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39 Cards in this Set

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cell respiration
the means by which cells extract energy stored in food and transfer that energy to molecules of ATP
anaerobic respiration
without oxygen
types of anaerobic respiration
alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation
aerobic respiration
with oxygen
if is undergoes aerobic respiration, it is followed by
krebs cycle, electron transport chain, and oxidative phosphorylation
if anaerobic respiration, glycolysis is followed by
alcoholic fermentation or lactic acid fermentation
a molecule of ATP consists of
adenosine and three phosphates
why is ATP unstable
it has 3 phosphates that are all negatively charged and repel one another
when one phosphate group is removed from ATP by hydrolysis, a more____Molecule is produced
10 step process that breaks down 1 molecule of glucose (6 carbon sugar) into 2 three carbon molecules of pyruvate and releases 4 molecules of ATP
the energy of activation for glycolysis is
the glycolysis of 1 molecule of glucose gives a net gain of ____ATP
glycolysis occurs in the___
the end product of glycolysis
during glycolysis, ATP is produced by_____
substrate level phosphorylation
PFK is an____enzyme
the role of PFK in glycolysis
it inhibits glycolysis when the cell has enough ATP and does not need to produce any more.
fermentation can generage ATP during anaerobic response as long as there is an adequate supply of
NAD+ to accept electrons during glycolysis
alcohol fermentation
-process by which certain cells convert pyruvate from glycolysis into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide
lactic acid fermentation
-pyruvate from glycolysis is reduced to form lactic acid.
-process in which dairy industries produce yogurt and cheese
-NADH gets oxidized back to NAD+
lactic acid in the muscle causes
fatigue and burning.
-lactic acid continues to build up until the blood can supply the muscles with enough oxygen to repay the oxygen debt
krebs cycle
a cyclical series of enzyme catalyzed reactions also known as the citric acid cycle
the krebs cycle takes place in the______and requires____
matrix of the mitochondria and require pyruvate
each molecule of glucose is broken down to___molecules of pyruvate and the respiration of each molecule of glucose causes the krebs cycle to turn__times
2 molecules of pyruvate
2 times
before pyruvate enters the kreb cycle, it must
1) combine with coenzyme A to form acetyl co-A
2) this conversion produces 2 NADH (one for each pyruvate)
each turn of the krebs cycle releases....
1 CO2 (waste product)
in the first step of the krebs cycle,
acetyl co-A combines with oxaloacetic acid to produce citric acid.
electron transport chain is located in the
cristae membrane of mitochondria
the mitochondrion is enclosed by a ___membrane
the outer membrane of mitochondrion is____, but the inner is_____
1) smooth
2) folded
the inner membrane of the mitochondrion is caused
NAD and FAD are
coenzymes that carry protons or electrons from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle to the electron transport chain
the electron transport chain is a
proton pump in the mitochondria that uses the energy released from the exergonic flow of electrons to pump protons from the matrix to the outer compartment
ATP is produced during
the electron transport chain carries electrons delivered by_____and_____ from glycolysis and the krebs cycle to____, the final electron acceptor through a series of______
1) NAD and FAD
2) Oxygen
3) REDOX reactions
will NAD or FAD produce more ATP?
NAD will = 3 ATP
chemiosmotic theory
chemiosmosis uses potential energy stored in the form of a proton H+ gradient to phosphorylate ADP and produce ATP
ATP is produced in 2 ways
1) substrate level phosphorylation
2) oxidative phosphorylation
oxidative phosphorylation
-occurs during chemiosmosis
-the way in which 90% of all ATP is produced

1) FAD and NAD loses protons to the electron transport chain, which cuases a steep proton gradient.
2) this gradient powers the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP