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24 Cards in this Set

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Why cell signaling interesting and important?
1. tells cell when to start dividing
2. when to stop dividing
3. and how much to grow
Defect in cell signaling causes...
differentiation into different cell types is
induced by cell signaling
cell signaling is regulates communication between
nerve cells
activity of signaling is modulated by what?
signals for cell communication are received by
"receptor" proteins
There are two kinds of receptor proteins
1. Cell-surface receptors
2. Intracellular receptors
Cell-surface receptors function how?
Cell-surface receptor receives the hydrophillic signal molecule
Intracellular receptors function how?
Carrier protein delivers a small hydrophobic signal molecule through the plasma membrane of a cell. An intracellular receptor in the nucleus then receives the hydrophobic signal molecule
Signaling can alter which functions of the cell?
1. metabolism
2. gene expression
3. cell shape and movement
generic signaling pathway
extracellular signal molecule lets the receptor protein know. Intracellular proteins then transfer the signal to target proteins. this whole process leads to alteration of cell functions
4 different types of signaling
1. Contact-dependent
2. Endocrine signaling
3. Synaptic signaling
4. Paracrine signaling
cells are in direct contact
endrocrine signaling
secreted signal to cells widely distributed throughout the organism
synaptic signaling
secreted signal to synapses
paracrine signaling
secreted signal to neighboring cells
Autocrine signaling
secreted signal in which identical cells signal to each other and themselves
Contact-dependent signaling is import during what?
development and immune responses
Specialized signaling in the nervous system
Specialized in the endocrine system
relies on diffusion and blood flow
difference between paracrine and outocrine
Paracrine signaling notifies a cell either locally or afar. autocrine signaling has many identical cells involved where all of the cells send signals to neighboring cells.
Cells can respond differently to different combinations of signals. What are those responses?
survive, divide, differentiate, die
3 actions of acetylcholine
heart muscle cell, salivary gland, skeletal muscle
Acteyl choline does what to a heart muscle cell?
decreases rate and force of contraction