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78 Cards in this Set

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what should be done prior to placement of Gardner-Wells tongs?
xr or CT skull to r/o fracture
optimal insertion site of gardner-wells tongs
1 cm above the helix of the ear with neutral pin position aligned with the external auditory meatus
anteriorly placed gardner-wells tongs
gives a extension moment
posteriorly placed gardner-wells tongs
gives flexion moment
application of gardner-wells tongs
prep with betadine
no shave
lidocaine to periosteum
advance pins til engage outer cortex
reduction technique for odontoid fractures
in line traction for angular deformity
bolsters or towel rolls for translational deformity
reduction technique for bilateral facet dislocation
towel roll between scapulae
slightly posterior pins
10 lb increments every 10-15 min with lat XR
serial neuro exams
reductions technique for unilateral facet dislocations
more stable than bilateral dislocations
grasp tongs like steering wheel
compression to nondislocated side
longitudinal traction to dislocated side
rotated head toward dislocated side
slowly release traction
role for prereductions MRI
concern that intervertebral disc herniations will be pulled into spinal cord
optimal pin sites for halo
anterior pins = 1 cm above lateral third of orbital ring
posterior pins = 1 cm above helix of ear
what are you trying to avoid with anterior pins to halo
supraorbital nerve
application of halo
opposing pins should be tightened at the same time to avoid displacement until reaching final torque of 8 inch-pounds, retighten in 24-48 hours
complications in halo vest treatment
pin site infections
difficulty swallowing
pressure sores
most useful method to assess occipitocervical dislocation
aka Harris' rule of twelve
Traynelis classification of occipitocervial dislocation
I: anterior displacement of occiput
II: axial separation of occipitoatlantal junction
IIb: axial distraction through atlantoaxial junction
III: posterior displacement of occiput
Anderson and Montesano classification for occipital condyle fractures
I: impaction fractures
II: basilar skull fractures that involve condyle
III: avulsion fractures (instability potential)
Tuli classification for occipital condyl fractures
1: stable, nondisplaced
2A: displaced but stable with no ligamentous injury
2B: displaced, unstable with ligament injury
(CT/MRI to distinguish stable from unstable)
posterior C1 arch fractures
simplest and most benign
2 fractures posterior to lateral mass
important if planning for sublaminar wiring
classic Jefferson fracture pattern
bilateral fractures in anterior and posterior aspect of the ring
how integrity of transverse ligament in assessed
lateral overhang of C1 lateral masses on C2 - combined >7-8 mm
diagnosis of sagittal atlantoaxial instability without fracture
widening of ADI
Anderson and D'Alonzo classification for odontoid fractures
I: small avulsion from tip of dens
II: waist fracture
III: fracture through cancellous bone of C2 vertebral body
Levine and Edwards classification for Hangman's fracture
I: minimally or nondisplaced, no evidence of translation or angulation
Ia: where posterior C2 vertebral body in continuity with one of pars fracture fragments
II: angulation and translation
IIa: marked angulation with minimal translation
III: C2 pars fracture associated with dislocation of C2-3 facet joint
hangman's fracture
traumatic spondylolisthesis, C2-3
Allen and Ferguson mechanistic classification of subaxial fractures and dislocations
compressive flexion
vertical compression
distractive flexion
compressive extension
distractive extension
lateral flexion
compressive flexion
stage 1: blunting anterosuperior vertebral body margin
2: beak appearance of anterosuperior vertebral body margin, sagittal body split may be present
3: oblique primary fracture line from anterior vertebral body to inferior endplate (tear drop)
4: 3 + posterior translation of upper vertebra <3 mm
5: posterior translation of upper vertebra >3 mm
vertical compression
stage 1: central superior or inferior endplate fracture
2: superior and inferior endplate fractures, sometimes with body fracture lines
3: vertebral body comminution with or without retropulsion, with or without kyphotic or translational deformity
distractive flexion
stage 1: facet subluxation, gapping of spinous process lig, with or without some blunting of anterosuperior vertebral body
2: unilateral facet dislo, PLC usually intact, rotational deformity
3: bilateral facet dislo, 50% translation of upper vertebral body on lower one
4: close to 100% translation of upper vertebral body on lower one - floating vertebra
compressive extension
stage 1: posterior arch fracture (facet, pedicle, or lamina) with or without rotation, mild anterior translation [lateral mass fracture]
2: b/l lamina fractures, can be multiple levels
3: b/l lamina, facet, pedicle fractures without vertebral body displacement
4: 3 + partial anterior vertebral body displacement
5: 3 + 100% anterior vertebral body displacement
distractive extension
stage 1: abnormal widening of disc space, may or may not be avulsion fracture of anterior vertebral body margin, no posterior translation
