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15 Cards in this Set

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Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic cells
Pro do not have nucleus, both have plasma membranes, pro does not have membrane-bound organelles
Parts of an animal cell (13)
plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, peroxisomes, mitchondria, lysosome, golgi, ribosomes, nuclear envelope, nucleolus, chromatin, smooth er, rough er, centrosome
Parts of a plant cell (15)
cell wall, plasma membrane, plasmodesmata, chloroplast, cytoskeleton, central vacuole, mitochondria, ribosomes, smooth er, rough er, nuclear envelope, nuclear membrane, nucleus, golgi, peroxisome
biggest, hollow tubes, tubulin, used to maintain cell shape, movement (cilia/flagella), chromosome movement and organelle movement
made of actin, smallest, coiled, maintains shape, changes in shape, muscle contractions, cytoplasmic streaming, movement, cell diviion
intermediate filaments
middle size, made of fibrous proteins called keratins. Maintain cell shape, anchor nucleus to organelles, forms nuclear lamina
Tight junctions
prevent fluid from moving across layer of cells
Gap junctions
connects plasma membranes of adjacent cells, tube like
made of intermediate filaments
amphipathic membrane
hydrophilic head, hydrophobic tail
How does a protein get from the ER to outside the membrane?
ER sends vesicle of transmembrane glycoproteins to the golgi. Fuses with golgi and picks up other things, like glycolipids. Vesicle is sent out to cytoplasm and fuses with membrane. Cell pushes the vesicle's contents out and the membrane elongates
Plants and animals in hyptonic solution
plant- turgid (normal)
animal- bursts
Plants and animals in isotonic solution
Plant- flaccid (shrivel)
Animal- normal
Plants and animals in hypertonic solution
plant- plasmolyzed
Arrange from biggest to smallest: prokaryotic cell, virus, eukaryotic cell, nucleus
euk, nucleus, pro, virus