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49 Cards in this Set

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A charateristic of basic emotion is that they
can be inferred from facial expressions
in the strange situation, baby Michelle is unresponsive to her mother, not distressed when her mother leaves, and avoids her mother when she returns. Michelle is displaying charateristics of ______ attachment
When a toddler demonstrates the clear ability to understand a caregivers wishes and expectations and to obey simple requests, it is known as
stranger anxiety is MOST likely to be elicited when a unfamiliar adult
picks the baby up
According to Erikson, a mother who _____ is likely to promote autonomy in toddlerhood
waits patiently while her son puts his socks and shoes on
Baby Noah's mother used to keep a jar of cookies on the kitchen counter, but now she puts them away in the pantry. Noah, however, continues to look for the cookies on the kitchen counter. According to Piaget, Noah
A-not-B error
When baby Radsheda reaches for her pacifier, she accidentaly pushes it under her pillow. rather than searching for the pacifier under the pillow, Radsheda cries. One possibility why she does not search for the pacifier under the pillow is because she has not yet developed
object permanence
the strong affectionate tie that humans feel toward special people in their lives is know as
In the strang situation, baby Janet fails to explore when she is with her mother. when she is reunited to her mother, Janet hits and pushes her mother
________ between parent and child fosters language comprehension, word production, and vocabulary development
joint attention
The most commonly used method for measuring the quality of an infant's attachment is the
Attachment Q-sort
___________ children typically use words are for naming objects, whereas _____ children use words for talking about feelings and needs of people
referential / expressive
Baby Antonio accidentally kicks his rattle with his foot. Later he tries to repeat this behavior again and again. In Piaget's theory this is an example of a _______circular reaction
in Bowlby's ethological view of attachment, children use their experiences during the first 2 years to form a(an)
trusting relationship
Chidren start to use disappearance terms such as all gone about the same time they master _____problems
In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, specific psychological structures that change with age
Chomsky's LAD refers to
an innate system that contains a universal grammar, or set of rules common to all languages, that permits children to understand and speak in a rule-oriented fashion as soon as they have learned enough words
Research with rhesus monkeys reared wire-mesh _surrogate mothers" showed that the infants clung to the
soft terrycloth "mother"
________ are examples of self-conscious emotion
shame, embarrassment, guilt, envy and pride
As Melanie was learning to walk, each time she feel she would look for her mothers reaction. if her mother looked upset she would cry, if her mother smiled, she would just get up. Melanie was using
social referencing
All interactionist theories of language learning empasize
interaction between inner capacities and environmental influence
Rachel's mother cant make plans to go out because she never knows when rachel will want to eat or sleep. Besides, Rachel cries a lot and won't stay with a sitter. According to Thoomas and Chess's temperament types, Rachel would probably be classified as a(an) ________ child
a Sensitively tune "emotional dance" in which the mother responds to the baby's signals in a well-timed and appropiate manner, and bother partners match their emotional states, is called
interactional synchrony
one-year-old Isabella uses the word "dolly" to refer only to a special doll that she sleeps with every night. Isabella's error is known as an
under extension
According to Vygotsky, which of the folloring would be within a child's zone of proximal development
tasks that a child cannot do on their own but can do with help was a skilled partner
according to Erikson's theory, a mother who is sympathetic and loving is fostering her baby's sense
of trust
which of the following sounds is the BEST example of babbling
games liek pat-a-cake and peekaboo
are give and take
two year old colin said "kiss booboo" to indicate to his mother that he wanted her to kiss the ginger that he just pinched in the door. Colin's utterance is an example of
telegraphic speech
In Piaget's theory, a circular reaction is a means of building schemes in which infants
try to repeat a chance event caused by their own motor activity
Cooing in infancy refers to
pleasant vowel-like noises by infants, beginning around 6 months of age
According to Piaget, during the sensorimotor stage, schemes move from a(n) _______ level to a(n) ________ level
motor or sensory-based / mental
During the first sub stage of the sensorimotor period
reflexive schemes: newborn reflexes
According to the behaviorist perspective, parents promote their chilren's early language development by
operant conditioning
Thirt-five percent of children do not fit into any of the Thomas and Chess temperments categories. Instead these children
show unique blends
Compared to sociable infants and preschoolers, shy children show
react negatively to and withdraw from novel stimuli
During the Strange Situation, baby Sarah seems unresopnsive to her mother when she is present. Whe her mother leaves Sarah is not distressed and she avoids her mother when they are reunited. Sarah MOST likely received ______ care from her mother
Cross-cultural research suggests that emotional expression
modifies stranger anxiety
_______ refers to stable individual differences in the quality and intensity of emotion reaction, activity level, attention and emotion self-regulation
which of the following is MOST likely to be among a toddler's first words
In a violation-of-expectation method _______ suggests that the infant is surprised at the deviation from physical reality
Recovery to the Unexpected event
Eight-month-old Wanda crawls back to her mother as she becomes overwhelmed when exploring unfamiliar room. In Bowlby's theory of attachment Wanda is most likely in the ______ phase
Attachment in the making
The most effective child-directed speech
engages children in a referential communication
Marcus is inactive, shows mild, low-key reactions to enviornmental stimuli, is negative in mood, and adjusts slowly to new experiences. In Thomas and Chess's research, Marcus would most likely be classified as
slow to warm up
in the first few months of like, babies detect others' emotions through a fairly automatic process of
emotional contagion
In Piaget's theory the process of _______ is made up of two complementary activities: ___________ and ___________
Adaptation; assimilation; accommodation
9-month-old Maxwell becomes very upset when his mother leaves him with his babysitter He is MOST likely in Bowlby's ______ phase of attachment
clear-cut attachment
Two-year-old Alex uses the word "horse" for cows, zebras and donkeys. Alex's error in known as a(an)
over extension
According to Bowlby, in the ______ phase, which last from ______ infants do not yet respond differently to a familiar caregiver than to a strangers
Preattachment phase / birth to 6 weeks