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207 Cards in this Set

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All of the following processes take place in the uterus, EXCEPT?
Women who have had a cesarean section?
Can have a normal vaginal delivery
When dispatched to a residence for an injury involving a pregnant woman, you should?
Be alert for evidence of abuse
Which of the following assessment parameters is MOST difficult to interpret when a pregnant woman is injured?
pulse rate
The dome-shaped top of the uterus is called the?
Complications in a pregnant woman with cystic fibrosis are usually the result of?
reduced pulmonary function
Which of the following medications would MOST likely be used in the prehospital setting to treat some women with severe premenstrual syndrome?
glucose and fentanyl
You are assessing a 36-year-old woman who is in the 33rd week of her pregnancy. The patient complains of bright red vaginal bleeding, but denies abdominal pain or cramping. She tells you that she felt her baby move about 5 or 10 minutes ago. Fetal heart tones are audible at a rate of 130 beats/min. Gentle palpation of her abdomen reveals that it is soft and nontender. Which of your assessment findings is MOST suggestive of placenta previa?
absence of abdominal pain
Mittelschmerz is MOST accurately defined as?
unilateral abdominal pain and cramping that occurs during the ovulatory process
Gestational diabetes is caused by?
increased insulin production and decreased cellular sensitivity to insulin
Which of the following conditions is characterized by a lack of progesterone and increased androgen levels, and can lead to hypertension and cardiac problems?
polycystic ovaries
During normal menstruation, approximately ___ to ___ mL of blood is discharged from the vagina?
25, 65
Risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) include all of the following, EXCEPT?
During third trimester vaginal bleeding?
the mother may lose as much as 40% of her blood volume before significant signs of hypovolemia occur
There is evidence that a 21-year-old woman was given Rohypnol before being raped. She presents with alcohol on her breath, drowsiness, and memory loss. Her blood pressure is 98/68 mmHg, pulse is 58 beats/min and weak, and her respirations are decreased and shallow. You attempt to administer high-flow oxygen, but she resists. What should you do now?
consider administering naloxone in case she was also given a narcotic drug.
A 25-year-old woman was involved in a motor vehicle accident in which she struck the rear end of another car at a low rate of speed. When you arrive at the scene and exit the ambulance, you immediately hear the patient screaming, “My baby, my baby!” After calming the patient down, she tells you that she is 10 weeks pregnant and that she is afraid that the car accident injured her child. She confirms that she was properly restrained at the time of impact. She is conscious and alert, denies abdominal pain, and has stable vital signs. She refuses spinal motion restriction precautions, but does consent to EMS transport. You should?
administer supplemental oxygen, establish a large-bore IV line and set the rate to keep the vein open, provide emotional support, and transport her to an appropriate hospital.
If a pregnant woman is injured and bleeding severly?
blood flow will be diverted away from the uterus
Reiter syndrome?
is a rare complication associated with untreated Chlamydia and is characterized by arthritis and skin lesions
Which of the following statements regarding an ectopic pregnancy is MOST correct?
in ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus
The external female genitalia are collectively reffered to as the?
The headache commonly experienced by a women during their menstrual cycle is caused by?
hormonal release
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) commonly affects all of the following organs, EXCEPT the?
urinary bladder
Which of the following questions is the MOST important to ask when obtaining a patient’s gynecologic history?
“When was your last menstrual period?”
Which of the following statements regarding the umbilical cord is MOST correct?
the umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus
You are caring for a 44-year-old woman who was sexually assaulted by several men. She is conscious but very quiet. Your partner, a female paramedic, quickly examines her and finds no immediate life threatening injuries. The patient tells you that all she wants to do is go home and take a shower. After multiple attempts to convince the patient to consent to transport, you are unsuccessful. Your MOST appropriate action should be to?
ask the patient if there is a friend you can call with whom she can stay.
Common signs and symptoms of gardnerella vaginitis include?
a “fishy” vaginal odor, itching, irritation, and vaginal discharge
Postmenopausal women?
are more susceptible to atherosclerosis and osteoporosis
In addition to meeting the metabolic needs of the developing fetus, the mother’s blood supply increases significantly in order to perfuse her own organs, especially the?
uterus and kidneys
What event occurs during the third stage of labor?
placental delivery
The MOST common cause of amenorrhea is?
