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50 Cards in this Set

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An 82-year-old client complains of being "sick, old, and useless," and that people are "no good and don't care." The nurse recognizes that these statements at this age indicate negative resolution of which task, according to Erikson?
Integrity versus despair
According to Erikson, the indicators of positive resolution in the first and second developmental stages are, respectively:
Learning to trust others and having self-control without losing self-esteem
Erikson's development stages have levels of positive and negative resolutions. He believed that:
Nurses can strengthen a client's positive resolution of a developmental task by providing the individual with appropriate opportunities and encouragement
A 65-year-old man who recently retired from 40 years of work as an independent contractor is scheduled for a physical examination. The nurse should be concerned about which of the following comments?
"Every day when I wake up, it's hard to find a reason to get out of bed."
In which direction does growth and development occur from birth if it starts from the head and moves to the trunk, the legs, and the feet?
The parents of a 5-year-old are concerned that the child's physical growth is not as rapid as in previous years. Which of the following is the best guide for the nurse's explanation?
Physical growth is slower during the preschool years than during infancy
Which of the following best illustrates the first developmental task of old age according to Robert Peck?
Upon retirement, individuals get involved in activities to replace rewards formerly obtained from work
Peck's first developmental task in old age is ego differentiation versus work-role preoccupation.
According to Fowler, at what age and stage would an individual have an awareness of truth from a variety of viewpoints?
After age 30, in the paradoxical-consolidative stage
A client expresses fear over a complex, painful, sterile procedure, and asks that the minister be allowed to stay in the room and close by while it is being performed. The best nursing action would be to:
Allow the minister to stay in the room, but providing sterile apparel
Which of the following are principles of growth and development?
Growth generally takes place during the first 20 years of life; Learning can help or hinder the maturational process; The pace of growth and development is uneven and unsteady; Men and women do not follow different patterns of growth and development
The parents of a 5-month-old infant and a 3-year-old child ask the nurse about the sequence and timing of developmental milestones. Which of the following is the most appropriate response?
"The sequence of reaching each milestone should follow the same pattern but may be at a different rate."
A child has reached his growth development by:
The theorist who believes that learning is basic to life and that people continue to learn throughout life is:
The person who is considered to be the "father of child development" is:
Arnold Gesell
The theorist(s) who state(s) one must complete one stage of development before going to the next stage is:
A school nurse is teaching high school students about sexually transmitted diseases and preganacy prevention in a health education course. According to Havighurst's age periods and developmental tasks, why is this the appropriate age to introduce this discussion?
Adolescents are achieving new and more mature relations with their peers and are tyring to assert their independence
A nurse decides that a review of which of the following theorists would be helpful before teaching a preschool class (4 and 5-year-olds) about how to brush their teeth?
According to Erikson, the environment is highly influential in development.
Havighurst's developmental tasks for early adulthood include:
Finding a mate and getting started in an occupation.
Temperament is a factor of growth and development that:
Can persist through the lifespan
Temperament is the way individuals respond to their _____ and _____ enviroments.
Internal, external
_____, which is the way an individual responds to their external and internal environments, sets the stage for the interactive dynamics of growth and development.
According to Kohlberg, at the conventional level of moral development individuals:
Are concerned about conformity and loyalty to their own and society's expectations
While caring for a pregnant adolescent, the nurse noted that the client stated that abortion was wrong so she decided to continue her pregnancy. What does the adolescent's comment reflect based on the nurse's knowledge of moral theories?
A client is hesitant to have needed surgery because of multiple family, social, and church obligations, saying, "I hate to let everybody down." The nurse recognizes that this client's moral dilemma is a result of the client operating at which level of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?
Characterized by the valuing of conformity and loyalty and maintaining expectations of family, groups, and society.
Which of the following scenarios best describes Piaget's concept of assimilation?
When young children encounter new situations, they use the mechanisms they already possess to acquire knowledge
The nurse prepares to give an antibiotic injection to a 3-year-old toddler who has an infection. When the toddler views the nurse with a needle the toddler begins to cry and say "no-no" while reaching for the toddler's mother. According to Piaget's phases of cognitive development, what stage/phase is the toddler experiencing?
Preconceptual phase
Ages 2-4 years when toddlers associate words with objects and everything relates to "me."
The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a 9-year-old female client who is diabetic. According to Piaget, which actions would be appropriate?
Teaching size of food portions and importance of timing snacks and meals
A mother is frustrated because her 2 1/2-year-old is not toilet trained and will not use the potty when placed on it. What suggestions by the nurse is most appropriate?
Make up a game to encourage the child to want to use the potty
Rank Freud's five stages of development in consecutive order.
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Freud believes that if a client does not progress from one stage to another in order, the client:
Becomes fixated on the stage
A child comes to school malnourished, not dressed appropriately for the weather, and is quiet during classes. The child is probably influenced by what factor of growth and development?
When a nurse works with a child, the nurse knows that the growth and development of that child are influenced by many factors. These factors are:
Interrelated processes
The major constant in a client's life is:
While caring for a 72-year-old client, the nurse perceives the client is depressed when the client states that he feels like he is "falling apart now." According to Robert Peck's theory regarding adult development, what task is the client struggling with?
Body transendence versus body preoccupation
The nurse is exploring activities that would enhance an older client's retirement per the client's request. Which theorist would explain this type of adult development?
A nurse who works in a long-term care facility notices that the elderly clients seem depressed and have little interest in life. The clients spend their days watching television. When the clients attend crafts, the clients are disinterested in drawing pictures of coloring. Based on these observations, and guided by Peck's theory on older adult development, the nurse determines that:
Activities such as gardening and baking may be indicated for these clients
According to Erikson, the indicators of positive resolution in the fourth stage of industry.
Beginning to create and develop competence (learning to trust others and beginning to create and devlelop competence) and acquire perseverance (developing a sense of perseverance and commitment to relationships)
According to Erikson, the indicators of the fifth developmental stage:
Having a coherent sense of self
According to Erikson, the indicators of the sixth stage of intimacy:
Developing a sense of commitment to relationships
Peck's second developmental task in old age.
Body transcendence versus body preoccupation
INvolves individuals adjusting to their decreasing physical stamina by slowing down
Peck's third developmental task in old age.
Ego transcendece versus ego preoccupation
Accept death without fear
Fowler's _____ _____ stage in which the individual constructs one's own spiritual explicit system.
Individuating-reflexive stage
The adolescent or adult has an interpersonal focus
Synthetic-conventional stage
The child 4 - 6 years of age combines beliefs given by others with the child's own experience and imagination.
Intuitive-projective stage
Havighurst's developing intellectual skills for civic competence and achieveing emotional independence from parents are tasks for the _____.
Havighurst's achieving social and civic responsibility and developing adult leisure-time activities are tasks in _____ _____.
Middle adulthood
Kohlberg's level when individuals make an effort to decide on the right course of action based on principles without regard to expectactions of others.
Kohlberg's level that individuals are responsive to clutural rules and labels of good or bad
Piaget's concept when young children mature sufficiently and are able to solve problems that they were previously incapable of solving
Piaget's concept when one has the ability to handle environmental demands.
Adaptation/Coping behavior