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75 Cards in this Set

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Action Potential Components

- threshold (all-or-none)

- rising phase

- overshoot (> 0mV )

- falling phase

- afterhyperpolarization/undershoot (below RMP)

What Action Potentials Result From

action potentials are the result of selective (voltage- and time-dependent) increases in the membrane's permeability to Na(+) and K(+)

The Refractory Period

- brief inactivation of Na(+) channels and activation of K(+) channels, making it harder to produce subsequent action potentials

- limits the number of action potentials that a given nerve can produce per unit tie

- explains why action potentials don't propagate back to the point of origin in the axon

Refractory Periods of Different Neurons

different types of neurons have different maximum rates of action potentials firing due to different types and densities of ion channels

Hodgkin and Huxley


- use the voltage clamp to describe the ionic conductances that underlie an action potential

- described Na(+) and K(+) conductances mathematically to show that the measured currents represent voltage-dependent changes in membrane permeability

Do Membranes have Voltage-Gated Dependent Permeabilities?

effect is voltage-dependent

Do Ionic Currents Flow Across the Membrane When its Potential is Changed?

current flow is observed in response to depolarization, but not hyperpolarization

Direction of Current Flow

the net movement of positive charge

Inward Current

- flow of positive charge into the cell or negative charge out of the cell

- Na(+) flowing into the cell along its concentration gradient brings more positive charge into the cell

Outward Current

- flow of positive charge out of the cell or negative charge into the cell

- K(+) flows out of the cell taking its positive charge with it

Voltage-Clamp Experiments

the flow of positive charge into the cell (inward current) is typically shown as a downward deflection

Current-Clamp Experiments

- depicts the change of the membrane potential

- typically shows APs (and synaptic events) as upward deflections (positive potentials are up)

Reversal (Equilibrium) Potential

- gives clues about the ionic nature of the early current

- relationship Nernst equation

Ion-Substitution Experiments

confirm the importance of Na(+) ions for the early inward current

Experiment for K(+) Current

load axon with radioactive K(+) ions and measure efflux in relation to outward current


- the conductance of the membrane to Na(+) and K(+) increases as the membrane is depolarized

As Conductance Increases:

- so does current (I = gV)

- because V = V-Veq, as the equilibrium potential is approached, the current gets smaller even in the presence of maximal conductance.. thus conductance does not = current

With High Conductance:

you have low resistance (g = 1/R)

Time Course of the K(+) and Na(+) Conductance in Response to Depolarizing Current Steps

- gk = slow and non-inactivating

- gNa = fast and inactivating

Conclusions Made by Hodgkin and Huxley

- Na(+) and K(+) conductance change over time (and "delayed rectifier")

- The Na(+) channels must inactivate because the current goes off even when it is polarized

- The K(+) channels do no inactivate because if the cell is depolarized they are open

- They are voltage-dependent

Delayed Rectifier

Na(+) and K(+) conductance both require time to turn on, but K(+) is much slower, requiring several ms to reach its peak

Phases of the Action Potential

1. Rest Potential (Vm)

2. Generator Potential

3. Threshold (-50 mV)

4. Rising Phase "overshoot"

5. Falling Phase

6. After hyperpolarization "undershoot"

7. Return to rest potential

8. Refractory Period

Rest Potential (Vm)

- 1st phase of an action potential

- due to high resting K(+) conductance

- about -70mV

Generator Potential

- 2nd phase of an action potential

- depolarizes cell due to opening ligand-gated cation channels


- 3rd phase of an action potential

- membrane potential at which all voltage-gated Na(+) channels begin to open, "all or none"

- about -50 mV

Rising Phase

- 4th phase of an action potential

- approaches Na(+) equilibrium potential

- "overshoots" 0 mV

Falling Phase

- 5th phase of an action potential

- K(+) channels open, Na(+) channels close

- membrane potential returns to near K(+) equilibrium potential

After Hyperpolarization

- 6th phase of an action potential

- membrane potential becomes negative to rest potential

- "undershoots" the resting potential

Return to Rest Potential

- 7th phase of an action potential

Refractory Period

- 8th phase of an action potential

- time during which a 2nd action potential cannot be evoked (axon resistant to further excitation)

- gNa(+) inactivated

- gk(+) activated over rest (-> undershoot)

- Absolute Refractory Period and Relative Refractory Period

Generator Potentials Which Cause Small Depolarizations

are not enough to open voltage-gated Na(+) channels

If the Generator Potential is Large Enough

- cell will reach threshold membrane potential and open voltage-gated Na(+) channels

- opening Na(+) channels produces more depolarization which opens more Na(+) channels

- eventually leads to all of the voltage-gated Na(+) channels opening and the membrane potential moves toward the Na(+) equilibrium potential (rising phase)

Absolute Refractory Period

- time during which it is impossible to get another action potential (a 2nd AP cannot be initiated under any circumstances)

- corresponds to the falling phase when Na(+) channels are inactivated

Relative Refractory Period

- time during which only a strong stimulus can evoke another action potential (a 2nd AP is inhibited but not impossible)

- corresponds to afterhyperolarization: Na(+) channels have recovered from inactivation but the membrane potential is below resting potential due to open K(+) channels

