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38 Cards in this Set

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Name the zones of the ocean depths.

They are sunlight zone, twilight zone, midnight zone, and abyssal zone.

What takes places in the sunlight zone?

Photosynthesis is supported in this zone. Tiny organisms in this layer form the basis of many ocean food chains.

What takes place in the twilight zone?

The water temperature drops rapidly because little light travels past 200 m. The organisms in this zone produce their own light.

Squid, jellyfish, fish, and worms.

What takes place in the midnight zone?

Lies at depths of 1000-4000 m. The ocean is completely dark and the temperature plunges to an average of 4 degrees C.

What takes place in the abyssal zone?

Lies at depths of 4000-6000m and is completely dark. The temperature is almost freezing. 80% of the ocean lies in these deep-ocean zones.

What technology do scientists use to map and explore the ocean floor?

In the 1870s discovered thousands of new marine organisms.

The aqualung was the beginning of scuba diving and personal exploration.

A submersible explores the ocean and can be operated by a person inside them or by a cable attached to a remote control.

What is a tsunami?

A series of giant waves triggered by an underwater earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption. This creates a sudden surge of water that sends out waves in all directions.

What are the types of waves?

Ripples, swells, breaker, tsunami.

How do ripples form?

Rippes are small waves that add together and form larger waves.

How do swells form?

Storms raging in the open sea produce waves that move in all directions. These form swells.

How do breakers form?

As waves approach the shore, the water depth decreases. The wave trough drags against the shore bottom and slows down. The crest continues at the same speed as before. The wavelength shortens, and the wave height increases. The wave becomes unstable. The crest topples over and breaks.

What are spring tides?

When the Moon is new or full, the Sun and the Moon are lines up. The gravitational pulls of the Sun and the Moon work together. At this time, high tides are higher than average and low tides are lower than average.

What are neap tides?

During the quarter phases, Earth, the Moon, and the Sun form a right triangle. the gravitational pulls work against each other. This creates a lesser pull on Earth's ocean than during spring tides. As a result, the high tides are lower than average, and low tides are higher than average.

How do density currents form?

When seawater freezes or evaporates, the water freezes or evaporates, but the salt is left behind. The salt that is left behind increases the salinity of seawater nearby. as the salinity increases, the density also increases. The portion of water with greater salinity and density will sink below the water that has a lower salinity and is less dense.

It also is driven by differences in temperature. Colder, denser water sinks and pushes warmer, less-dense water to the surface.

What is salinity?

It is a measure of the amount of salt dissolved in a liquid.

What is plankton?

Plankton are organisms that are very weak swimmers or that cannot swim.

What are nektons?

Marine organisms that are able to swim freely.

What are benthos?

Organisms that live on the bottom of a body of water.

What is an estuary?

An area where salt water and fresh water mix.

What is a coral reef?

They are made from the skeletons of tiny animals called polyps.

How do humans negatively impact marine ecosystems?

Humans can destory wetlands by polluting the land, clearing the trees, and draining the water so that the land can be used for commercial development, tourist areas, and other uses.

Beaches can be impacted by litter or by beach development.

Coral reefs can be harmed by human touch or by boat anchors falling on them. Large deposits of silt or oil spills can also harm reefs.

Pollution and an increase in ocean water temperatures can destroy the algae in coral colonies.

What are hydrothermal vents?

They are holes in Earth's crust from which hot water flows.

What is bioluminescence?

The biochemical emission of light by living organisms.

What is guyot?

A guyot is an extinct volcano with a flat top that has been eroded and submerged below the waves.

What are zooplankton?

They are the animal component of plankton. They eat phytoplankton and eat each other. They range in size from tiny microscopic larva to large sea jellies that can reach almost 2 meters in diameter.

What is a kelp forest?

Kelp forests are underwater areas with a high density of kelp.

What is a seamount?

It is a single under water volcanic mountain that does not reach the surface.

What is sonar?

It is a system for the detection of objects under water and for measuring the water's depth by emitting sound pulses and detecting or measuring their return after being reflected.

What are the differences between the seafloor features?

Continental crust is made mostly of granite.

Oceanic crust is thinner and denser than continental crust and is made mostly of basalt.

Mid-ocean ridges is where molten rock flows up from the mantle, cools, harden, and pushes sections of crust apart.

Where ocean crust collides with the continental crust, the denser oceanic crust slides underneath the continental crust and sinks into the mantle and melts. A deep canyon called an ocean trench forms.

How do temperature and pressure change from the surface to the depth of the ocean?

As you travel down from the surface toward the ocean bottom, there is an increase of water above your body. As the depth of the water increases, the pressure also increases.

The temperature also decreases from the surface to the ocean floor.

What landscape is found on the seafloor?

Mountains, valleys, trenches, and plains.

The deepest parts of the ocean are at ______.

The ocean trenches.

The use of sound waves to map the ocean floor is ___________.


Tiny organisms that form the basis of many ocean ecosystems are ___________.


An underwater hot spring that forms at a crack in the sea floor is a ____________.

Hydrothermal vent.

A measure of the amount of dissolved salt in a liquid is ______________.


An environment that forms where rivers join the ocean is an ________.


Which type of wave is caused by an underwater landslide?
