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39 Cards in this Set

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the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through your senses

Interpersonal perception process

selecting, organizing, and interpreting your observations of other people

4 Stages in which we engage perception





4 ways of how we process what we select

Selective perception

selective attention

selective exposure

selective recall

Selective perception

when you have all kinds of stimuli around you but you intellectually select what you want to perceive

Selective Attention

focusing on specific stimuli and ignoring others

Selective Exposure

Our tendency to put ourselves in situations that reinforce our attitudes, beliefs, values or behaviors

Selective Recall

when we remember things we want to remember and forget or repress things that we dont

Thin Slicing

observing a small sample of someone's behavior and then making a generalization about what the person is like

We organize our world by

creating categories

linking the categories together

then seeking closure by filling in the gaps

one of the ways we create categories is to



we look for the familiar in the unfamiliar by using a framework that we are already familiar with to interpret information

Ex: stars shaped like a bunny

we link the categories though a process called



the process of making sense out of the stimuli by furthering categorizing the information

EX: phone number


filling in missing information or gaps in what we perceive

As you interpret

your trying to make sense out of the information you receive and begin to create impressions


collections of the perceptions you built

Impression formation theory

we form general impressions of others based on general physical qualities, behaviors, and disclosed information

Ex: categorizing someone as nice

Passive Perception

perception that occurs without any conscious effort, simply in response to one's surroundings

Active Perception

perception that occurs because you seek out specific information through intentional observation questioning

Uncertainty Reduction theory

we seek information in order to reduce that uncertainty of someone thus receiving control and predictability

Implicit Personality Theory

how we organize and interpret our perceptions of people's personalities


a bipolar quality used to classify people

Impressions can be

what we see, how we feel, and what we hear

Primacy Effect

first impression

Recency Effect

Last impression

Primacy Effect is fully supported by

predicted outcome value theory

Predicted Outcome Value Theory (POV)

we can somehow predict the future of a relationship by first impression based on outcome of initial interaction

attribution theory

we develop reasons to explain the behaviors of others

Casual Attribution Theory

the cause of a person's actions as circumstance, a stimulus, or the person themselves

Ex: he didn't go to class because

his alarm didn't go off

it was a makeup session

he was bored by it

Standpoint Theory

a person's social position, power, or cultural background influences how the person perceives the behavior of others

Intercultural Communication Theory

our cultural experiences and backgrounds influences how we view the world

Interpersonal perception barriers


ignoring information

impose consistency

focus on the negative

blame others

avoid responsibility

Impose Consistency

we see the world in a certain way and impose our ways onto other people

Fundamental attribution error

when we think that a person's behavior is influenced by their actions and choices rather than by external causes

Self serving bias

tendency to perceive our own behavior as more positive than others

Improving Interpersonal Perception

be aware of our own personal perception barriers

be mindful when engaged with another and be conscious of the moment

Look at the big picture, don't thin slice

become aware of others perceptions of us

check your perceptions

become other oriented

Indirect perception checking

seeking additional information through passive perception to confirm or refute your interpretations

Direct perception checking

asking straight out whether your interpretation of what you perceive is correct