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41 Cards in this Set

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Direct primary
A nominating election in which voters choose the candidates who later run in a general election.
17th Amendment
Gave voters the power to elect their senators directly.
Gives voters the power to introduce legislation.
A companion to the initiative.
Enables voters to remove an elected official from office by calling for a special election.
Samuel M. Jones
Mayor of Toledo in 1897 who strongly believed in the Golden Rule.
Tom Johnson
Mayor of Cleveland in 1897, who was said to be the "Best mayor of the best-governed city in the U.S."
Robert M. La Follette
Governor of Wisconsin 1900 who backed the reform program, the Wisconsin Idea.
Theodore Roosevelt
Became president after McKinley was shot and killed of injuries.
Process by which two opposing sides allow a third party to settle a dispute.
Square Deal
Roosevelt's 1904 campaign slogan that meant, "Every man has a square deal, no less and no more."
Elkins Act
Forbade shipping companies from accepting rebates, or money given back in return for business.
Hepburn Act
Authorized the ICC to set railroad rates and to regulate other companies engaged in interstate commerce.
Upton Sinclair
Wrote, "The Jungle" about the terribly unsanitary conditions at a meatpacking plant.
Meat Inspection Act
Required federal government inspection of meat shipped across state lines.
Pure Food and Drug Act
Forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of food and medicine containing harmful ingredients.
Gifford Pinchot
A strong conservationist, forester, and a friend of Roosevelt.
The process of making damaged land productive again.
National Park Service
Created to help supervise parks and monuments, it was created in 1916.
William Howard Taft
Roosevelt's secretary of war.
Mann-Elkins Act
Extended regulatory powers of the ICC to telephone and telegraph companies.
16th Amendment
Permitted congress to levy taxes based on an individuals income.
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Reductions on imports to lower the prices of consumer goods.
Richard Ballinger
Taft's secretary of the interior.
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Signaled Taft's weakness on conservation.
Joseph Cannon
Of Illinois, a conservative Republican.
George Norris
A progressive from Nebraska who began an effort to break Cannon's power.
Progressive Party
A.k.a, Bull Moose Party, had a platform based on the New Nationalism and nominated Roosevelt as their candidate.
Woodrow Wilson
Ran for Democratic party, had a platform calling for tariff reduction, banking reform, laws benefiting wage earners and farmers, and stronger antitrust legislation.
New Freedom
Program developed by Wilson that made proposals to help small businesses.
Eugene Debs
Of the socialist party, supported public ownership of all major industries.
Federal Reserve Act
Combined views of Democrats and progressive Republicans that created a three-tiered banking system.
Clayton Antitrust Act
Clarified and extended the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act by clearly stating what corporations could not do.
Federal Trade Commission
Authorized to investigate corporations.
Adamson Act
Reduced the workday for railroad workers from 10 hours to 8 without a cut in pay.
Keating-Owen Child Labor
Outlawed the interstate sale of products produced by child labor.
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Leading force in the women suffrage movement that took a local approach to grant women the right to vote.
Alice Paul
A militant young Quaker suffragist who broke away from the NAWSA, and created her own association.
Carrie Chapman Catt
Highly skilled organizer who was one of the leaders of NAWSA.
19th amendment
Granted women full voting rights.
Wisconsin Idea
Reform program created by Robert M. La Follette.