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72 Cards in this Set

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What is ossification?

Formation of the bone

What are the two types of ossification?

1. Intermembranous

2. Endochondral

Where is Intermembranous ossification usually found?

usually found in formation of flat bones or parts of bone that are flat

usually found in formation of flat bones or parts of bone that are flat


Give 5 examples of flat bones

ex.1 Glabella

ex.2 Parietal Bone

ex.3 Temporal Bone (squamous portion)

ex.4 sternum

ex.5 frontal bone

Bone forms between what?

Bones form between Fibrous sheets

What ossification is the most common?

Endochondral ossification


What is a perichondrium?

known as Fibrous outercoat , even  though it contains cartilage , in 1st stage of endochondral ossification

known as Fibrous outercoat , even though it contains cartilage , in 1st stage of endochondral ossification

What coat forms in 2nd stage of endochondral osssifcation?


double-layered protective outermembrane; Outer fibrous layer is dense regular connective tissue

- Richly supplied with nerve fibers, blood, and lymphatic vessels, which enter the bone via nutrient foramina; Secured to underlying bone by Sharpey's fibers

1st stage of Endochondral ossification?

*Ossification Starts with a hyaline cartilage model
- Perichondrium: fibrous outercoat
- little arm on distal end
- cartilage template in middle

*Ossification Starts with a hyaline cartilage model

- Perichondrium: fibrous outercoat

- little arm on distal end

- cartilage template in middle

2nd stage of Endochondral ossification?

* coat is now called Periostem instead of Perichondrium , b/c of the blood penetrating
- In the diaphysis, the perichondrium is infiltrated with blood vessels, becoming a vascularized periosteom

* coat is now called Periostem instead of Perichondrium , b/c of the blood penetrating

- In the diaphysis, the perichondrium is infiltrated with blood vessels, becoming a vascularized periosteom

3rd Stage of Endochondral ossification?

- A nutrient artery penetrates near the center of the diaphysis (primary ossification center) through the bone collar and into the cartilage model.
- cartilage is avascular but as it gets bigger , bone needs blood supply

- A nutrient artery penetrates near the center of the diaphysis (primary ossification center) through the bone collar and into the cartilage model.

- cartilage is avascular but as it gets bigger , bone needs blood supply

4th stage of Endochondral ossification?

5th stage of Endochondral ossification?

Secondary ossification centers  appear in the cartilaginous epiphyses shortly after birth
- spongy bone is formed
- compact bone is formed
- articular cartilage also

Secondary ossification centers appear in the cartilaginous epiphyses shortly after birth

- spongy bone is formed

- compact bone is formed

- articular cartilage also

identify spongy and compact bone

identify articular cartilage

identify epiphysis and diaphysis

- Epiphysis ( is where secondary ossification was)
- Diaphysis ( is where is primary ossification was)

- Epiphysis ( is where secondary ossification was)

- Diaphysis ( is where is primary ossification was)

What is an osteon?

basic unit of compact bone

basic unit of compact bone

What is the endosteum of an osteon?

inside coat

inside coat

identify periosteum of osteon

inner layer and outer layer

inner layer and outer layer

what is part of the true osteon?

the cylinders



1. Spongy bone

2. compact bone

3. articular cartilage

identify 8

identify 8

Medullary cavity

identify 1, 5, 6, 7, 8

identify 1, 5, 6, 7, 8

1. Haversian (center) canal: where blood supply mainly comes from

5. Lamella (e): rings that go around

6. Osteocyte : blue inside lacuna , trapped forever

7. Lacuna (e): little cavities / space that is oval shaped fits osteocyte , btwn lamellae

8. Canalculi: extend like spider legs , small blood vessels that help move blood & interconnect lacuna

In center of cylinder of osteon what is found?

Blood vessel

Interconnectons between adjacent osetons are accomplished by what structures?

Volkmann's canal

Volkmann's canal

How many phalanges are in each hand?

14 phalanges in each hand

How about how many phanlanges total in both hands?

28 in all

The distal end of the humerus has?


Total number bones in the appendicular skeleton?

126 bones

Which is the largest?

A. Lesser tubercle

B. Greater tubercle

C. conoid tubercle

B. Greater tubercle

How many bones are in carpals in the entire body?

16 carpals

How many total bones of phalanges are in the entire body?


How many metacarpals are there in total in the entire body?


Ossification what kind of transition ?

A Gradual transition from a fibrous or cartilaginous template to bone

Ossification is completed when?

Takes place at different rates and is completed at different ages depending on site of ossification

What is Intermembranous ossification?

This is the less common form of bone formation, being limited primarily to the flat bones of the skull such as the parietal, parts of the temporal, and parts of the maxilla.

In Intermembranous ossification , the bone is deposited between ?

Two fibrous membranes

intermembranous ossification's formation , results in the bone being?

The bone formed in this way is normally quite porous and does not display the Haversian System of other bones.

What happens in Endochondral ossification?

In this type of bone formation a cartilage template, surrounded by the perichondrium, is entered by blood vessels to begin the process

As the template grows, Endochondral ossification begins in the central portion of the template, which will become?

The diaphysis

The area of the diaphysis , is also known as?

primary ossification center

After Primary ossification center is developed, what happens next during Endochondral ossification ?

secondary ossification centers are formed, which are located in the epiphyses (proximal and distal ends of the bone)

Once the template has begun to grow, the perichondrium is referred to as


During endochondral ossification, the area between the primary and secondary ossification centers that remains cartilage is called the? And is an example of?

epiphyseal plate and is an example of a synchondrosis

The final ossification of epiphyseal plates takes place?

gradually and is completed at different chronological ages.

Haversian Systems develop in ?

compact bone

Within the spongy bone,

the Haversian systems ?

Do not form!

This more porous bone is also known as ?

cancellous bone.

Often the epiphyses of bones that form part of an articulation are capped by an area of cartilage. This is the ?

articular surface or articular cartilage.

Osteocytes are found in?


What is the cartilaginous joint between primary and secondary ossification centers?

Epiphyseal Plate

The shaft of a long bone is properly called the?


The circular layers of bone around the haversian canal are called?


What is a suture?

A fibrous synarthrotic joint

What is Process?

Projection for the attachment of muscle

What is Foramen ?

Hole through a single bone

What is Foramina?

Holes through a single bone

What is condyle?

rounded projection for articulation

What is Fossa?


Most veretebrae are found in what region?


The dens is part of which vertebra?


How many bones in the axial skeleton?


how many bones total in the whole body?


How many bones in the appendicular skeleton?


Facets are found on all thoracic vertebrae?



How many ethmoid bones?


How many lumbar vertebrae, in the entire body?


How many false ribs, in the entire body?


A small rounded depression on a bone that is meant for articulation is called?


What is a tubercle?

Small Projection

What is a meatus?


Define trochanter

Large projection for muscle attachment