If a woman’s prepregnancy resting heart rate is 70 bpm, you would expect her heart rate to range between ___ and ___ at term.
85, 90
When examining the placenta, you should suspect fetal anemia if?
the maternal side of the placenta is pale
Which of the following statements regarding endometriosis is MOST correct?
untreated endometriosis may result in septic shock
During the proliferative phase?
estrogen stimulates the endometrium to increase in thickness in preparation for the reception and future growth of a fertilized egg.
A woman who does not take prenatal vitamins during the course of her pregnancy is at GREATEST risk for?
Dysmenorrhea that occurs before, during, and after menstrual flow?
may signal an underlying illness.
Which of the following changes occurs in the respiratory system of a pregnant woman?
minute ventilation increases by as much as 50%, which causes the PaCO2 to drop by about 5%.
A woman who is taking pentosan polysulfate sodium (Elmiron) MOST likely has?
interstitial cystitis
In the late stage of syphilis?
the patient is usually asymptomatic, but damage to the brain, heart, blood vessels, and liver is occurring
Which of the following statements regarding the human papillomavirus (HPV) is MOST correct?
HPV has been identified as a causative agent in cervical cancer
An increase in maternal cardiac output can cause a benign systolic flow murmur, which results from?
hypertrophy of the heart and dilation across the tricuspid valve
Which of the following statements regarding toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is MOST correct?
patients with TSS may show signs of liver failure
The MOST common underlying cause of a tubo-ovarian abscess is?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) hormone sends signals to the corpus luteum, which in turn?
produces hormones designed to support the pregnancy until the placenta has developed
Which of the following conditions poses the LEAST risk for shock due to vaginal bleeding?
Appropriate care for postpartum bleeding in the prehospital setting includes all of the following, EXCEPT?
carefully placing sanitary pads in the vagina
Which of the following statements regarding uterine fundus measurement is MOST correct?
measurement of the fundus in centimeters corresponds to the number of gestational weeks
In pregnancy, magnesium sulfate is used principally for?
eclamptic seizures
When conduction the scene size-up of a call involving a gynecologic emergency, it is MOST important to?
assess for danger because any scene should be considered volatile
Initial signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) include all of the following, EXCEPT?
cardiac dysrhythmias
In the average female, the menstrual cycle lasts ___ days.
You are dispatched to a grocery store for a woman with severe abdominal pain. When you arrive, you find the patient lying on her side in the manager’s office. She is confused, diaphoretic, and appears to be bleeding from her vagina. Her blood pressure is low, and her pulse and respiratory rates are elevated. You should?
apply high-flow oxygen, visually inspect her vagina and cover it with sterile dressings, keep her warm, begin transport, establish at least one large-bore IV en route, and administer enough crystalloid fluid to maintain radial pulses
While caring for an unresponsive young woman who was apparently sexually assaulted, you note that her respirations are slow and shallow, her pulse is slow and weak, and her blood pressure is low. There is a small amount of dried blood on her thigh, but no grossly active bleeding. Immediate care for this patient involves?
maintaining her airway and providing ventilatory assistance.
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the secondary stage of syphilis?
single or multiple chancres
A spontaneous abortion?
occurs naturally and may or may not have an identifiable cause
Uterine rupture MOST commonly occurs?
during active labor
In contrast to endometritis, endometriosis?
may present without abdominal pain
A spontaneous abortion?
occurs naturally and may or may not have an identifiable cause
A 25-year-old woman presents with acute abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. She tells you that she has soaked 8 high-absorbency tampons in the past 2 hours. Approximately how much blood has she lost externally?
160 mL
An immature egg is called a/an?
