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175 Cards in this Set

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Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative change in the cervical spine that causes:
narrowing of the spinal canal and pressure on the spinal cord
Fall-related fractures in the elderly occur MOST often to the ___, usually in patients with underlying:
hip, osteoporosis
Delirium is MOST accurately defined as:
an acute alteration in mentation that indicates an underlying condition
Resting tremor of an extremity and bradykinesia are associated with:
Parkinson’s disease
A person taking beta blockers or calcium channel blockers would MOST likely present with:
a slower than usual heart rate
A decreased number of pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial node would MOST likely contribute to a decline in cardiac output secondary to:
Hypertensive emergencies in the geriatric population:
require a controlled decline in blood pressure that often cannot be achieved in the prehospital setting.
Elderly patients experience a slower physiologic response to hypoxemia and hypercarbia because of:
decreased sensitivity to changes in arterial blood content
In contrast to stress incontinence, urge incontinence is triggered by:
cold fluids
Decreased elasticity of the lungs and calcification of the costochondral cartilage results in:
an increase in residual lung volume
Which of the following is NOT a predisposing risk factor for trauma in the elderly?
Decreased body water
Which of the following cardiac dysrhythmias is associated with the HIGHEST risk of stroke?
Atrial fibrillation
The social assessment component of the GEMS diamond includes:
determining if activities of daily living are being provided by another person
Older men often experience difficulty urinating because of:
urethral pressure from an enlarged prostate
An elderly person is more likely to sustain serious injury following trauma due to:
brittle, demineralized bone
An 82-year-old man presents with confusion that has worsened progressively over the past 2 weeks. Because of his confusion and the fact that he is hearing impaired, you obtain the majority of your medical history information from his daughter. She tells you that her father has high blood pressure but refuses to take medication for it. She also tells you that she thinks he fell about 3 weeks ago, although he denies falling. The patient’s blood pressure is 168/98 mmHg, his pulse rate is 60 beats/min and occasionally irregular, and his respirations are 22 breaths/min and regular. This patient MOST likely:
is experiencing a subdural hematoma
The heart hypertrophies with age, MOST likely in response to:
a chronically increased afterload caused by arteriosclerotic blood vessels
Which of the following statements regarding Alzheimer’s disease is NOT correct?
Age alone is thought to be the underlying cause of Alzheimer’s disease
Adverse drug reactions in elderly people are the result of:
changes in drug metabolism due to diminished hepatic function
Cardiac dysrhythmias in older people are LESS commonly the result of:
poorly controlled anxiety
Physiologic age-related decreases in skin elasticity are the result of:
decreased collagen and elastin production
Elderly people are more susceptible to intracranial bleeding because of:
enlargement of the subdural space
Hypotension and orthostatic vital sign changes would MOST likely occur in elderly people who take:
Therapeutic doses of certain drugs may reach toxic levels in older people due to deterioration of the:
Aging is a linear process, which means that:
the rate at which we lose functions does not increase with age
Which of the following statements regarding aging is MOST correct?
Health care providers may attribute genuine disease symptoms to age, resulting in inadequate care
Which of the following is an extrinsic cause of falls in the elderly?
An uneven sidewalk
Typical signs and symptoms of Meniere disease include all of the following, EXCEPT:
When assessing an older person, you should remember that it is common for him or her to:
respond slowly to questions
After falls, ___ is/are the second leading cause of accidental death among the elderly people.
motor vehicle accidents
You are dispatched to an assisted living center for an 80-year-old woman who is vomiting bright red blood. Upon your arrival, you find the patient sitting in a chair. She is conscious and alert, but is markedly pale and diaphoretic. Her medical history is significant for hypertension, congestive heart failure, type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, and osteoarthritis. Her medications include Toprol, lisinopril, Glucophage, Synthroid, and ibuprofen. Her blood pressure is 76/56 mmHg, pulse is 76 beats/min and weak, and respirations are 24 breaths/min and shallow. Which of the following statements regarding this scenario is MOST correct?
This patient, who is in shock, probably has a bleeding peptic ulcer secondary to ibuprofen use, and the lack of compensatory tachycardia is likely the result of the beta blocker she is taking.
