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37 Cards in this Set

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Christian Ethics

-deals with a life lived on the level of God

-a moral life

Christian Morality

Aims to help the individual grow in the knowledge and love of God in order to be Christ-like as possible

What is our model of moral life modeled after?

Jesus Christ

Foundation of moral life

The foundation of moral life is Christ love

10 Commandments



attitudes and habits that make us more likely to do good

4 moral virtues

1.) prudence - makes us see what we should do and what we should avoid in order to be Christ like

2.) justice - makes us give to each one his due

3.) fortitude - (courage) gives us strength to God's will in the face of trials and difficulties

4.) temperance - (self control) helps control evil desires and use rightly that please our sense

3 theological virtues

1.) faith - virtue by which we firmly believe

2.) hope - virtue by which we firmly trust that God will give us eternal happiness in heaven and the means to obtain it

3.) charity - virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake and our neighbors as ourselves for the love of God

10 characteristics of Christian Morality

1.) 1st affects the person then the action

2.) transforms 1st the soul then the moral appearance

3.) accounts for what is forbidden but stresses more what ought to be done; Christian morality is positive morality

4.) requires not only just actions but also holiness

5.) finds in beginning then end in love

6.) encompasses the attitude of the person

7.) the morality preached by Jesus is a morality that includes reward and punishment

8.) morality for freedom

9.) fulfilled on earth but pertains to the next life

10.) finds its nourishment in mass and 7 sacraments

What does it mean to be Christ like?

- following in his footstep

- following the 10 commandments

- following the 8 beatitudes

- loving the Lord and your neighbor

What does it mean when we say Christ's love is the foundation of Christian morality?

- Christianity begins with love

-Christ's love is the law of love

-Christ immense love elevates human nature to supernatural levels and perfect the natural law

What does it mean when we say Christian religion has Christ as its end?

The Christian religion is based on the idea that in his great love, Christ established the church to unite mankind with Him. And those who seek unity with Christ must be united with his Church which is his mystical body.

What does it mean when we say our actions affect those with whom we are united?

Because we seek to be eternally united with the Mystical Body of Christ, the hood and bad actions of our lives have eternal effect on ourselves and on the whole church.

What does it mean when we say Christ is our model?

To ensure that we become like Him, Christ gave the church sacraments to dispense grace. The Sacraments are our aid in our struggle to be like Christ, with our model of love.

What does it mean when we say Christ died on the cross to unite mankind with himself?


What does it mean to have a body and a soul

We have a body and a soul which creates a singular being

Explain what "we are created in the image and likeness of God" means

We have the ability to be like God and the ability to choose good over bad

Moral Theology

The study of nature of God and religious truth; rationally inquiring in to the religious question

Foundations of Catholic Moral Theology

1.) Bible / Sacred Scriptures

2.) Church tradition

3.) Magisterium

(Explain) Freedom is the ability to choose good

- humans are made in the image and likeness of God

- God is free yet does no evil

- God gives us freedom so we may truly love him and share relationship with him

- not a limitless freedom

(Explain) Just law guides freedom

- we are not given rules and laws to restrict our freedom

- there to guide us

- to ensure that our freedom us used for its purpose

- moral laws ensure that we avoid spiritual harm/death

(Explain) freedom entails responsibility

good acts = reward

evil acts = punishment

- without this reality freedom would be useless and no justice


- " voice of God our father acting within us"

- we are all born with it

- " moral motor" which drives our ability to discern and choose

- part of us ( it's our ability to judge what is right from wrong)

- what tells us when we did something or what our about to do is wrong

- factor in all the moral choices

How does conscience relate to truth?

- truth is a crucial element in making moral choices

- conscience has the capacity to recognize the truth and follow it

3 phases of conscience

1.) knowledge of moral principles

2.) practical application of the knowledge to particular moral problems

3.) moral judgment of actions

What does the Bible says about conscience?

element of divine revelation ( from God )

3 principles of conscience

1.) our moral guide (our inner voice that discerns the morality of acts)

2.) it's free (freedom = one of the fundamental aspects of conscience)

3.) must be well formed ( we have the most grave obligation to form our conscience in accordance with the truth)

Explain how the formation of conscience is a personal responsibility

- Since child, we have the ability to determine difference between good or bad

- It is rooted in truth about mankind, law, and what's good and evil

- formation of conscience = continuing lifelong process

- it's our "moral compass" and were responsible to see that it's set correctly

- It's our responsibility to see that it's developed and works correctly

5 ways to form one's conscience

1.) acceptance of moral teaching

2.) knowledge of Christian life and doctrine

3.) prayer and meditation

4.) personal examination

5.) spiritual direction

3 divisions of judging one's conscience

1.) antecedent - judgment on morality before action

2.) concomitant - judgment on morality during action

3.) consequent - judgment on morality after action

True vs. Erroneous Conscience

True conscience - determining from true principles that some act is either good or evil

Erroneous conscience - Determining from false principles (ignorance) considered as true that something is good, but, in fact, it is evil

3 types of erroneous conscience

1.) vincible ignorance - ignorance of the truth that can be cleared up by ordinary diligence (result from failure to find out what is required of him)

2.) invincible ignorance - ignorance that cannot be overcome by ordinary diligence (not the fault of the person's actions , maybe because of the difficulty of the person which the person is not responsible

3.) Lax conscience - formulates moral judgments on insufficient grounds.

4 causes of corrupt conscience

1.) ignoring Christ and his gospel

2.) becoming enslaved by one's passions

3.) rejection of the churches authority and teaching

4.) lack of charity

Groundhog Day (the way to overcome boredom is to be selfless and help others)


Reason why we lie

- to cover up what we had done or failed to do

- to avoid doing something

- to avoid punishment

- for the thrill

9 types of lies

1.) bald faced lies - obvious that it's untrue

2.) omission - leaving out relevant information, passive deception, doesn't involve inventing any stories, guilt is involved

3.) error - lie by a mistake, they believe they are being truthful but what their saying is not true

4.) deception - trickery, slight of hand, convincing someone of a lie

5.) restructuring - reducing effects of mistakes, fault , judgment call

6.) denial - refusing to acknowledge the truth,