Motor vehicle trauma accounts for nearly 70% of trauma in pregnancy?
but only about 20% of maternal deaths
In contrast to endometritis, endometriosis?
may present without abdominal pain
You are caring for a young woman with constant, diffuse abdominal pain, referred pain to both shoulders, and vaginal bleeding. She states that her last menstrual period was 2 months ago, but she adamantly denies being pregnant. Her blood pressure is 86/50 mmHg, pulse rate is 120 beats/min and weak, and respirations are 24 breaths/min and regular. Which of the following interventions is NOT appropriate for this patient?
narcotic analgesia
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the secondary stage of syphilis?
single or multiple chancres
Law enforcement request that you respond to a local apartment complex for a young woman who was sexually assaulted. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient sitting on her couch, clearly upset. You see a small amount of blood on her shorts, near the groin area. What is your initial priority in the care of this patient?
identifying and treating immediate life threats
A 25-year-old woman presents with acute abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. She tells you that she has soaked 8 high-absorbency tampons in the past 2 hours. Approximately how much blood has she lost externally?
160 mL
If a woman who is 35 weeks pregnant is placed in supine position?
atrial preload may be reduced markedly
Uterine rupture MOST commonly occurs?
during active labor
You are dispatched to a residence for a 34-year-old woman who is “sick.” Upon your arrival, the patient greets you at the door. She states that she recently had her menstrual period, which was accompanied by more pain than usual. Her vital signs are stable, she is conscious and alert, and denies vaginal bleeding or fever. This patient MOST likely has?
a ruptured ovarian cyst
Motor vehicle trauma accounts for nearly 70% of trauma in pregnancy?
but only about 20% of maternal deaths
If a young female with a known history of gonorrhea presents with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and bleeding between periods?
she most likely has pelvic inflammatory disease
Law enforcement request that you respond to a local apartment complex for a young woman who was sexually assaulted. When you arrive at the scene, you find the patient sitting on her couch, clearly upset. You see a small amount of blood on her shorts, near the groin area. What is your initial priority in the care of this patient?
identifying and treating immediate life threats
If a woman who is 35 weeks pregnant is placed in supine position?
atrial preload may be reduced markedly
If a young female with a known history of gonorrhea presents with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and bleeding between periods?
she most likely has pelvic inflammatory disease
Gestational hypertension?
may be an early sign of preeclampsia
The typical upper limit of the fetal heart rate is?
160 beats/min
The egg is referred to as a blastocyst when?
it has been fertilized and enters the uterus and begins absorbing uterine fluid through the cell membrane
Which of the following conditions, if it remains undetected until puberty, can result in acute pain, severe constipation, and low back pain at the onset of menses?
imperforate hymen
If your EMS system protocols permit you to administer oxytocin to the mother following delivery of the placenta, it is MOST important to?
ensure that she is not delivering a second baby
What part of the female genitalia is homologous to the glans penis of the male?
Common signs of gestational diabetes include?
Implantation of a fertilized egg within a fallopian tube?
can cause severe intra-abdominal hemorrhage
All of the following events occur during the prodromal stage of labor, EXCEPT:
contractions at 5- to 15- minute intervals
Common signs and symptoms of infection with the cytomegalovirus (CMV) include:
prolonged high fever
By definition, a premature infant:
is born before 37 weeks gestation
If a 17-year-old woman with a gynecologic problem answers your question, “Is there any possibility that you are pregnant” with a firm “No way!,” you should?
ask the patient why she is sure she is not pregnant
The MOST important aspect in the care of a woman with severe vaginal bleeding is?
treating for shock and transporting rapidly
The MOST common type of ovarian cyst is the ____ cyst, which generally develops during the?
functional, menstrual cycle
The onset of eclampsia is marked by the presence of?
grand mal seizures
Average blood loss during the third stage of labor is approximately?
150 mL
Which of the following statements regarding Rh disease during pregnancy is MOST correct?
During subsequent pregnancies, the Rh antibody will cross the placental barrier and attack the fetal red blood cells
When caring for a prolapsed umbilical cord, you should?
Keep the presenting part of the baby off the umbilical cord during rapid transport to the hospital
The onset of menses is called ___, and typically occurs between the ages of?
Menarche, 11 and 14 years
The lesions associated with genital herpes?
