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25 Cards in this Set

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1. Incubation period of Gonorrhea?
a. 2-5 days.
2. Presentation of gonorrheal urethritis?
a. Dysuria and mucopurulent urethral discharge possible.
b. Extragenital infection possible including oropharynx and skin.
3. Diagnosis of Gonorrhea?
a. Diagnose by nucleic acid amplification of urine
b. Or
c. Traditional culturing of GU secretions.
4. Culture media used for gonorrhea?
a. Thayer-martin.
5. Non-gonococcal urethritis?
a. Urethral infection usually due to Chlamydia trachomatis.
6. Incubation period for chlamydia?
a. 5-10 days.
7. Presentation of chlamydial urethritis?
a. Dysuria (hurts to pee)
b. Mucoid Urethral discharge possible
8. Diagnosis of chlamydial urethritis?
a. Nucleic acid amplification
b. Or
c. Traditional tissue culture of GU secretions.
9. Urine Nitrite?
a. End-product of Enterobacter growth.
b. Typically indicative of UTI.
c. Colony count greater than 10^5 usually required for positive nitrite test.
10. Urine leukocyte esterase?
a. Product of inflammatory response associated w/pyuria on UA.
b. Typically positive in urethritis.
11. Balanitis?
a. Inflammation of the gland penis
b. Aetiologies include infectious and traumatic.
12. Evaluation of the adolescent w/dysuria?
a. Should commence w/a sexual and GU hx of both the pt and sexual partners.
b. Questions should include whether: Dysuria, frequency, discharge, or changes in urine appearance have been noted.
13. Rash associated w/disseminated gonorrhea?
a. Transient, pustular rash
14. Rash associated w/2° syph?
a. Macular on palms.
15. Differential diagnosis of Urethritis?
a. Chlamydia urethritis- tops list. Most common
b. Gonococcal urethritis
c. Ureaplasma urealyticum
d. Mycoplasma genitalium.
16. Initial analysis of a pt w/GU complaints should include?
a. Urine dipstick analysis for leukocytes
b. Leukocyte esterase and/or nitrite
c. Routine urine culturing
d. PCR testing for GC and chlamydia.
17. Urine PCR testing?
a. Has largely replaced urethral swabs for culture bc the sensitivity or urine PCR is nearly equivalent and is a less invasive alternative.
b. Note: pcr testing is often not accepted in courts, so If the pt is a possible victim of abuse, urethral swabs are required!
18. How is a UTI differentiated for urethritis?
a. UTIs are usually associated w/positive nitrite, positive urine culture w/an expected organism, and negative STD screening.
19. Tx of GC?
a. Single IM shot of Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) or oral cefixime (Suprax).
20. Chlamydia therapy choices?
a. 1 dose of azithromycin
b. 1 week course of doxy (Vibramycin) or erythromycin
21. How much does prior chlamydial infection increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy?
a. 2-fold.
22. Sx of Candidal balanitis?
a. Irritated and itchy penis
b. Burning w/urination
c. No change in frequency or change in urine appearance.
d. May have whitish-yellow staining of underwear.
e. Whitish coronal exudate.
23. Note: the potential for bacterial of fungal overgrowth in the uncircumcised male is approximately 30% greater than for circumcised males.
23. Note: the potential for bacterial of fungal overgrowth in the uncircumcised male is approximately 30% greater than for circumcised males.
24. Tx of candidal balanitis?
a. Topical antifungal (clotrimazole).
25. Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome and differential aetiologies?
a. Usually associated w/evidence of acute PID (may be absent however).
b. RUQ pain from ascending pelvic infection and inflammation of liver capsule and diaphragm.
c. Pain radiation to right shoulder.
d. Nausea, fever, chills.
e. RLQ pain.
f. Pelvic exam significant for discharge from cervical os and pain upon cervical motion.
g. Caused by:
1. Gonorrhea
2. Chlamydia (probably more common).