You are called to a residence for a 74-year-old woman who fainted. During your assessment, the patient’s son tells you that he was standing next to his mother when she fainted and that he caught her before she fell to the floor. He further tells you that his mother has angina pectoris and kidney disease. The patient is now conscious but confused. Her blood pressure is 80/50 mmHg, pulse is 110 beats/min and weak, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min and regular. As your partner administers supplemental oxygen to the patient, you should:
assess for the presence of a nitroglycerin patch on the patient and remove it if she is wearing one.
Which of the following factors would MOST likely cause vague or atypical signs of acute myocardial infarction?
female sex and diabetes
Aging brings a widespread disease in bone mass, especially:
in postmenopausal women
Untreated depression in people over 65 years of age:
is associated with a higher suicide rate than any other age group
Polypharmacy is MOST accurately defined as:
the prescribing of multiple drugs to treat multiple conditions
Which of the following disease processes would MOST likely present with signs and symptoms that mimic those seen with normal aging?
You respond to a residence for an unknown emergency involving an 83-year-old man. When you arrive, you find the patient, who is conscious and alert, sitting on his couch with his head held over a bowl. He tells you that his nose starting bleeding about 20 minutes ago and he cannot get it to stop. As your partner assists the patient in controlling the bleeding, you inquire about his medical history. He tells you that he has chronic atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, and is occasionally depressed. When you ask him about compliance with his medications, he tells you, “I take my medicine every day, but the writing on the bottles is so small.” The patient’s blood pressure is 112/58 mmHg, pulse rate is 88 beats/min and irregular, and respirations are 18 and unlabored. This patient has MOST likely inadvertently:
overdosed on his warfarin
Considering the physiologic changes that occur with age, which of the following interventions would pose the GREATEST risk for harm when caring for an elderly patient with a severe burn that is complicated by a spinal injury?
fluid replacement
Which of the following central nervous system functions does NOT change as a person ages?
intelligence level
Which of the following is the MOST common respiratory infection that causes death in the elderly population?
Pneumococcus bacteria
In contrast to delirium, dementia is:
a progressive disease that produces irreversible brain failure
After obtaining an elderly patient’s chief complaint, gathering additional information about the history of present illness would MOST likely be complicated because:
chronic problems may affect the acute problem
In contrast to a 30-year-old man, if a 70-year-old were to consume an excessive amount of alcohol:
he will experience a higher blood alcohol concentration due to decreases in body mass and total body water
MOST age-related visual disturbances are the result of:
cataracts or glaucoma
When assessing an unresponsive older person’s airway, it is MOST important to remember that:
delayed gastric emptying increases the risk of aspiration
The relatively high use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by older patients predisposes them to:
peptic ulcer disease
Heat gain or loss in response to environmental changes is delayed in elderly people for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:
chronic hyperthyroidism
In contrast to younger patients, elderly patients:
tend not to complain, even when they have legitimate symptoms
The son of a 76-year-old woman called 911 because his mother is “ill.” The patient presents with mild confusion, poor skin turgor, and tachycardia. She is incontinent of urine and asks you for a glass of water. Her son tells you that she had not been feeling well for the past several weeks, but would not allow him to take her to the doctor. Which of the following assessment parameters will MOST likely reinforce your suspicion regarding the underlying cause of this patient’s condition?
blood glucose
Men who have been abused by their female spouses:
are often too humiliated to report the incident as it happened
You receive a call to a residence for an “unknown injury.” Upon arrival at the scene, you are greeted at the door by a well-dressed man, who tells you that his 39-year-old wife fell down a small flight of stairs and is in the living room. As you are assessing the patient, you note multiple bruises to the left side of her face and an area of redness to her anterior neck. When her husband leaves the room for a brief period, she states, “Mike’s really a good man, but he does have somewhat of a temper.” You should:
continue your assessment as your partner notifies law enforcement
Which of the following injury patterns is MOST suggestive of child abuse?