Initially appear as small red bumps
You are in the process of assisting a woman in labor. She is 38 weeks pregnant with her second child and her contractions are 3 minutes apart and are strong and regular. Her first baby was delivered by cesarean section. As you prepare for imminent delivery, the woman tells you that her contractions have decreased significantly, and that she is very dizzy. Assessment of her vaginal area reveals moderate vaginal bleeding. You quickly assess her and note that she is diaphoretic, tachycardic, and hypotensive. You should be MOST suspicious for?
Uterine rupture
If a woman who is being treated with the antibiotic metronidazole for bacterial vaginosis consumes alcohol during treatment?
She may develop severe nausea and vomiting
Cervical effacement occurs when?
The less muscular lower part of the uterus is pulled upward over the presenting part of the baby
If a woman is gravid 3 and para 2?
She has delivered two babies
A 30-year-old woman complains of an “achy” pain to both lower abdominal quadrants, which she states is made worse by walking. She further tells you that she recently finished her menstrual period. She has a fever of 101.9F. Her blood pressure is 122/62 mmHg, pulse rate is 84 beats/min and strong, and respirations are 14 breaths/min and unlabored. After gathering the rest of her medical history, you should?
Provide emotional support, make her as comfortable as possible, and safely transport her to an appropriate hospital.
A nulliparous woman?
Has never delivered a baby
Uterine inversion occurs when?
The placenta fails to detach properly and adheres to the uterine wall when it is expelled
Which of the following statements regarding the amniotic sac and fluid is MOST correct?
In the latter stages of pregnancy, the fetus swallows amniotic fluid and passes wastes out into the fluid
Which of the following is a potential complication of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
Ectopic pregnancy
Fertilization of an egg usually occurs in the?
Fallopian tube
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) MOST commonly affects?
Sexually active women
Within a few days after having a therapeutic abortion, a 33-year-old woman presents with malaise, fever, constipation, and pelvic pain. Her blood pressure is124/84 mmHg, pulse rate is 104 beats/min and strong, and respirations are 22 breaths/min and regular. You should be MOST suspicious for?
You are assisting in the delivery of a baby. As the infant’s head begins to emerge from the vagina, you should support the head as it turns and then?
Assess for a nuchal cord
Which of the following statements regarding abdominal trauma during pregnancy is MOSt correct?
Use of a lap belt increases the risk of uterine injury
Unlike the prenatal period, the gestational period?
Is 38 weeks in gestation
Which of the following disorders or conditions is related to decreased glycogen stores in the newborn?
small for gestational age
Meningococcal meningitis with sepsis is typcially characterized by a/an?
purpuric rash
Which of the following statements regarding fever in children is MOST correct?
fever is generally a sign of underlying illness
Unlike sinus tachycardia, reentry supraventricular tachycardia in infants is characterized by?
an unvarying pulse rate
If the parent or caregiver of a sick or injured child is emotionally distraught:
provide support, but remember that your first priority is the child
Treatment for pediatric asystole includes:
A subtle seizure in the newborn is characterized by:
eye deviation
During transport of a newborn, timely intervention of acute deterioration is most effectively achieved by?
ongoing observation and frequent assessment
The correct positive-pressure ventilation rate for an apneic newborn is?
40 to 60 breaths/min
An infant born with a pink body and blue extremities, a pulse rate of 90 beats/min, a strong cry, and active movement, should be assigned an initial Apgar score of?
In addition to an IV dextrose bolus, the MOST important treatment for newborn hypoglycemia is?
proper thermal management
Failure of a child's SaO2 to increase despite high-flow oxygen is MOST indicative of?
congenital heart disease
Cardiopulmonary arrest in the pediatric patient?
is most often a secondary event
How much naloxone should you give to a 6.5-pound newborn with a respiratory depression secondary to maternal narcotic administration?
