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20 Cards in this Set

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the cell cycle
is the series of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and duplication (replication).
prokaryotic cell cycle (easy)
Binary fission
Eukaryotic cell cycle
-2 phases of Mitosis
Interphase: when the cell is not dividing
Mitotic (M) Phase: when the cell is dividing.
**both have sub-phases
G1, S, and G2
G1 (growth 1)-main period of growth, new organelles are formed
S (synthesis): cell duplicates its DNA
G2 (growth 2):cell resumes growth and prepares for division in the Mitotic (M) phase,
Mitosis - Prophase
chromosomes double and cross over
1st:chromatin condenses and becomes chromosomes
2nd: nucleolus disappears and nuclear membrane breaks apart.
3rd: mitotic spindles (microtubles) form that will eventually pull the chromosomes apart.
Finally the cytoskeleton breaks down & centrioles push spindels to opposite ends of the cell.
Mitosis - Prometaphase
nucleus dissolves and microtubles attach to centromers.
Mitosis - Metaphase
chromosomes align at the middle of the cell (metaphase plate)
Mitosis - Anaphase
sister chromatids separate and move to opposite sides(poles) of the cell. cell begins to elongate toward poles
Mitosis - Telophase
(miotic spindles) Microtubles break down. cell division begins. a new nuclear envelope forms at each end of cell. two nuclei form with a FULL set of DNA that is identical to the parent cell.
Mitosis - Cytokinesis
cytoplasm and organelles divided between the 2 new cells, completing the process of cell division.
Cytokinesis is different in animal and plant cells why?
animal cell form clevage furrow
plant cell form cell plate
:to divide the cell.
meiosis is similar to mitosis, but there are two consecutive cell divisions meosis I and II in order to reduce the chromosome number by one half.
Mieosis is preceded by interphase where the chromosome replicates.
the result of meiosis is four Haploid cells. haploid cells only have half the number of chromosomes (n) as Diploid cells.
Mitosis- result
diploid cells reproduce by mitosis making daughter cells that are exact replicas of the parents. Diploid cells contain two complete sets of chromosomes.
losely packed substance in the nucleus (DNA)
during cell division chromatin becomes highly dense and folds up to form chromosomes.
familiar x shaped chromosome
chromatin DNA is always replicated before becoming condensed chromosomes. therefor the x-shape represents a replicated chromosome consisting of two identical sister chromatids joined at the cetromere.
chromosomes that contain the same information. they are the same length and contain the same genes. (cell division)
Mitsosis- overview 4 parts
1.division of somatic cells
2. two cells result from each division
3.chromosome number is identical to parent cells
4. for cell growth and repair.
meisosis- overveiw 4 parts
1. division of sex cells
2. four cells result from each division
3.chromosome number is half the number of parent cells
4. recombinations provide genetic diversity