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55 Cards in this Set

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What year did Chinggis Khan die?
Mogols epitomized what kind of society and culture?
What was the basic unit of society?
What was Chinggis Khan's birthname?
What were essential leadership skills for the Mongols?
Bravery and Courage in battle
What happened to Chinggis Khan after he became the leader of his tribe?
He was abducted and his villiage was repeatedly pillaged because of how young he was.
In what year was Chinggis Khan captured and humiliated?
What year was Chinggis Khan elected khagan?
What were some aspects of the Mongol war machine?
Natural warriors, horse riders, powerful short bows, and an all calvary army.
armies that consisted of different classes
When did Khan conquer Xi Xia
Which empire did Khan set out to conquer after Xi Xia?
The Mongol's first assault on the Islamic world was in what year and who did they invade?
Kara Khitai, by 1219
Muhammad Shah II
Turkic ruler of the Khwarazm empire, did not submit to Khan and was defeated.
Where and why did Khan build a new capital?
Karakorum, he was very cultural but refused to live in other areas.
What religion did most Mongols follow?
How was the empire divided after Khan's death in 1227?
The empire was split between 3 remaining sons and Batu, his grandson.
Which son was elected khagan?
How was Ögedei different from his father?
He was a manipulator, not a military leader but he furthered conquest in Europe.
The Golden Horde was led by whom?
Who did the Mongols invade in 1236?
Russia, their real prize was western Europe
What name did the Russians give the Mongols?
After 1237 to 1238, when and why did they conquer the Russians at that time?
1240, Batu fell back until winter came back because they fought better in winter.
Which city benefited from Mongol conquest?
When was Moscow known to be the tribute collectors?
When and where did the Russians defeat the Golden Horde?
1380, the Battle of Kulikova
What was the turning point in Russian history?
Mongol invasion
Who was Prester John and who did he turn out to be?
He was said to be a ruler of a Christian nation that was lost in Muslim conquest and was to return to assist the Christians, Chinggis Khan.
Why did Batu withdraw the Golden Horde?
He withdrew to prepare for the fight for succession after Ögedei's death, satisfied with the size of the empire, wanted to settle down in his new capital at Sarai.
Which one of Chinggis Khan's grandsons concentrated on Islamic kingdoms?
Hulegu, ruler of the Ilkhan or Middle East portion of the empire.
What did Hulegu capture and destroy in 1258?
Baghdad, ended Abassid rule.
Who halted the Mongol's conquest into the Middle East in 1260?
Why did Hulegu stop his Muslim conquest?
He was threatened by the new Golden Horde khan, Berke.
Berke was ___ and convinced ___ to settle for the kingdom he had.
Muslim, Hulegu
Where did the Mongols set out for after Ögedei was elected?
southern China
Who ended the Song dynasty?
Kubilai Khan
Which region was the toughest for the Mongols to conquer?
Southern China
In what period were the Mongols invading Chinese cities?
When did Kubilai Khan become khagan?
In 1270, Kubilai Khan changed the regimine to what?
Yuan dynasty, following Chinese culture.
Which civilization was Kubilai Khan interested in?
Chinese civilization
Where was Kubilai Khan's capital?
Socially, what did Kubilai Khan create?
a new Social Structure
Chabi, Kubilai Khan's wife represented what in society?
the women's many rights and independent role in society.
What were Chabi and Khan interested in and who did they move their capital?
literature and other arts, they moved artisans and many others involved in the Chinese, Muslim, Persian, Buddhist, and Daoist arts.
Who made accounts of the Mongols?
Marco Polo
Why didn't the Chinese ever rule the scholar gentry in Yuan politics?
No civil service exams were admitted.
Merchants did what in Mongol society?
Kubilai pursued policies towards which class and what did he do for them?
peasant class, he lowered their taxes and created elementary schools.
Give 5 reasons for the Fall of the House of Yuan.
1. The Mongol's military was beginning to weaken.
2. Kubilai Khan's successors were corrupt then the scholar gentry took over.
3. Famine
4. Banditry
5. secret societies like the White Lotus Society
How was peace restored after fall of the Yuan?
A poor man named Ju Yuanzhang emerged to found the Ming dynasty.
Who was credited for the rise of the Turks after the fall of the Yuan?
Timur-I Lang
What was the capital of Timur's empire?
When did Timur's armies begin to conquest?
In 1405 what happened to Timur's dynasty?
Timur died then the empire is torn apart by warring commanders.