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25 Cards in this Set

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________________ is directly proportional to net force.

______________ ~ net force

Acceleration ~ Net Force

What is dependent on the "stickiness" or the tiny ridges between two materials?


Friction can also occur between objects at _______.


When the net force of an object is zero, the acceleration is ___________.


An object with a mass of 1-kg on Earth weighs how much (N)?


A object is pulled northward by a force of 10N and is also being pulled southward by a force of 25N. What is the resultant force?


What is the ratio of kg to N on Earth?

1-kg to 10N

Your weight measured on a scale is technically measuring:

Force due to gravity acting on you

If the mass of a cart is quickly loaded to have twice the mass while propulsion remains constant, acceleration is:


An object moving at a constant velocity, an object at rest, and an object in mechanical equilibrium all have___________.

Zero Acceleration

When an object is suspended by a vertical rope, and the block accelerates upward by the rope, the rope's tension is:

Greater than its weight

Neglecting friction, a large and small block begin to slide down an incline at the same time. The smaller block reaches the bottom in what relation to the larger block?

At the same time

A rocket with a sustained and constant upward force has an increasing acceleration because:

Mass decreases as fuel is used

If less horizontal force is applied to a sliding object than is needed to maintain constant velocity, the object eventually:


The quantity of matter in an object.
Measure of the inertia or sluggishness that an object exhibits in response to any effort to start, stop, or change it's motion.



Force upon an object due to gravity
(N or lb)


How is Acceleration proportional to mass?

Acceleration ~ (1/mass)

Acceleration =

(net force)/(mass)

When an object falls downward and experiences the force of gravity pulling it down + air drag acting upward =

Nonfree Fall

Non-Free Fall depends on _____

Speed and frontal surface area

Nonfree Fall term when air resistance equals weight and net force is zero.


When acceleration terminates

Terminal Speed

When acceleration terminates, with implied or specified direction.

Terminal Velocity

In what type of environment would a feather and a rock fall at the same rate?


What factors affect air resistance on falling objects?

Frontal Area & Speed