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5 Cards in this Set

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define fallacy
any unsound mode of arguing
what are fallacies of evidence
not presenting the full evidence, but parts to fit argument
what are fallacies of reasoning
1) example-hasty generalizations
2) analogy
3) cause (has to be complete, not partial)
4) sign
what are fallacies of language
1) ambiguity
2) verbalism (abundant use of words)
3) loaded language (emotionally charged words)
4) grammatical structure
what are fallacies of pseudoarguments
1) irrelevancy
2) arguing in a circle (starting with conclusion)
3) ignoring the issue
4) baiting
5) repeated assertion
6) jedi-mind trick
7) special pleading (urging for special exception)
8) substituting person for the argument (attempting to have the argument accepted or rejected based on character of the person advancing the argument)
9) bombast (high-sounding language with little meaning) for the argument
10) denying valid conclusions
11) popular appeal
12) "straw argument" (creating an issue in order to knock it down)
13) appealing to ignorance
14) pseudoquestions/loaded questions
15) tradition
16) non-sequitor (a conclusion that doesn't follow from the premises)
17) post hoc (assume causal relationship without proof)