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19 Cards in this Set

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Hitler wanted to take over any German-speaking counrties to protect them.

So he Annexes (take over) Austria

EZ. But for Hitler, Czechoslovakia was a bit of a challenge.

He believed that there were German speaking people in a part of Czechoslovakia called what

Sudeten Land

Mixed with "Sedate" & "Detention"

France & England promised to defend Czechoslovakia.


Leader of England:Neville Chamberlain


Leader of France:

Edouard Dalacier

Have a Meeting w/ Hitler in Munich Germany.

This was called what?

The Munich Conference

When the Teacher wants to talk to youe parents...

In the Munich Conference, Hitler promises that "if I get the Sudeten Land, it will be my last territorial demand"


France , Britain & Germany signed the Munich Pact.

What was the purpose behind the Pact?

They all don't want to go to War.

**WW1 flashbacks**

Neville Chamberlain told the English people that the Pact was a Peace W/ Honor..

In detail he's saying that....

My England people, Hitler has promised me that once he captures the Sudeten Land, he will not capture anymore land!!!

My best friend Hitler told me that he will not......... Anymore!!!

But Winston Churchill (a British leader) was against the Munich Pact and called it a Dishonorable Appeasement.

He believed that this Appeasement would lead to War... He was right!

What does that mean?

You're giving a Bully whatever he wants...


The Soviet Union decalres Neutrality (We aren't gonna fight....)

Poland is a lagre German-speaking pop.

Hitler wants...

But he knows that this will cause:

The SU to fight Germany


France and Brittian to fight Germany.

What do you call this?

2 front war



Screw you, you bid black c***.

I kick your balls in your face

. . . . .

To avoid a 2 front war, Stallin signs a "Non-aggression" pact w/ Hitler.

Now, they will not attack each other.....


They also signed a secret past that did what?

Divides Poland

So, Germany and Russia are sharing Poland.

Share Pol...

Sept. 1 1939

The German air force & tanks attack Poland.

This invasion was Germany's way of testing their new Battle strategy:

The Blitzkrieg (Lightning War)

Describe it?

The Germans Hit the ememy Hard& Fast.

Soft & slow


The Phony war part 1 of 4

England & france declare War on Germany.

France & England think (Welp, Back to the trenches & No Man's Land etc)

Where were the trenches btw?

The Maginot line....

Northern part of France right in the Border of it and Belgium.

Border of...

Phony War part 2 of 4

The Germans with their huge and heavy tanks go through the Ardennes Forest (just a guess: covers 85% of Belgium)

Germany goes thought this forest, around the Trenches...

What did the Germans do after that?

The Germans went around the Trench and suprised and trapped the French and English soldiers from behind.

Suprise attack

Phony war Part 3 of 4

Rewind to the process of them traveling, the French and English are just waiting....waiting for Germany to make the first move.... For 6 long months no fighting.... No nothing.

The French, England, and Germany Newspapers said what about the war?

There's no War... Nothing's happening


Magikarp used splash...

Phony War part 4 of 4

Germany traps the French and English soldiers...

April 9th 1940

Germany take over:


the Netherlands


Using what German Military Strategy again?

Why does he capture all these countries?

Remember that Germany wants Great B.....


To build air ship all over coasts of Netherlands, Denmark and Norway

To bomb (Ffffffist) GB

Tanks in the Sky...

Gernany Wants GB

May 1940

Germany attack French & English from behind.....

June 1949

French surrenders to Ger.

French and English soldiers were on the beach in france

What was the name of the Beach?



British leaders asked anyone with a boat, please. Sail to sail across the British Channel. (A death wish) and they did...

They saved almost 400,000

Italy joins Ger. In attacking France from the South

Germany starts a "puppet Gov." In S. France called Vichy Gov.

How was it run?

The french officials would be told what do by the Germans

Just like Puerto rico....

Hitler made plans to bomb England... For 40 straight nights!!!

Luckily the British people hid where?


(In Subways)

Oppo. Of overg.

The British Air force (RAF) fought the German Air Force.....

What was it called?

The Luftwaffe

Loot ........... Waff..

1. Thanks to the invention of what.....

The British shot down hundreds of German planes.

The RAF VS Luftwaffe

B air. F. VS G air F.

2. Was known as What?

1. Radar

2. The Battle of Britain

1. Similar to sonar...

2. Bat



Prime minister Winston Churchill kept the spirits of the British people up my speaking on the radio.

Winston's famous quote...

The British Will Never Surrender!!!!


A battle to the end....

Hitler stops attacking Brittian. (Because of the use of Radar)

Hitler thinks he was the greatest general in the World... He said he NEVER LOSES.

What was the name of the first Battle that he lost in?

Battle of Britain