0.3 mg
An 8-year-old child:
is anatomically and physiologically similar to an adult
When a child who is too young to verbalize is in significant pain:
your ability to assess accurately for physiologic abnormalities is impaired
Common medications used to treat pediatric seizures in the prehospital setting include all of the following, EXCEPT:
A young child who falls from a significant height would MOST likely experience?
a traumatic brain injury
Epiglottitis in children:
is rare now that children are vaccinated against Haemophilus influenza type B
You have just delivered a little girl that was born 4 weeks premature. There is no evidence of meconium in the amniotic fluid. After drying, warming, suctioning, positioning,and stimulating the infant, she remains acrocyanotic and is not crying. You should:
open her airway and assess respirations
A newborn is at GREATEST risk for meconium aspiration if he or she:
is born at more than 42 weeks gestation
Which of the following statements regarding acrocyanosis is MOST correct?
Acrocyanosis is cyanosis of the hands and feet, and is a normal finding in infants younger than 2 months of age who are cold.
In contrast to adults, retractions in children are:
more evident in the intercostal area
Choanal atresia is MOST accurately defined as a:
bony or membranous obstruction of the back of the nose
When assessing and caring for a 17-year-old gang member, it is MOST important to remember that he or she:
may have a weapon and a reputation to earn
Most children begin to experience stranger anxiety at:
9 months of age
Upon arriving at the scene of a 4-year-old boy with respiratory distress, you enter the residence and see the child, who is conscious, sitting on his father's lap. The father is aware of your presence, but the child is not. Your inital action should be to?
visually assess the child from across the room for any signs of increased work of breathing
Diffuse rales, rhonchi, and wheezing in an infant:
are typical signs of lower airway inflammation
A 4-year-old girl presents with a fever of 103.2F. The child's mother states that the fever came on suddenly and was not preceded by any symptoms. The child is conscious and alert with unlabored tachypnea, tachycardia, and a blood pressure that is consistent with her age. Prehospital treatment for this child includes all of the following, EXCEPT:
81 mg of aspirin
The MOST common reasons for ineffective bag-mask ventilations in the newborn are:
inadequate mask-to-face seal and incorrect head position
Which of the following statements regarding the Apgar score is MOST correct?
If resuscitation is necessary, the Apgar score is completed to determine the result of the resuscitation
When dealing with the caregivers of an infant who died suddenly, you should:
find out the infant's name and use it
You have been providing bag-mask ventilation to a newborn with a sustained heart rate of 75 beats/min for approximately 5 minutes. The infant's abdomen is markedly distended. Although you are properly trained, your protocols do not allow you to intubate newborns. The MOST appropriate intervention involves:
inserting an orogastric tube
The risk of newborn complications is HIGHEST if the amniotic sac:
ruptured more than 24 hours before the time of birth
Bradyarrhythmias in children MOST often occur secondary to:
severe bradycardia
If a newborn does not respond to the initial steps of resuscitation, the need for further intervention is based upon:
respiratory effort, pulse rate, and color
During the delivery of a post-term baby, you note the presence of particulate meconium in the amniotic fluid. Your post-delivery assessment of the newborn reveals that it is active, has a strong cry, and has a heart rate of 110 beats/min. You should:
ensure that the infant is warm and dry, administer free-flow oxygen if needed, and provide continuous monitoring
Epinephrine is indicated during newborn resuscitation if:
the heart rate remains below 60 beats/min after 30 seconds of effective ventilation and an additional 30 seconds of chest compressions
In contrast to a complex febrile seizure, a simple febrile seizure:
lasts less than 15 minutes and occurs in children without underlying neurologic abnormalities
Appropriate treatment for a conscious child with anaphylaxis includes:
0.01 mg/kg epinephrine 1:1,000 IM
The single MOST common cause of seizures in both term and preterm infants is:
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
You are assessing a 7-month-old infant who presents with listlessness, pallor, and increased work of breathing. The infant's mother tells you that the child was born 2 months premature and was in the neonatal intensive care unit for 3 weeks. She denies any recent vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. The infant's oxygen saturation is 89% and does not improve with supplemental oxygen. Her heart rate is rapid and weak and does not vary with activity. When you apply the cardiac monitor, you will MOST likely encounter a:
narrow QRS complex rhythm with absent P waves and a heart rate greater than 220 beats/min
Early hypoxia in a child would MOST likely present with:
You are assisting in the delivery of a baby. After the baby's bead emerges from the vagina, you should quickly assess for the presence of a nuchal cord and then:
suction its mouth and nose
A 9-year-old, 55-pould girl presents with generalized hives, marked facial swelling, and loud inspiratory stridor. She is conscious, but appears sleepy. You can MOST rapidly improve the child's condition by:
administering 0.25 mg of epinephrine intramuscularly
The MOST appropriate vagal maneuver for an infant involves:
holding ice packs firmly to the face
A 13-year-old, 40-pound girl is experiencing an acute asthma attack that has been unresponsive to 3 puffs of her albuterol inhaler. She is conscious and alert, but is notably dyspneic and has diffuse wheezing. In addition to administering supplemental oxygen, you should:
give her 0.5 mg of nebulized ipratropium
The recommended IV dose and concentration of epinephrine for the newborn is:
0.1 to 0.3 mL/kg; 1:10,000
An oropharyngeal airway would MOST likely be indicated for a newborn with:
Pierre Robin sequence
What type of seizure is MOST common in premature infants?