Firing Frequency of Action Potentials Depends On

- refractory periods

- several hundred Hz is generally the limit

Properties of (Protypical) Na(+) and K(+) Channels

- show ion selectivity

- both are voltage-gated

- have voltage-sensor

- Na(+) channel has mechanism for inactivation


- used by voltage-gated ion channels

- depolarization increases open probability, while hyperpolarization closes them

Properties of Single Na(+) Channels

- currents carried by Na(+) inward -> potentials to be more negative than ENa and reverse their polarity above ENa

- time course of opening, closing and inactivation matches macroscopic current -> stochastic events to be averaged many times

- opening/closing of channels is voltage-dependent (E)

Macroscopic Currents

- sum of all (microscopic) currents in the cell

- shows how multiple channels work to create an action potential

- electrode records current

- can view smaller currents (ie. channels) with micropipette technique

Micropipette Technique

allows view of smaller currents (ie. channels)

Amplitude of Current is Dependent On:

Na(+) concentration


blocks both microscopic and macroscopic Na(+) currents

Cycle of Na(+) Channel States

- fast response- two gates (activation and inactivation -> biphysical properties of proteins)

- rapid opening (activation) followed by slower closing (inactivation)

- refractory period

resting (closed) -> activated (open) -> inactivated (closed) -> resting (closed)

Voltage Sensor of the Na(+) Channel

- S4 (positively charged amino acids)

Changes in Na(+) Channel

depolarization cause a conformational change in the channel

Na(+) Activation Gate

opened by voltage

Na(+) Inactivation Gate

causes refactory periods

Properties of Na(+) Channels

- have activation/inactivation gate (biophysical property of proteins)

- 24 membrane spanning proteins

- 4 different domains form pores

Voltage-Gated Ion Channels

- Na(+) channels have more kinetics than K(+) (faster at opening than K(+) channels)

Impulse Propagation is Unidirectional

- kept unidirectional by trailing Na(+) channel inactivation (doesn't mean can't go other way)

- the only Na(+) channels that are available to open are the ones in front of the nerve impulse

What Can Increase Neurons Spike

- for ultrafast spiking, voltage-gated Na(+) channels must be rapidly activating and inactivating

- voltage-gated K(+) channels must match kinetics to minimize relative refractory period

- (Na(+) and K(+) channels allow for re-depolarization by rapidly closing after potential fires)

Neurons as a Cable

- a very bad cable

- membranes are leaky (some channels are always open, current leaks out)

Passive Membrane Properties

the length constant (λ)

The Length Constant (λ)

the length constant is a measure of the efficiency of the passive spread of voltage changes along the axon (the distance over which the change in voltage or membrane potential decays to 1/3 or 1/e of its original value)

Vx = V0 e ^ (-x/λ)

λ = sqrt( rm / (ro + ri) )

Voltage vs. Distance

decrement in voltage with distance

Length Constant (λ) Depends On

the resistances of:

- the membrane (rm)

- the intracellular medium (ri)

- the outside medium (ro) (negligible in calculation)

For the Optimal Passive Spread of Current:

- rm must be high

- ri and ro must be low

ri is smaller when:

axon diameter is smaller

rm is greater when:

the axon is more myelinated

(if low rm then there will be substantial ionic and current leak)

A Large Length Constant Makes it:

- easier for distant synapses to influence the activity of the neuron

- increases spatial summation with a neuron

ri deceases when:

decreases in proportion to the square of the increased diameter (area is proportional to diameter squared and resistance decreases with an increase in area)

Spatial Summation

- synaptic potentials generated in different regions of the neuron are added together

- two inputs far away from each other can sum together to reach a threshold

"Saltatory" Conduction

- how impulses travel

- myelin sheath prevents leakage of charge out of the axons

- Nodes of Ranvier are breaks in the myelin where ions can flow across the membrane (propagation is extremely fast between nodes)

- high density of voltage-gated ion channels at the nodes (none under myelin)

Myelinated Axons Take Advantage Of:

passive current to conduct signals over a greater distance

Number of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels in Cell Areas:

- cell body: ~1 VGNaC per square micron

- axon hillock and initial segment of the axon: ~100-200 VGNaC per square micron

- nodes of Ranvier: ~1000-2000 VGNaC per square micron

The Time Constant (τ)

- as the time when the voltage response (Vt) rises to 1-(1/e) (or 63%) of the steady state membrane response (V) (or Vmax: maximal voltage response)

- temporal summation

- given in thirds (rise of 2/3 or decrement of 2/3)

τ = (rm)(cm) where cm=capacitance, rm=resistance

A Long Time Constant (τ):

means the rise and fall of the action potential takes more time (eg. because voltage gated channels with a long open time contribute to the action potential)

Capacitance (cm)

- a membrane property

- important for axon

- for practical purposes the only membrane property that changes capacitance is the presence or absence of myelin

Myelination vs. Capacitance (cm)

- myelination decreases capacitance because it increases the effective thickness of the membrane

- therefore you have a smaller time constant with myelination

Resistance (rm)

- the inverse of conductance

- important for dendrites

- the number of open channels at rest contributes to the measure of rm

Open Channels vs. Resistance (rm)

- more K(+) leak channels open at rest contributes to a large conductance and therefore a small resistance

- this would decrease the time constant

Temporal Summation

- synaptic potentials generated in the same membrane patch as a result of successive stimulation are added together

Time Constant (τ) vs. Temporal Summation

a long time constant allows for more temporal summation

Effects of Passive Membrane Properties (λ and τ)

affect signal propagation and synaptic integration

Role of Summation

- allows for getting above the threshold

- without summation signals could not be sufficient to induce an action potential