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121 Cards in this Set

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Cardiovascular System General Function

• Primary purpose:

– Deliver oxygen to tissues

• Secondary functions:

– Removal of CO2, lactate, etc.

– Transport of nutrients

– Communication system via hormone transport

– Acid-Base balance

– Body fluid regulation

– Thermoregulation

Organization of the Circulatory System

- closed loop (all vessels connected)

- blood travels through loop driven by pressure created as the heart contracts

- high pressure/low pressure

- composed of: blood vessels (transport)

heart (pump)

blood (transport medium)


- these leave the heart


- arteries divide into these


- arterioles divide into these

- are the smallest and most numerous type of blood vessel

Capillary Membranes

- where all exchanges between the blood and cells of the body occur


- where blood is collected after leaving the capillaries


- venules merge into these

- returns blood back to heart


- 4 chambers

- considered "2 pumps in 1"

- R + L divided by interventricular septum

Blood Flow Through Heart

- right atrium

- right ventricle

- lung (via pulmonary arteries)

- left atrium (via pulmonary veins)

- left ventricle

- body (via aorta)

Atrioventricular Valve

- separates atrium and ventricles

- right AV valve: tricuspid valve

- left AV valve: mitral or bicuspid valve

Right AV Valve

- tricuspid valve

Left AV Valve

- mitral or biscupid valve

Semilunar Valves

- separates ventricles and vessels

- pulmonary semilunar valve

- aortic semilunar valve

Pulmonary Circuit

- low pressure

- right ventricle

- capillaries of the lung

- oxygen loaded onto hemogoblin; CO2 released

- capillaries of lung

- left atrium

Systemic Circuit

- high pressure

- left ventricle

- capillaries of tissues

- oxygen released from hemogoblin; CO2 taken up

- capillaries of tissues

- right atrium


- outer layer


- inner layer


- muscular middle layer

- contracts to force blood out of the heart

- blood supplied via coronary arteries

- cardiac muscle fibers

Differences in Myocardium & Skeletal Muscle Fibers

- cardiac fibers interconnected via intercalated discs

- electrical impulse = one fiber to next

- acts as a functional syncytium; no motor units

- homogeneous (one fiber type)

- resembles slow twitch (fatigue resistant, oxidative, many mitochondria)

Similarities of Myocardium and Skeletal Muscle Fibers

- striated (thick & thin filaments)

- contract via sliding filament theory

- calcium triggers contractions

- length-tension relationship exists

- stretched cardiac fibers contract with more force

Cardiac Cycle

- repeated contraction and relaxation of myocardium

- contraction phase; systole

- relaxation phase; diastole

- systole and diastole refer to contraction/relaxation of ventricles

- atria undergo systole/diastole as well

- 2 step pumping action

- atria contracts together first

- ventricles contracts together second

- ventricles contract 0.1s later; ejects 2/3 of blood from ventricles

- at rest: 75 cycles per minute


- contraction phase of the heart


- relaxation phase of the heart

Phase of Cardiac Cycle

- diastole (filling of heart)

blood enters atria; flows into ventricles (70%)

AV valves are open

- atrial systole occurs

final push of blood into ventricles (30%)

- ventricular systole

AV valves close

ventricular ejection phase; blood through SL valves

Lub Sound

- 1st heart sound

- closing of AV valves

- occurs at end of diastole

Dub Sound

- 2nd heart sound

- closing of semilunar valves

- occurs at the end of systole

What is Blood Pressure?

- pressure of blood against arterial walls

- expressed as systolic/diastolic pressure

Factors that Determine Blood Pressure

- volume of blood

- resistance to blood flow

- blood viscosity

- blood vessel diameter


- used to measure blood pressure

Systolic Pressure

- top number

- pressure generated during ventricular contraction (systole)

Diastolic Pressure

- bottom number

- pressure in the arteries during cardiac relaxation (diastole)

Normal Blood Pressure

- 120/80 mmHg

High Blood Pressure

- greater than 140/90 mmHg

Intrinsically Stimulated

- self excitable (automaticity)

Extrinsically Stimulated

- stimulated by nerves


- means to contract as a unit

SA Node

- pacemaker

Intrinsic Rhythm of SA Node

- 100 bpm

- at rest, slowed by extrinsic nerves

Atrial Contraction

- firing of SA node causing depolarization to spread throughout atria

Intrinsic Conduction System

- impulse carried into ventricles by way of AV node (atrioventricular node) delayed 0.1s

- AV node located on floor of right atrium

- right and left bundle branches run from AV node down interventricular septum

- purkinje fibers branch off of conducting branches to carry impulse into myocardium

Extrinsic Conduction System

- innervated by ANS

- sympathetic cardioacceleratory center (NE)

- parasympathetic cardioinhibitory center (ACh)

Sympathetic Cardioacceleratory Center

- increases heart rate; norephinephrine

Parasympathetic Cardioinhibitory Center

- lowers heart rate; acetylcholine


- slow heart rate; < 60 bpm


- rapid heart rate; > 100 bpm

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

- graphic recording of the electrical activity of the heart

- used in the diagnosis of heart disease

- deflections called waves

p wave

qrs complex

t wave

P Wave

- depolarization of atrium

QRS Complex

- depolarization of ventricles

T Wave

- repolarization of ventricles


- liquid portion

- ions, proteins, hormones


- red blood cells (hemogoblin to carry oxygen)

- white blood cells (immune response)

- platelets (blood clotting)

Volume of Blood

- 5 liters (1.5 gallons)

Characteristics of Blood

- scarlet/dark red

- pH: 7.35 - 7.45 (vein - arteries)

- temperature: 38 degrees celsius

- average volume: 5 L

- normal hematocrit: 42% - 45%

pH of Veins

- 7.35

pH of Arteries

- 7.45

Temperature of Blood

- 38 degrees celsius


- volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood

Normal Hematocrit Volume

- 42% to 45%

What Increases Cardiac Output

- the amount of blood pumped per minute by the heart

Redistribution of Blood Flow

- from inactive organs to active skeletal muscle

Cardiac Output Equation

- cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate

Stroke Volume

- amount of blood pumped per beat

- SV

Heart Rate

- beats per minute

- HR

Average Resting Cardiac Output

- 5 L x m -1

Endurance Trained Cardiac Output During Exercise

- 35 L x m -1

Untrained Cardiac Output During Exercise

- 20 L x m -1

Increasing Cardiac Output

- achieved by increasing SV

- achieved by increasing HR

- during exercise both SV and HR increase

Regulation of Heart Rate

- sympathetic and parasympathetic impulses on SA node

Sympathetic Fibers

- accelerator nerve

- release norepinephrine

Parasympathetic Fibers

- vagus nerve

- releases acetylcholine

Parasympathetic Tone (Vagal Tone)

- resting conditions

- intrinsic SA node rate is 100 min -1

- resting HR 75 BPM

- HR increased by decreasing parasympathetic tone

Increases HR from 75 to 100 BPM

- withdrawal of parasympathetic (vagal) tone

Increases HR above 100 BPM

- due to stimulation of accelerator nerve (sympathetic)

Three Variables that Effect Stroke Volume

- end diastolic volume (EDV)

- mean arterial blood pressure (MABP)

- strength of ventricular contractions

End Diastolic Volume

- volume of blood ventricles at end of diastole

Blood in Ventricles

- causes stretching of ventricular myocardium

Frank Starling Law of the Heart

- stretched fibers contract with more strength equaling greater stroke volume

How is EDV Increased During Exercise

- due to increased venous return to the heart

Why Does Venous Return Increase During Exercise?

