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45 Cards in this Set

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To avoid the void for vagueness problem, statutes must have three characteristics:
) must give fair notice or warning to those subject to them 2) must guard against arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement 3) must not unreasonably deny people their first amendment rights
Actus reus
A criminal act
Mens rea
A criminal intent
Act and intent are joined
Act leads to harm
Resulting harm
The specific result defined in the criminal statute
Crime Control takes up ___% of the officer's time
Order Maintenance Role takes up __% of the police officer's time
Skolnick: 3 Elements that bring about this change
1) Danger: officers are able to pick up suspicious behavior
2)Authority: Officers become bossy and controlling
3) Efficiency: Officers tend to ignore their emotions, become detached to the outside world, and rush things
Old Style Crime Fighter
Very Picky, Controlling, Aggressive
Service Officer
Not Overly aggressive, coercive, very pcky, not receptive of minor crime, highly focused on major crimes
Clean Beat Crime Fighter
everything bothers them, devoting heavy duty attention to all forms of crime, violent and coercive (not a good type)
deals with all types of crime without going overboard. MOST APPROPRIATE ACCORDING TO BROWN
ability to integrate oercion into one's morlas (being able to justify violence by recognizing that it may become necessary)
"intellectual objectivity" (being able to see the big picture, not taking things personally, ahving a controlled crime focus)
Legalistic Department
opposite of the watchman department; located in cities; crime control is the main concern; formal ways to resolve issues (ie: arrets)
Service Department
located in the suburbs; crime control and order maintenance are equally important; consider both formal and informal ways of resolution (best way by Wilson)
Exclusionary Rule
if evidence is not obtained by legal means (not through due process) cannot be used in trial. Derived from 4th amendment of protetion from unreasonable searches and seizures
Search Warrants
an order from the court telling the police to conduct a search
Arguments for Exclusionary Rule
1) Deters Police Misconduct 2) embedded in 4th amendment 3)judicial integrity 4) protect civil liberties
Arguments Against Exclusionary Rule
1) Makes police jobs harder 2)Exlucionary Rule does not deter crime 3) Exclusionary rule is too infelxible 4) There is no benefit to society (benefits criminal more)
Search Warrant
probable cause is necessary for the acquiring of a search warrant
Police can search anywhere with a search warrant that a _________ __________ would hide an item
reasonable person
anything found while legally searching with search warrant _____ be used in the trial
Exceptions to the Search Warrant Preference
1) Search Incident to Arrest (complete search of the person during the time of arrest) 2) Grab Area Search 3) Hot Pursuit 4) Plain View 5) Plain Smell
Proprietary Right
landlords cannot give right to seafch homes, but landlords can let police go in for health and safety concerns
Roommates can allow cops to search their own room and common areas but _______________ still apply
plan view searches
parents have proprietary rights and can allow cops to go into their child's room UNLESS ___________________
the child pays rent at their parents house
Employers ______ give permission to search through employee's area
Police _______ allowed to search locker's w/o students permission
A frisk _____ a search
not (it is a pat down of clothing)
Mapp v. Ohio
police found evidence illegaly. HOLDING- the bottom line decision of the case
a statement of probable cause
Aguillar v. Spinelli
veracity of knowledge must be evidence that the informant was believable through proven track record and/or corroborating evidence
5th Amendment
protection against self-incrimination
6th Amendment-
right to the assistance of counsel/attorney
Miranda v. Arizona
Miranda did not make a voluntary confession because it was coerced
anytime custodial interrogation occurs, it is inherently coercive and because it coercive the suspect is entitled to certain rights
asked police-initiated questions designed to elicit incriminating statements
Exceptions to Miranda
1) Confessions are not used in court 2)Volunteering information 3) General, on the scene of crime questioning 4) Confessions that are given while filling out of standard accident/incident reports 5) Stop and Frisk 6) Non-Testimonial Evidence
A stop is not an arrest but a
brief detention
Terry V. Ohio
Gave police legal authority to conduct stop and frisks
Passive Resistance
subject uses a physical action that is not intended to prevent the officer's control, yet is still a form of resistance (ex: standing still when officer asks you to move)
Defensive Resistance
ex: running away from the officer
Aggravated Active Aggresion
subject is trying to do severe bodily harm or death to the officer