2: 1+ posterior translation
lateral flexion
stage 1: unilateral uncovertebral vertebral fracture or asymmetric vertebral body compression
2: vertebral body or posterior arch fractures with lateral translation or unilateral facet gapping, coronal angular deformity on AP
teardrop fracture
characteristic primary fracture that extends obliquely from anterosuperior vertebral body to the inferior endplacte
cervical ROM
flex/extension C4-5 and C5-6 = 20 deg
subaxial axial rotation = 2-7 deg
C1-2 rotation = 45-60%
lateral flexion C2-5 = 10-11 deg
relative kyphosis suggestive of PLC disruption
>11 deg
most frequent sites of cervical spine fracture
upper cervical (C1-2)
why spinal cord damage is more frequently associated with lower cervical spine versus upper
differences in spinal canal dimensions and mechanisms of injury
recommended arterial oxygen partial pressure in spinal injury
100 mm hg
neurogenic shock
hypotension accompanied by bradycardia
treatment for neurogenic shock
postural manuevers (Trendelenberg)
judicious fluid infusion
C5 exam
motor: deltoid
sensory: lateral shoulder/arm
reflex: biceps
C6 exam
motor: biceps/wrist extension
sensory: lateral forearm/thumb and index finger
reflex: brachioradialis
C7 exam
motor: triceps/wrist flexion
sensory: middle finger
reflex: triceps
C8 exam
motor: hand intrinsics/finger flexors
sensory: ring/little finger/medial forearm
reflex: none
T1 exam
motor: hand intrinsics/finger abduction
sensory: medial arm/axilla
reflex: none
S1 exam
motor: rectal tone
sensory: perianal
reflex: bulbocavernosus
sign of sacral nerve root sparing
perianal sensation
positive prognostic sign for neurologic recovery
cranial nerve injuries can be associated with
cervical spine fractures and dislocations
how to grade muscle group strength
5: able to resist full force resistance
4: examiner able to overcome strength
3: can overcome gravity, no resistance
2: can move without gravity
1: visible contraction
0: no contraction
marks the end of spinal shock
BC reflex - typically 48 hours from injury
lateral XR is able to detect
85% cervical spine injuries
ASIA scale
A: 0/5 motor, complete sensory deficit
B: 0/5 motor, incomplete sensory deficit
C: <3/5, incomplete sensory deficit
D: >3/5, incomplete sensory deficit
E: 5/5, no sensory deficit
power ratio
basion to posterior C1 arch
opisthion to anterior C1 arch
significance of power ratio
>1 suggestive of atlanto-occipital dislocation
basion-axis interval: measured distance between basion and a perpendicular lined drawn in relation to posterior vertebral body tangent line of C2
should be <12 mm
basion-dens interval:distance between basion an dtip of dens
should be <12 mm
atlanto-dens interval: posterior surface of anterior C1 ring to anterior surface of dens
should be 2-3 mm
posterior atlanto-dens interval: posterior surface of dens to anterior portion of the posterior C1 ring
<13 mm --> critical canal compromise
prevertebral swelling
soft tissue shadow thickness anterior to vertebral bodies
>7 mm for C2-3
>21 mm for C6-7
high likelihood of cervical spinal injury
radiographic lines, landmarks, and measurements on lateral cervical XR
spinolaminar line
posterior vertebral body line
anterior vertebral body line
facet joints
prevertebral soft tissue shadow
minimal acceptable amount of excursion on flex/ex films
30 deg to adequately rule out ligamentous injury
determines stability of C1 Jefferson fracture
integrity of transverse ligament
implies transverse ligament disruption
combined overhang of C1 lateral masses relative to C2 lateral masses >7 mm
physical tissue disruption leading to hemorrhage and swelling
(mc type of spinal cord injury)
loss of structural continuity
area of cord that sustain most severe injury in spinal cord injury
inner most regions
bell cruciate paralysis
long tract injury at level of decussation in brainstem
variable CN involvement
greater upper extremity weakness than lower
greater proximal weakness than distal
anterior cord areas affected
anterior gray matter
descending corticospinal motor tract
spinothalamic tract injury
preservation of dorsal columns
symptoms of anterior cord
variable motor and pain/temp sensory loss with preservation of proprioception and deep pressure sensation
central cord area affected
incomplete cevical white matter injury
central cord symptoms
sacral sparing and greater weakness in the upper limbs than the lower limbs
brown-sequard areas affected
injury to one latera half of cord and preservation of contralateral half
brown-sequard symptoms
ipsilateral motor and proprioception loss and contralateral pain/temp sensory loss
conus medullaris areas affected
injury to sacral cord and lumbar nerve roots within the spinal canal
conus medullaris symptoms
areflexic bladder, bowel, and lower limbs
may have preserved bulbocavernosus and micturition reflexes
cauda equina area affected
injury to the lumbosacral nerve roots within the spinal canal
cauda equina symptoms
areflexic bladder, bowel, and lower limbs
root injury area affected
avulsion or compression injuyr to single or multiple nerve roots (brachial plexus avulsion)
root injury symptoms
dermatomal sensory loss, myotomal motor loss, and absent deep tendon reflex