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100 Cards in this Set

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How does the anatomical lateral position differ from the term lateral?
Away from the midline of the body or the body part.
A line projecting at right angles to the plane of motion best describes which of the following body movements?
Axis of joint rotation
You are double-checking the doctor's orders before going into one of your patients, Mrs. Jones room. What would it mean for Mrs. Jones if the doctor's orders are written as NPO?
Nothing by mouth; May not have anything to eat or drink
You have just completed screening a patient with an appointment for blurred vision in the right eye. How should you document this information correctly?
Patient complains of blurred vision-right eye.
You would not find which of the following components in the cytoplasm of a cell?
The network of tubules that moves molecules within the cell is the...
Endoplasmic Reticulum
What part of the cell provides the primary source of the cellular energy?
What part of the cell plays an important role in processing proteins within the cell and other areas of the body?
Which phase of mitosis would signify that the nucleus of the cell is actually dividing?
In which part of the cell life cycle would the ell continue to grow until it divided again?
The complicated process responsible for the distinction of cell characteristics is known as..
Cell Differentiation
What type of tissue is found in the spinal cord?
What type of tissue can change its shape?
Because of its striated appearance, which tissue is similar to skeletal muscle tissue?
Cardiac Muscle
Which muscle is attached to the eyelid?
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Aqueous humor fills the space between the cornea and the...
What part of the eye is largely responsible for viewings dimly lit images?
What nerve is the pathway to vision?
The auditory ossicles are located in..
middle ear
Movements of the stapes causes stimulation of fluid within the
What is the system of chambers and tubes within the inner ear called?
Which of the following is a nasal air passageway?
Middle meatus
Odors are described as belonging to which of these groups?
Seven primary odors, or a combination of at least two of them.
What part of the nasal cavity does the superior meatus, middle meatus and inferior meatus make up?
Nasal Conchae
The layer of epidermis that is next to the deepest layer is the..
Stratum spinosum
Which glands play a role in keeping the hair and skin soft and waterproof?
The nail grows outward from the white area at the base called the..
What substance is secreted by the sebaceous gland?
Pigmentation is attributed to..
What substance does melanocyte produce?
Where would you find very little compact bone in the skeletal system?
Bone ends
Where are nerves and blood vessels contained in the bone?
Cancellous Bone
What bones are usually located within tendons where pressure is frequently applied?
What is the name of the triangular shaped bone that lies over the anterior portion of the knee joint?
The epimysium is located beneath the
What type of muscle is skeletal muscle?
Voluntary; striated
The muscle layer that lies just below the epimysium is the
What attaches skeletal muscles to the bone?
Why type of joint joins the distal end of the tibia and fibula?
What type of joint connects the sternum and first rib?
What fluid acts as a joint lubricant and a nutrient supplier for cartilage within the joint?
The valve that leads from the right atrium to the right ventricle is the
tricuspid valve
What is the term for the muscular portion of the heart?
What is the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle?
What cells are responsible for the clotting action in blood?
The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart is at rest between contractions is the
dialostic blood pressure
What vein returns blood back to the heart from the lower body?
Inferior Vena Cava
What is the only vein that carries oxygenated blood?
What is the purpose of the lymphatic system?
Defends the body against infection and remove excess fluid
Vessels that lead out of the lymph nodes are called...
efferent lymphatic vessels.
What is the largest lymphatic organ?
Lymph is the transported through the lymphatic trunk directly to the
collecting duct
What special organs do the larger lymphatic vessels lead to?
lymph nodes
What part of the lymph system acts as the filter
What lymphatic organ is located in the mediastinum between the aorta and sternum?
Where does lymph from the right lymphatic duct empty?
Right subclavian vein
Once Excess fluid from the body tissue enters lymphatic capillaries, it is known as...
The larynx is composed of how many cartilages?
Three single and three paired cartilages
What part of the lower respiratory system does air travel to and from the lungs through a cylindrical tube composed of cartilage?
During inhalation, the intercostal muscular contraction permits the ribs to move
forward and slightly upward
The amount of air that enters and leaves the lung with each natural respiration is known as
tidal air
The small spaces between neurons are called the..
What type of neuron has one axon extending from one end of the soma and one dendrite extending from the other?
The part of the brain stem that connects to the spinal cord is the
medulla oblongata
What are the three major parts of the brain?
Cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem
What is the function of the interior of the cerebrum?
Storing knowledge
What is the name of the large intersection of interlaces spinal nerves?
What cranial nerve is responsible for the sensation of sight?
What cranial nerve conveys taste?
The "fight-or-flight" reaction is controlled by the..
sympathetic nervous system
The parasympathetic nervous system is designed to
prevent extensive overworking of the body
Where is the sigmoid colon located in the abdominal cavity?
The layer of the alimentary canal that is responsible for movement of substances through the canal is the...
What part of the alimentary canal is between the pharynx and the stomach?
The ileocecal valve in the small intestine connects to the
What is the mucous membrane that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth?
What is the difference in the number of primary teeth and the number of permanent teeth a person will develop?
where will undigested chime go after leaving the ileum?
Which organ absorbs beneficial water for use by the body?
What gland secretes a substance to moisten food particles and help with swallowing?
What liquid is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder?
Kidneys are in the posterior abdominal cavity and extend from the
thoracic to the lumbar spinal region
What is the primary function of the renal cortex?
Protect kidney functions in the renal medulla
Backflow of urine into the ureters is prevented by
a flap of mucous membrane
The urge to urinate is usually first experienced when the bladder contains approximately how many milliliters of urine?
What part of the kidneys filters blood to remove waste and regulate water and electrolyte concentrations?
The testes are two oval-shaped structures that are made of..
connective tissue
The coiled tubule located on the top and to the side of each testis is the
What is the tubule that leads from the urinary bladder to the exterior of the body?
Where are sperm cells produced?
Fluid is secreted from the seminal vesicles to help carry sperm through the
Ejaculatory duct
What is the inner wall of the uterus called?
What happens to the ovum after a sperm fertilizes it?
Travels to the uterus and attaches to the endometrium
The second phase of the menstrual cycle egins when
an ovum is released from one of the ovaries.
What is the term used to describe the first menstrual cycle that occurs once puberty is reached?
What hormone is secreted during the menstrual cycle?
The pituitary gland is divided into two sections called the
anterior lobe and posterior lobe
Which organ secrets the adrenocorticotropic hormone?
Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
Which hormone accounts for the majority of the thyroid hormones?
Which part of the adrenal gland makes up most of it?
Adrenal cortex.