tonic seizure
Which of the following is NOT a component of the Apgar score?
Upon arriving at the scene of a 4-year-old girl who is ill, you assess her and note that she is tachypneic and tachycardic. Her skin is warm and moist and there are no signs of increased work of breathing. The child's mother denies any vomiting or diarrhea. This child's tachycardia and tachypnea is MOST likely the the result of:
fever and anxiety
While preparing equipment for newborn resuscitation, which of the following equipment is NOT considered optional?
endotracheal tubes
You are dispatched to a daycare center for a 5-year-old girl with trouble breathing. Upon arriving at the scene, you assess the child and note that she is responsive to pain only, has weak intercostal retractions, and is breathing at a slow rate with shallow depth. You should:
begin assisting her ventilations with a bag-mask device and assess her pulse rate
The MOST common etiology for bradycardia in a neonate is:
severe hypoxia
You and your partner are caring for a 5-pould distressed newborn. After providing 30 seconds of effective bag-mask ventilations, the newborn's heart rate remains below 60 beats/min. You should:
try tactile stimulation as you continue bag-mask ventilations
You and your partner are caring for a child with stable supraventricular tachycardia that was refractory to initial treatment. As your partner is preparing to establish vascular access, the child's level of consciousness decreases markedly. You reassess the child and note that his femoral pulse is rapid and weak. You should:
perform immediate synchronized cardioversion and reassess
A shift of heart tones and severe respiratory distress despite positive-pressure ventilations is MOST indicative of:
a pneumothorax
When performing chest compressions on a newborn, you should:
compress the chest one third the anteroposterior depth of the chest
Which of the following statements regarding bronchiolitis is MOST correct?
bronchiolitis is a viral infection of the lower airway that commonly affects infants and children younger than 2 years of age
Early distributive shock in children is characterized by:
warm, flushed skin
When evaluating a child's oxygen saturation level with a pulse oximeter:
it should be evaluated in the context of the pediatric assessment triangle and remainder of the inital assessment
Respiratory distress in a premature infant is MOST often the result of:
surfactant deficiency
A delay in clamping the umbilical and keeping the baby below the level of the placenta can result in fetal:
Which of the following statements regarding fever in the newborn is MOST correct?
fever may not always be a presenting feature in newborns with an infection
You are transporting anewborn who requires ongoing ventilatory support and chest compressions for severe bradycardia. Your estimated time of arrival at the hospital is 45 minutes. Air medical transport was unavailable due to severe weather in the vicinity. A peripheral IV line has been established in the antecubital vein and you are in the process of attempting intubation. Approximately 10 seconds into your intubation attempt, the newborn's heart rate suddenly drops more. You should?
abort the intubation attempt and continue ventilations
In which of the following situations would a newborn MOST likely experience a seizure?
34 weeks' gestation
What dose and concentration of glucose would be MOST appropriate for a 6-pound hypoglycemic newborn?