- venoconstriction

- muscle pump

- respiratory pump


- veins constrict; squeeze blood toward heart

Muscle Pump

- muscle contract and squeeze veins, blood toward heart

Respiratory Pump

- breathing equals alternating pressure changes between abdominal plus thoracic cavities; milks blood toward heart

Minimizes the Increase of MABP During Exercise

- vasodilation of arterioles

This Will Increase Stroke Volume

- increased strength of contraction

Increased Contractility During Exercise Due To

- increased epinephrine plus norepinephrine realease causing increased Calcium release plus greater cross bridge cycling rate

- increased accelerator nerve activity resulting in increased force due to temporal summation

Preload (EDV)

- increased preload = increased SV

Afterload (MABP)

- decrease afterload = increase stroke volume

Contractility (force of contraction)

- increased contractility = increased stroke volume

Functional Zones of the Respiratory System

- conducting zone

- respiratory zone

Conducting Zone

- nose pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tree

- essentially all passageways (dead air space)

- conducts air to/from respiratory zone

- air moved through nose at low flow rates

- > 20-30 Lmin-1 mouth becomes primary

- filters, humidifies, and warms air

Respiratory Zone

- respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolie

- region where gas exchange occurs

- respiratory bronchioles + alveolar ducts

- alveoli (convoluted microscopic air sacs; 300 million per lung)

- blood gas barrier (2 cell layers thick; rapid diffusion of gases)

Boyle's Law

- relationship between pressure and volume of a gas

- increased volume = lower pressure

- decreased volume = higher pressure


- contraction of diaphragm + external intercostals

- results in increased thoracic cavity size (decreasing pressure, air moved into lungs)

- during exercise (labored breathing)

- accessory muscles further elevate ribs

Muscles Involved in Inspiration

- scalenes

- sternocleiodomastoids

- pectoralis minor


- relaxation of diaphragm + external intercostals

- return to original position (increasing pressure)

- no muscular effort at rest

- during exercise (forced expiration)

- accessory muscles help force air out

- increase intra-abdominal pressure

- forcefully depress rib cage

Muscles Involved in Expiration

- abdominal muscles

- internal intercostals

Pulmonary Ventilation (V)

- amount of air moved in or out of the lungs per minute

- product of tidal volume and breathing frequency (Vt + f)

Dead-space Ventilation (Vd)

- unused ventilation

- does not participate in gas exchange

- anatomical dead space: conducting zone

Alveolar Ventilation (Va)

- volume of inspired gas that reaches the respiratory zone

Tidal Volume

- volume inspired or expired during unforced respiration

- 500 mL

Inspiratory Reserve Volume

- volume inspired at end of tidal inspiration

- 3100 mL

Expiratory Reserve Volume

- volume expired at end of tidal expiration

- 1200 mL

Residual Volume

- air remaining in lungs after maximal expiration

- 1200 mL

Vital Capacity

- maximum volume that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation

- 4800 mL

Total Lung Capacity

- total volume in lung after maximum inhalation

- 6000 mL


- amount of vital capacity that can be expired in 1 second

Gas Exchange

- diffusion between alveolar air spaces and blood across alveolar membranes

- o2 enters blood

- co2 enters lungs

Gas Transport in Blood

- oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from one area to another based on pressure gradient

Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures

- the total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the pressures of each independent gas

Partial Pressure

- Pbarometric x gas fraction


- PO2 = 100

- PCO2 = 40

Systemic Arteries

- PO2 = 100

- PC02 = 40

Systemic Veins

- PO2 = 40

- PCO2 = 46

O2 Diffuses Where

- into the blood at the lungs

- out of the blood at the tissues

Two Mechanisms of Transport of O2

- plasma

- hemoglobin

O2 Transported by Plasma

- 1%

- 0.3 mL dL -1 blood

O2 Transported by Hemogoblin

- 99%

- 1.34 mL O2 per gram of Hb

- 15 g Hb dL -1 blood

- 20.1 mL dL -1 blood


- hemogoblin saturated with O2

Dissociation of O2 from Hb

- occurs with decrease in PO2 levels in plasma

Oxyhemoglobin Dissociaition Curve