpha-fetoprotien screening is a blood test used to identify birth defects and abnormalities such as down syndrome or neural tube defects.
When screening for abnormalities, an amniocentisis is done at aproximately _____ weeks of pregnancy.
When screening for abnormalities, an amniocentisis is done at aproximately 16 weeks of pregnancy, this is before the legal point of viability at 22 weeks, to give the mother time to consider options.
What is a normal score of a biophysical profile?
A score of 8-10 is considered normal, 6 is evuivocal, 4 or less is abnormal.
During the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy levels of ________ and ___________ stay high, which in turn FSH, LH, and ovulation are supporessed, as well is _______.
During the first 8-10 weeks of pregnancy levels of estrogen and _progesterone stay high, which in turn FSH, LH, and ovulation are supporessed, as well is menstration.
What is done at a basic prenatal physical examination?
At a prenatal exam the following will be done:
~measurment of vital signs, height and weiht,
~ assessment of heart, lungs, and reflexes
~inspection of the skin and mobility
~basic blood work
~Routine urinalysis for glucose, protein, ketones
What blood work is done at the prenatal appointment?
Blood work includes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, serology tests for syphilis, HIV, and hepitius virus, blood typing, Rh factor, rubella titer.
During a gynecologic examination what is done?
During a gynecologic exam palpation and auscultation, visualization of the cervix and vagina, evaluation of bony pelvis, palpation of the uterus exteranally, examination of the vulva, perineum, anus, and rectum, sometimes a PAP smear is done.
What is gravida?
Gravida is a word that indicates that a woman is pregnant. Then numerical prefixes are added to indicate muber of pregnancies. (primigravida, nuligravida, multigravida).
How often are prenatal appointments recommended?
Prenatal appointments should be scheduled once a month through the 7th month, then once every 2 weeks for the next month, then once a week until delivery.
What is pica?
Pica is the craving and eating of substances that are not normally considered edible.
Pregnant women should increase their prepregnant caloric intake by ____-____ calories and breastfeeding mothers should increase prepregnancy calories by _____.
Pregnant women should increase their prepregnant caloric intake by 300-500 calories and breastfeeding mothers should increase prepregnancy calories by 500.
What is physiological anemia?
Physiological anemia is when, due to a pregnancy, the mother's fluid volume increases before the RBC can rise to the new levels.
Blood volume increases ___-___% above prepregnancy levels
Blood volume increases by 40-50% above prepregnancy level.
Once a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she should stop exercising immidiately.
FALSE, A woman can maintain normal physical activity as long as she has an uncomplicated pregnancy. She should aviod high risk activities, that require a great deal of balance and coordination.
There is no physiologic reason to limit sex during pregnancy.
Unless there are complications in the pregnancy or the bag of waters has ruptured.