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41 Cards in this Set

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What is the next thing you should do when a woman has had a complete spontaneous abortion?
FOLLOW B-HCG LEVELS TO ZERO to make sure all the POC were expelled.
What will be signs of complete abortion as opposed to incomplete?
Pain and bleeding will SUBSIDE and the cervix will CLOSE.
What is the nature by which serial hCG levels will change following a COMPLETE SAb?
They will Halve every 48-72 hrs
What is indicated if the hCG levels PLATEAU?
Retained POC - either an incomplete abortion or ectopic pregnancy.
What is Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks with a closed cervix?
Threatened abortion
What is Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks with a dilated cervix?
Inevitable abortion
What is it important to differentiate an Inevitable abortion from?
How do you distinguish inevitable abortion from incompetent cervix?
Inev Ab - PAINFUL cervical dilation dt ctx's and bleeding
Incomp Cervix - PAINLESS dilation of the cervix.
Cervical dilation + contractions =
Inev abortion
Cervical dilation without CTX
Incompetent cervix
Txmt for incompetent cervix:
Passage of tissue + cervix remains dilated:
Incomplete abortion
Txmt of Incomplete abortion:
Passage of tissue + cervix closes:
Complete SAb
Why does the cervix remain open in an Incomplete Ab?
The uterus keeps on contracting to try and get the POC's out
-Vaginal spotting
-No fetal heart tones
-Very high hCG levels
what is it?
Molar pregnancy
What is a molar pregnancy?
Presence of trophoblastic tissue but no fetus
Txmt for molar pregnancy:
Suction curettage
What is a risk factor for cervical incompetence?
Previous conization
What are 6 risk factors for shoulder dystocia?
-Prolonged 2nd stage labor
-Fetal macrosomia
-Maternal Obesity
-Gestational diabetes
What is the turtle sign?
Fetal head retraction back toward the introitus when the shoulders get stuck
What is Shoulder dystocia?
Inability to deliver fetal shoulders spontaneously - the ant one gets stuck behind the pubic symphysis.
What is the first step in managing fetal dystocia?
McRobert's maneuver
What is entailed in McRobert's maneuver?
-Hyperflex the maternal hips
-Suprapubic pressure
What is a common fetal complication of shoulder dystocia?
Erb's palsy from downward traction on the brachial plexus of the anterior shoulder.
What nerve roots are involved in Erb's palsy?
What are the deficits seen in ERb's palsy?
-Weak infraspinatus/deltoid
-Weak flexors of the forearm
What can delivery of the head followed by failure of the shoulders to deliver lead to?
Fetal hypoxia
What should you NOT do to resolve shoulder dystocia?
Don't pull harder;
Don't press on the fundus
What are 3 other maneuvers in addition to McRobert's that can be done for dystocia?
-Wood's corkscrew
-Deliver the posterior shoulder
-Zavanelli maneuver
What is Zavanelli's maneuver?
Pushing the head back inside and doing a c/section
If a patient has all the signs of pyelonephritis but they're POD2 s/p TAH, what do you suspect?
Ureteral obstruction or injury!
What are the 2 tests you should run first in that case?
-CT scan of the abdomen
What are 6 conditions that predispose to ureteral injury in a TAH?
-Interligamentous leiomyomas
-Residual ovaries
-Extensive adhesions
-TOA - tuboovarian abscess
What is the most COMMON location for ureteral injury during a TAH?
The cardinal ligament
What is contained in the cardinal ligament?
Ovarian artery
Where does the cardinal ligament lie wrt the ureter?
OVER it (water under the bridge), 2-3 cm lateral to the internal cervical os.
What is evidence of a urinary obstruction?
What is percutaneous nephrostomy?
Placement of a stent in the renal pelvis, going through the skin using radiologic guidance.
What is percutaneous nephrostomy done for?
Urinary obstructions
What is an alternative way to place a stent?
With cystoscopy