Signs of abuse in a nursing home resident include:
undocumented decubitus ulcers
Child neglect is MOST accurately defined as:
harm or endangerment to a child that occurs when a caregiver fails to provide basic necessities or engages in dangerous child-rearing practices
All of the following have been identified as potential complications of child maltreatment, EXCEPT:
criminal behavior beginning in late adulthood
In contrast to sexual assault, rape:
involves penile penetration of the genitalia without the victim’s consent
Your index of suspicion for elder abuse should increase if:
a mentally competent patient allows the caregiver to respond to your questions
Which of the following caregiver characteristics is LEAST suggestive of abusive behavior?
underreaction to child misbehavior
The deliberate withholding of medicine, food, or assistance with mobility is called?
active neglect
Bruises to a child’s ___ are LEAST suggestive of an intentionally inflicted injury.
You are assessing a 79-year-old man who presents with an altered mental status. The patient’s 50-year-old son, who lives with the patient, tells you that his father’s present condition is “normal for him.” Your assessment of the patient reveals a large hematoma to the back of his head and numerous skin tears to his arms. You should:
assess the patient and correct any immediately life-threatening conditions
Because of the physical and psychological injuries that abused children experience:
they may become abusive or neglectful caregivers as adults
People who abuse their partner or spouse:
may use intimidation and threats to maintain control
Abused elders generally do not seek help for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:
disorders such as Parkinson’s disease
Which of the following statements regarding the reporting of suspected child abuse is MOST correct?
in most states, the paramedic is a mandated reporter in cases of child abuse and neglect
The BEST indicator of possible child abuse is:
evidence gathered from a thorough physical exam and case history
During your assessment of a 7-year-old boy with a fractured arm, you note that the child has a flat affect and will not tell you how the injury occurred. The child’s father, who is in the same room, is clearly apprehensive and rudely interrupts you when you question the child by stating, “I’ll answer for my own kid; he can’t tell you what happened!” You should:
continue your assessment as your partner discreetly returns to the ambulance to notify law enforcement
Law enforcement requests your assistance to assess a 33-year-old woman who was sexually assaulted. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient sitting on the curb outside her apartment complex. She is conscious and crying, but does not have any gross injuries. When you begin to assess her, she tells you that all she wants to do is go home and clean herself up. She further tells you that she does not need your help. You should:
remain empathetic and advise the patient that she needs medical care, and that cleaning herself up may destroy any potential evidence.
You are assessing an injured 9-year-old girl. The child’s father, who appears to be intoxicated, is sitting on the couch and does not seem concerned about his daughter’s injury. When asked when the injury occurred, the father tells you, “I can’t remember, but it’s been at least a few hours ago.” You should:
elicit your partner’s help and conduct a thorough assessment of the child
In most cases of child sexual abuse:
the abuser knows the child and may be living with him or her
Which of the following is NOT consistent with the profile of a person who abuses elders?
younger than 50 years of age
A child has probably NOT been abused if he or she:
looks to the parent for reassurance after being injured
Which of the following statements regarding an abusive parent is MOST correct?
Abusive parents have unrealistic expectations of their children and try to control their children through negative and authoritarian means
Elder abuse is generally substantiated by:
adult protective services
Down syndrome occurs when:
a triplication of chromosome 21 occurs
The speech pattern of a patient with a fluency disorder is generally NOT:
When assessing a patient with a developmental disability, the MOST effective way of determining the extent to which he or she can interact and understand is to:
speak to the patient
Most patients with muscular dystrophy:
die as a result of pulmonary or cardiac complications
When establishing communication with a conscious and alert patient who is speech impaired, you should FIRST:
determine how he or she is most comfortable communicating with you
In contrast to conductive deafness, sensorineural hearing loss:
may be congenital or secondary to a birth injury
When caring for a patient with cerebral palsy, it is MOST important to:
be prepared for seizures and have suction ready
Upon entering the residence of a vision-impaired patient, the FIRST thing you should do is:
make your presence known
Cerebral palsy is a:
nonprogressive, bilateral neuromuscular disorder in which voluntary muscles are poorly controlled
A morbidly obese 40-year-old man, whom you find lying supine in his bed, presents with respiratory distress. He is conscious, but can only speak in two-word sentences. His face is flushed and his ankles are notably edamatous. Your MOST immediate action should be to:
place him in a semi-Fowler's position
When assessing a patient who is disabled from a previous injury, you should:
ask the patient's family what is normal for him or her
Multiple sclerosis is:
a chronic central nervous system disease caused by destruction of the myelin and nerve axons within the brain and spinal cord
Which of the following statements regarding cancer is MOST correct?
Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of normal tissue cells
Common complications associated with cerebral palsy include all of the following, EXCEPT:
cardiovascular disease
Which of the following is LEAST suggestive of hearing impairment?
an inability to speak
An example of conductive deafness is:
temporary hearing loss caused by a ruptured membrane
Rheumatoid arthritis is MOST accurately defined as:
an autoimmune disorder that causes progressive joint destruction
Which of the following statements regarding paralysis is MOST correct?
A paralyzed patient has lost the ability to voluntarily move a body part
Which of the following is an example of a speech production disorder:
A 16-year-old man presents with shortness of breath and a productive cough. During your exam, you note that the tips of his fingers are cyanotic and clubbed. His breath sounds reveal coarse crackles bilaterally and his oxygen saturation is 85% on room air. This patient MOST likely has:
cystic fibrosis
A female paramedic is attempting to ask a hearing-impaired man about his past medical history. However, when she asks him a question, he looks at her male partner and smiles. The male partner should:
attempt to communicate with the patient, as his voice will likely have a lower pitch
Which of the following is NOT an anatomic characteristic of a person with Down syndrome?
small retracted tongue
Which of the following outward signs is LEAST suggestive of a communicable disease?
Two thirds of children born with Down syndrome:
have congenital heart disease
Obesity is often attributed to:
a slow basal metabolic rate
If you must move a vision-impaired patient, it is MOST important to:
tell the patient what is happening
When troubleshooting a hearing aid that is not working, you should:
avoid attempting to clean the device
Hypernasality would MOST likely be caused by conditions such as:
cleft palate and enlarged adenoids
When making initial contact with a mentally impaired patient, you should:
have your team members remain at a distance until you can establish a rapport with the patient
Upon arriving at the scene of a woman with shortness of breath, you find the patient, a 450-pound woman, lying in her bed. She is conscious and alert, but is experiencing obvious respiratory distress. As you begin your initial assessment, you should ask your partner to:
request lifting assistance
Pickwickian syndrome is characterized by all of the following except:
Dysarthia is:
the inability to make speech sounds correctly
When communicating with an aphasic patient, you should:
use focused questions rather than open-ended questions
Communicating with a hearing-impaired patient would MOST likely be enhanced by:
using one person to ask interview questions
Which of the following statements regarding stuttering is MOST correct?
stuttering often worsens when the person is under stress
Which of the following would MOST likely make intubation of a patient with Down syndrome difficult?
small oral cavity
If a vision-impaired patient who owns a service dog is hemodynamically unstable, you should:
take the dog and the patient to the hospital
You respond to call for a 67-year-old man with respiratory distress. When you arrive, the patient's wife greets you at the door. As she is escorting you to her husband, she tells you that he has myasthenia gravis and type 2 diabetes. As you begin your assessment of the patient, you note that he is responsive to pain only, is breathing at a slow rate with shallow depth, and has perioral cyanosis. You should:
insert a nasopharyngeal airway and assist his ventilations with a bag-mask device
When communicating with a patient who is hearing impaired, you should:
avoid exaggerated lip movement
Which of the following statements regarding poliomyelitis (polio) is NOT correct?
any warm-blooded animal can be a host for the poliomyelitis virus
Mental retardation is MOST accurately defined as:
insufficient development of the brain that results in the inability to learn and socially adapt at the usual rate
Cardiac dysrhythmias in patients with cystic fibrosis are MOST often secondary to:
electrolyte imbalance
What is the pathophysiology of cystic fibrosis?
