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38 Cards in this Set

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all forces involved in circulation blood


growth new vessels; Folkman; tumor TAF protein

tunica intima

endothelium; lines all vessels


central blood containing space

tunica media

smooth muscle, elastin; vasodial and constrict

tunica externa

collagen protect and reinforce

elastic arteries

conducting; closest to heart; d= 1.5cm

muscular arteries

distribution (to organs); distal elastic; d= 6.0


resistance vessels; minute-to-minute blood flow capillaries; d= 37um


exchange vessels, microcirculation; d= 9um

all tissue except cartilage, epithelia, cornea, lens

continuous capillaries

most common (skin, muscles); fluids and small solutes; intercell clefts

fenestrated capillaries

kidneys, small intestines (b/c absorbtion and filtration); fluids, small solutes; fenestrated pores, intercell cleft

sinusoid capillaries

liver, spleen, bone marrow; incomplete basement membrane, fenestrations, clefts; large molecules and blood cells

vascular shunt

direct connection (metarterioles--> thoroughfair channels)

true capillaries

actual exchange vessel, branches (10-100)

precapillary sphincters

surround root each true cap at metarteriole; acts as valve


slow/intermittent blood flow through caps reflect on/off pre-cap sphinctors

bulk flow

20L/day filter/forced out capillaries

17L/day return

hydrostatic pressure (HP)

force (direct and amount) exerted by fluid against wall


art end: 35 mmHg

ven end: 17 mmHg

colloid osmotic pressure (aka Oncotic pressure)

created when large molecules pull water towards self

OCc(capillaries)= 26 mmHg

OCif= 0.1-5 mmHg

overpowers HP at venous end so fluid returned

Net Filtration Pressure (NFP)

all forces exerted on capillary bed

NFP=(HPc-HPif) - (OCc-OCif)

(HP= hydrostatic pressure)

(OC= oncotic pressure)

5 Factors Aiding Venus Return

1. respiratory pump

2. muscular pump (most important)

3. vasoconstriction

4. valves

5. wider lumen


alternative routes

Blood distribution

systemic veins/venules: 60%

systemic arteries/arterioles: 15%

pulm vessels: 12%

heart: 8%

cap: 5%

Blood Pressure (BP or P)

force/ area exerted wall blood vessel by blood

(system arterial pressure)

Blood Flow (F)

volume blood/time

F = change P/ resistance

Resistance (PR)

resistance= 1/(radius^4)

sources: diameter, blood viscosity, vessel length

arterioles major determiner

vein and venule

vein d= 5mm

venules d= 20um

capacitance vessels; little elastic tissue


assist structure/brace capillaries


blood volume normal, vessels not filled enough

hypovolemic shock

result blood loss; thready pulse

cardiogenic shock

heart insufficeint; blood vol normal

result heart attack, myocard damage

vascular shock

normal blood vol; extreme vasodial

result anaphalaxis, neurogentic (ANS failing)

transient shock

temp vasodial

result: tanning, summer


low BP (systolic <100)


high BP; >140/90

can cause: vasc disease, renal failure, stroke

primary (90%)- unknown cause


bacterial (vasodialators), systemic

distribution change with exercise

Brain: constant

heart, muscles, skin: increase

organs: decrease