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87 Cards in this Set

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fibrous bands or structures by which body parts abnormally adhere, as in wound healing
appendages or adjunct parts; in gynecology, used to describe the tubes and ovaries (primarily used in the plural form)
adnexal mass
an abnormality in the uterine adnexa
to bring close together or into apposition
pain in a joint
human chorionic gonadotropin; the pregnancy hormone found in blood
performed using both hands
blood type O
has neither A nor B antigens (this blood type is in 40% of the population)
chromic suture
absorbable catgut suture material
antibiotic against gram-negative bacteria, trade name
crown-rump length
the length between the top of the head to the buttocks or gluteal region
a blind pouch
trade name for meperidine hydrochloride, a drug to sedate and relieve pain
situated away from the center of the body, or from the point of origin; specifically applied to the extremeity or distant part of a limb or organ
ectopic pregnancy
a pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum becomes implanted on tissue outside of the uterine cavity
abnormal accumulation of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body, reulsting in swelling
fixating a tissue specimen in a firm medium to keep it intact during sectioning of the tissue
within the vagina
abbreviation for ethyl alcohol, ethanol, grain alcohol; each letter is pronounced individually
exploratory laparotomy
surgical entry into the abdomen to examine the abdominal contents
fallopian tube
also called oviduct or uterine tube; transports the ovum from the ovary to the uterus
supportive layer of thin consective tissue within the muscles and organs of the body
figure-of-8 stitches
sutures in which the thread follows the contours of the figure 8
the bottom or base of anything; the part of an organ opposite the opening into that organ
general endotracheal tube
refering to the tube inserted within the trachea through which to administer general anesthesia
gravida 2, para 1, abortus 1
from the Latin; 2 pregnancies, 1 live birth, 1 abortion or miscariiage
gravida 3, para 1-0-2-1
three pregnancies, 1 live birth, no premature births, 2 abortions or miscarriages, and 1 living child
abbreviation for gynecology; pronounced "jin" or G-Y-N
Heaney clamp
medical tool used to grasp and manipulate tissue
abbreviation for head, eyes, ears, nose , throat; each letter is pronounced indivdually
the vomiting of blood
the passage of bloody stools
the volume percentage of erythocytes in whole blood
blood in urine
carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs
an effusion of blood in the abdominal cavity
the arrest of bleeding by surgical means
an effusion of blood in the abdominal cavity
ICD Code 633.1
International Classification of Diseases, a standard list of identifying codes used in statistics, billing, etc. (This code refers to an ectopic pregnancy)
the arrest of bleeding by surgical means
informed consent
a patient gives written permission for surger, clinical treatment, and to releasehis or her records to a 3rd party after a thorough discussion of the issues with the physician involved
an effusion of blood in the abdominal cavity
lactated Ringer's
a fluid and electrolyte replenisher given to a patient by intravenous infusion
ICD Code 633.1
International Classification of Diseases, a standard list of identifying codes used in statistics, billing, etc. (This code refers to an ectopic pregnancy)
informed consent
a patient gives written permission for surgery, clinical treatment, and to release his or her records to a 3rd party after a thorough discussion of the issues with the physician involved
the arrest of bleeding by surgical means
ICD Code 633.1
International Classification of Diseases, a standard list of identifying codes used in statistics, billing, etc. (This code refers to an ectopic pregnancy)
lactated Ringer's
a fluid and electrolyte replenisher given to a patient by intravenous infusion
informed consent
a patient gives written permission for surgery, clinical treatment, and to release his or her records to a 3rd party after a thorough discussion of the issues with the physician involved
lactated Ringer's
a fluid and electrolyte replenisher given to a patient by intravenous infusion
lysis of adhesions
disintegration or destruction of adhesions ( a surgical procedure)
the passage of black stools
layers that enclose a uterine tube, which are composed of the broad ligament of the uterus and are located above the mesovarium
unit of volume in the metric system, being one thousandth of a liter; abbreviated ml., sometimes dictated "mils"
containing both mucus and pus
No. 1
(suture)-referring to the size of suture materials
normal saline
a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride (salt water)
oriented x 3
neurologic terminology meaning that a patient is aware of person, place, and time
packing laps
cloths used to pack off the tissues and aid in hemostasis during surgery; also called laparotomy pack
perceptible by touch
referring to the pelvis, the basinlike structure formed by the hips, and all it contains
pelvic ultrasound
an imaging study of the pelvic area in which the deep structures of the pelvis are scanned by way of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic purposes
the serous membrane lining the abdominal walls and ivesting the viscera
Pfannenstiel incision
abdominal incision across the abdomen curved in a 'smile' at the bikini line; named for Dr. Hermann Johann Pfannenstiel, a German gynecologist
medicinal sedative and antinauseant; trade name
pilonidal cyst
a cyst containing a tuft of hairs, usually found at the base of the spine
positive cardiac activity
medical term for 'the heart is beating' and all that the statement implies
nearest the trunk or point of origin, said of part of a limb, artery, or nerve
pseudodecidual sign
a false response of the lining of the uterus in the absence of pregnancy
pseudogestational sac
false pregnancy; the gestational sac surround the embryo, but in a false pregnancy, there is a "pseudo" or false gestational sac
instrument used to hold wound edges or tissues apart during surgery
describes blood with no RH antigens
describes blood with the Rh antigen
trade name for a preparation of RH (D) immune globulin, required in an Rh-negative mother
ruptured tubal pregancy
a pregnancy in a fallopian tube that has burst through the walls of the tube
surgical removal of a uterine tube
serosal abrasion
wearing away of the serous membrane due to friction or pressure
instrument used to spread open a passage or cavity for ease in its examination; most often dictated in relation to spreading the vaginal canal
staple gun
an instrument by which one accomplishes the process of closing a surgical opening with staples
beneath the skin
acute infectious disease (commonly called lockjaw) caused by the toxin of the bacterium Clostridium tetani; easily prevented by immunization
across or throught the abdominal wall
transvaginal ultrasound
an imaging study utilizing sound waves performed through the vagina (radiologic procedure)
pertaining to a uterine tube and ovary
pertaining to a uterine tube and the uterus
physical, chemical, or microscopic analysis or examination of urine
trade name for an absorbable suture made of multifilament braided material