A defective gene that makes it difficult for chloride to move through the cells, which causes unusually high sodium loss and abnormally thick mucus secretions
A 19-year-old man with Down syndrome presents with a decreased mental status. According to the patient's mother, this is not normal for him. She further tells you that he had not been feeling well lately and has not had an appetite. As your partner provides appropriate airway management, you should:
assess his blood glucose level
When establishing intravenous (IV) access in a patient with paralysis to the right side of the body, it would be MOST appropriate to:
establish the IV on the side of the body that is not paralyzed
The MOST significant complication associated with dysphagia is:
compromise of the airway
Spina bifida occurs when:
the fetus's spinal column does not close properly or completely and vertebrae do not develop, leaving a portion of the spinal cord exposed
Patients with a total laryngectomy would MOST likely present with:
Which of the following statements regarding hearing aids is NOT correct?
properly maintained hearing aids can restore hearing to normal
Obesity is a result of an imbalance between:
food eaten and calories used
Progressive deterioration of the myocardium that results in a decreased ejection fraction is called:
Upon arriving at the scene of a patient receiving home health care and conducting your scene size-up, it is MOST important to remember that:
you must determine that the environment is safe for the patient
The MOST significant complication associated with a full bladder in a patient with spinal cord disruption and paralysis is:
a dangerous elevation in blood pressure
The purpose of hospice care is to:
provide quality end-of-life care through pain and symptom management
Swelling of the arm, neck, or shoulder in a patient with a central venous catheter is MOST suggestive of:
catheter thrombosis
In contrast to serous exudate, purulent exudate is:
pus that consists of white blood cells and bacteria
Patients with an ileostomy:
have a stoma that connects the small intestine to the outside of the abdomen where a collection bag is attached
Unlike a midline venous catheter, a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) can be used for:
long-term fluid therapy
Common side effects of chemotherapy include all of the following EXCEPT:
In contrast to negative-pressure ventilation, positive-pressure ventilation:
alters the body's hemodynamics by reducing the venous return to the heart
A chronically ill patient who has been on home oxygen therapy for several years would MOST likely call EMS when:
his or her oxygen demand exceeds the current supply
Following removal of an ostomy device and cleansing the stoma, you should:
place a clean gauze pad over the stoma
Once you have arrived at the residence of a patient who receives home health care from his or her family:
the law requires you to assume responsibility for care of the patient
You are assessing a 70-year-old man with terminal cancer who is on home oxygen therapy. The patient is conscious and complains of severe generalized pain. His blood pressure is 108/68 mmHg, his pulse rate is 100 beats/min, and his respirations are 22 breaths/min. The patient's caregiver, a registered nurse, presents you with a valid out-of-hospital no not resuscitate order. On the basis of this document, you should:
administer analgesia for pain relief and determine if the patient wishes to be transported to the hospital
You are dispatched to a residence for an elderly woman with a decreased level of consciousness. When you arrive, the patient's caregiver tells you that the patient has Alzheimer's disease and was lucid 30 minutes earleir. Now, the patient responds only to painful stimuli. You should:
administer high-flow oxygen as your partner assess the patient's blood glucose level
A terminally ill patient with a valid do not resuscitate order would most likely NOT receive:
The MOST likely cause of shock in a patient with an indwelling urinary catheter is:
Which of the following statements regarding infection in immunocompromised patients is MOST correct?
fever is often the only sign of infection in the immunocompromised patient
After moving a bedridden 80-year-old man from his bed to your stretcher, you note an open wound to his lower back. Assessment of the wound reveals that it is red, inflamed, and is draining purulent exudate. The patient has a fever and chills, and complains of moderate pain to the wound. You should:
cover the wound with a sterile dressing, make the patient comfortable, and transport him while providing reassurance en route
Prior to replacing an ostomy device in a patient, it is MOST important to:
wash your hands and take appropriate BSI precautions
Several attempts to clear a plugged tracheostomy tube with suction have failed. The patient, who is on a mechanical ventilator, has a pulse rate of 150 beats/min and is making exaggerated attempts to breathe. You should:
remove the tracheostomy tube, place a mask over the stoma, and ventilate with a bag-mask device
You are transporting a 49-year-old man to the hospital for evaluation of a new onset of fever. The patient has renal carcinoma, is being treated with chemotherapy, and has a central venous access device in place. The patient is conscious, but complains of fatigue, slight nausea, and a decreased appetite. During transport, it is MOST important for you to:
apply a mask on the patient to minimize his risk for infection
When suctioning and cleaning the tracheostomy of a ventilator-dependent patient, it is MOST important to:
keep the patient well-oxygenated
When caring for a patient who has a central venous access device, you should:
avoid taking a blood pressure on the arm with the access device
What should you do prior to inserting an indwelling urinary catheter if a home health patient has sensation in the penile area?