5.5 mL of 10% dextrose (D10)
To evaluate function of an infant's or child's cerebral cortex, you should:
use the AVPU scale
Causes of delayed fetal transition include all of the following, EXCEPT:
birth at 41 weeks
If a newborn requires epinephrine and peripheral venous access is unsuccessful, you should:
cannulate the umbilical vein
If hypovolemia is suspected or confirmed, you should administer ___ mL of normal saline to a 6-pould newborn over a period of:
27, 5 to 10 minutes
You receive a call at 11:50 pm for a 3-year-old boy with respiratory distress. As soon as you enter the child's residence, you can hear a lound, barking cough. You find the child sitting on his mother's lap. He is conscious and appears alert to his surroundings. According to the child's moither, he has been sick for the past few days with a low-grade fever, but then began experiencing a high-pitched cough. His skin is warm and dry, his heart rate is 120 beats/min, and his oxygen saturation is 99% on room air. There are no signs of increased work of breathing. You should:
allow the child to assume a position of comfort, avoid agitating him, and transport him to the hospital
Which of the following factors is associated with the HIGHEST risk of newborn hypoglycemia?
morbid obesity in the mother
You are assessing a 10-year-old child with apparent ventricular tachycardia, but cannot decide whether electrical or pharmacological therapy is the most appropriate inital treatment approach. Which of the following interventions would pose the GREATEST potential for harm?
starting an IV line and administering amiodarone followed by procainamide
Chest compressions are indicated in the newborn if its heart rate remains less than ___ beats/min despite effective positive-pressure ventilations for ___ seconds.
60, 30
In contrast to toxic ingestions in toddlers, toxic ingestions in adolescents:
typically involve multiple agents
Endotracheal intubation is clearly indicated in the newborn if:
meconium is present in the amniotic fluid and the newborn is limp and has a heart rate of 70 beats/min.
When suctioning the newborn's oropharynx to clear secretions prior to intubation, it is MOST important to:
monitor a newborn's heart rate
You are dispatched to a residence for a 17-year-old woman with acute abdominal pain. When you arrive and begin your assessment, it is clear that the patient is uncomfortable with the presence of her parents because she is reluctant to answer your questions. You should:
diplomatically ask the parents if their daughter can have some privacy
Signs of hypovolemia in the newborn include all of the following, EXCEPT:
profound acrocyanosis
Which of the following statements regarding a child's chest wall is MOST correct?
children are belly breathers because they rely heavily on their diaphragms
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts are typically placed in children who:
have impaired circulation and absorption of CSF, leading to an increased size of the ventricles of the brain and increased intracranial pressure
During your assessment of a 30-year-old woman in active labor, she admits to being a chronic heroin abuser and states that she last "shot up" about 6 hours ago. After the baby delivers, you will MOST likely need to:
give positive-pressure ventilations
A typical finding for a foreign body aspiration is:
an afebrile child with a sudden onset of coughing or gagging while playing
A child in anaphylactic shock:
may require a low-dose epinephrine infusion
When caring for a child with a CSF shunt or gastrostomy tube, it is MOST important to:
recognize that the caregiver is a key resource and that his or her expertise should be utilized to assist in the care of the child
A child who is experiencing a moderate asthma attack would MOST likely present with:
wheezing during inspiration and expiration
Signs of a diaphragmatic hernia include all of the following, EXCEPT:
bilaterally absent breath sounds
Common causes of respiratory distress in the newborn include:
mucous obstruction of the nose
Caput succedaneum is MOST accurately defined as:
temporary swelling of the soft tissue of the baby's scalp secondary to pressure from the dilating cervix
The approximate total blood volume of a 60-pound child is:
2.2 liters
The goal in treating a child with epiglottitis is to:
transport him or her to the hospital with a maintainable airway
A term infant is born between ___ after conception.
37 and 42 weeks
Newborn hypoglycemia is defined as a blood glucose level lower than:
40 mg/dL
During your rapid assessment of a newborn's cardiopulmonary status, you not that its respirations are adequate, you feel 8 pulsations in a 6-second time frame, and the newborn is centrally pink but peripherally cyanotic. The MOST appropriate next action should be to:
administer positive-pressure ventilations
The general area of a child's body that sustains inital trauma after being struck by an automobile depends MAINLY on:
the child's height and the height of the bumper upon impact
A conscious child who is in the sniffing position:
is trying to align the axes of the airway to improve ventilation