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21 Cards in this Set

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Blood Vessel Walls

-Tunica Intima - innermost layer

-Tunica Media - binds to inner and outer layer

- Tunica Externa - anchors vessels to tissue

Artery appearance

- usually round with thicker wall

-tunica intima is usually ripples die to vessel constriction

-has internal and external elastic membrane

-tunica externa has collagen and eleastic fibers

Vein appearance

-usually flattened, with thin wall

-NO internal or external elastic membranes

-tunica externa has collagen, elastic fibers, and smooth muscle cells

Artery and Vein differences


-have thickeer walls

-higher BP

-small, round lumen

-lining folds

-more elastic


-large, flat lumens

-vein lining contracts

-have valves


-smallest vessels with thin walls (noo tunica media or tunica externa)

Continuous Capillaries

-permit diffusion of water, small solutes, and lipid soluable materials

-block blood and plasma from leaving capillaries

Fenestrated Capillaries

-have pores

-permit rapid exchange

Sinusoidal Capillaries

-have gaps between adjacent endothelial cells

-permit free exchange

Precapillary Sphincter

guard entrance to each capillary and opens and closes cause capillary blood to flow in pulses

Arterial Anastomosis

fusion of two arteries


formation of new blood vessels

Systolic Pressure

Peak arterial pressure during ventricular systole

Diastolic Pressure

Minimum arterial pressure during ventricular diastole


causes immediate localized homeostatic adjustments

Carotid Sinuses

maintain blood flow to brain

Aortic sinuses

monitor start of systemic circuit

ADH is released in response to....

-falling BP

-falling blood volume

-ADH increases blood volume and vasoconstriction

Angiotenison II stimulates

-cardiac output and vasoconstriction

-ADH production


EPO (erythropoiten) stimulates

-RBC production

Atrial Natiuretic Peptide (ANP)

produced by cells in R atrium in response to excessive atrial stretching during diastole

Brain Natiuretic Peptide (BNP)

produced by ventricular muscle cells in response to excessive ventricular stretching during diastole