coat the end of the catheter with an anesthetic gel
Common causes of a large bowel obstruction include all of the following, EXCEPT:
improperly dissolved medications
Which of the following statements regarding central venous access devices is MOST correct?
flushing the device with heparin may cause heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
Which of the following conditions would MOST likely result in dementia?
Alzheimer's disease
Indwelling urinary catheters predispose the patient to urinary tract infections because:
the catheter keeps the bladder sphincter open and provides a continuous route of entry for bacteria
Delirium in the chronically ill patient:
is an acute alteration in mentation that is often reversible
When urine becomes evident in the tubing during insertion of an indwelling urinary catheter in a male, you should:
continue inserting the catheter until the Y between the drainage port and the balloon port is at the tip of the penis
While you are drawing blood for lab analysis from an implanted venous access device, your 77-year-old male patient becomes acutely dyspneic and complains of chest pain. You should:
administer high-flow oxygen, place the patient on his left side, and transport immediately
If a chronically ill patient who is connected to a variety of medical devices experiences an acute exacerbation of his or her condition, you should:
consider that the problem may be the result of medical equipment failure
In contrast to an ureterostomy, a suprapubic catheter:
allows the ureters to remain intact and continue to drain into the bladder
The MOST significant long-term problem encountered in patients with a degernative neuromuscular disease is:
In which of the following cases would a newborn probably NOT be discharged home with an apnea monitor?
the infant was born at 36 weeks gestation
Unlike a CPAP unit, a mechanical home ventilator:
can be set to deliver a specified tidal volume
To minimize the risk of regurgitation and aspiration in a patient with a gastric tube in place, you should:
position the patient upright, at least to 30 degrees
The purpose of an oxygen concentrator is to:
concentrate the oxygen in ambient air and eliminate other gases
Pain receptors are found in all the following locations, EXCEPT the:
When a patient is receiving treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), he or she:
typically finds it difficult to exhale completely
You respond to a residence for a 76-year-old woman who is ill. When you arrive, you find the patient in a hospital bed in her living room. She is responsive to pain only and has hot, moist skin. The patient has an indwelling urinary catheter in place, and the urine collection bag is empty. The patient's caretaker tells you that the patient has numerous medical problems and hands you an extensive list of medications. The patient's blood pressure is 80/48 mmHg, her pulse rate is 104 beats/min and irregular, and her respirations are 24 breaths/min and shallow. You should be MOST suspicious for:
septic shock
The purpose of the wafer that is included in an ostomy kit is to:
protect the skin from irritation
You are caring for chronically-ill 63-year-old woman who has a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line in her left forearm. The patient, who has a history of cancer and severe osteoporosis, is showing signs of severe dehydration. Her blood pressure is 76/56 mmHg, pulse rate is 120 beats/min and weak, and respirations are 24 breaths/min and regular. To improve this patient's hemodynamic status, you should:
establish peripheral vascular access in another location and administer crystalloid fluid boluses
If you are unable to aspirate blood from a central venous catheter:
you should suspect catheter occlusion
Which of the following interventions is especially important when caring for a patient with a tracheostomy tube?
Before drawing blood from a central venous catheter, you should:
aspirate 5 mL of blood and discard it safely
According to the Haddon matrix framework:
injuries occur in a certain time sequence
Unlike the insertion of an indwelling urinary catheter, insertion of an intermittent (straight) urinary catheter:
does not involve inflation of a balloon to hold the catheter in place
The female urinary meatus is located:
just above the vaginal opening