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157 Cards in this Set

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What is the life line for the baby
The fetus has __ umbilical arteries that brings non O2 blood back to the placenta and _ pulmonary vein that brings O2 from the placenta to the fetal body
2 1
The right side of heart is stronger then the left in the fetus
The first shunt in the fetal blood flow is the ___ ____. It connects the liver and the iferior vena cava.
ductus venosus
While in the womb the lungs are ____ and ______. They only recieve blood for there own growth.
collapsed and nonfunctional
The shunt that connects the pulmonary trunk and aorta
ductus arteriosus
Before birth the pressure in the Right herat is higher than the pressure left heart. The last shunt within the heart lets blood bypass from R atrium to L atrium is the ?
foramen ovale
After birth we don't need shunts anhymore because infant ____ own blood, The placenta is gone and the ___ metabolizes own blood
oxygenates, liver
In infancy, the size of the heart in relation to the toatl body size is larger?
Th R side of the fetal heart is thicker than the L
After birth the L ventricle becomes thicker then the R ventricle walls
L coronary arter, to anterior descending artery, to circumflex artery.
R Coronary artery to R marginal, to posterior descending artery
The volume of blood ejected by the heart in one minute. Beats per minute x Stroke Volume
Cardiac output
The amount of blood ejected by the heart in one contraction
stroke vollume
Heavy exercising heart can pump out __ liters of blood in a minute
A healthy man will put out __ccs of blood in one heart beat
Right sided heart caths are ____ and L sided heart caths are ____
venous, arterial
Most common side of heart cath for kids is _ ___ heart cath because it can go thru the shunt.
R Sidede
What does PaO2 stand for?
What does SaO2 stand for?
when giving O2 for saturation only go up __ liter at a time
Pressure of O2
Saturation of O2
On catheritization site for legs. Need to keep legs straight, make sure there is ___ at catheterization site. _ hours for venous. _ hours for arterial
clotting. 4. 6
Two types of heart disases one is ___ and one is ____
congenital, aquired
Prenatal factors of Congenital heart disease for babies:
Maternal RAAD
rubella, alcoholism, age over 30, diabetes
A family history of having CHD will increase the chances of having a baby with CHD?
Genetic factors of CHD
Trisomy 21
girls have only X chromosome
boys have XXY chromosome
defect in chromsome 22 defects the thyroid and parathyroid
Autosomal dominant. Long face arms bones
turner and klinefelters
Classifications of CHD:
L to R shunting, Stenoitc lesions, Cianotic lesions with decreased pulmonary blood flow, Cyanotic lesions with increased pulmonary blood flow
The inability to maintain cardiac output sufficient to meet the metabolic demands of the body
Pediatric congestive heart failure
Pediactric CHF occurs most frequently __ to congenital heart defects in which there is structural abnormalities. This results in _____volume or _____ pressure on the ventricles.
2, increased increased
Goals for treatment of CHF:
____ cardiac funciton we give ____ and ace inhibitors such as any of the ____. These have a vasodialatation effect. Slow the heart beat and pumps out more blood
improve. Digoxin. Prils
when giving Dig to peds never give if ↓ __ for infants or ↓ __ for children
Goals for treatment of CHF:
____ accumulated fluid: we give diuretics like: ____ diuril, aldactone, bumex, zaroxlyn. Fluid restrictions and sodium restrictions
remove. lasix
Goals for treatment of CHF:
____ cardiac demand. Prevent cold stress in infants, treat infections, reduce the effort of breathing, provid rest
Goals for treatment of CHF:
____ tissue oxygenation. Cool humidified O2, o2 hood for younger infants, nasal canula or face tent for older
an arterial o2 pressure (PaO2) that is less than normal and can be identified by a decreased arterial o2 saturation (SaO2) meaning there is not enough oxygen in the blood
Pao2 in adult/child 80-100
newborn 60-70
SaO2 in adult/child 95-100
newborn 40-90
An increase in the number or red blood cells due to a cyanotic heart disease
When kids ___ this may be a sign of chronic hypoxemia. they are doing this because of their heart. By doing this it slows the venous return of blood from the lower exteremeties and increases systemic vascular resistance.
Clubbing of finger results from chronic ____
This is CH defect that results in High pressure O2 flowing into the pulmonary arter through this shunt that does not close. The reason for cloisn this hunt is the increased levels of O2 in the blood and decreased protaglandin hormone.

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
patent ductus arteriosus
These symptoms are of which congenital heart problem:
asymtomatic or show signs of CHF. Characteristic machiner-like murmur . widened pulse pressure. Bounding pulses. Heart can be enlarged on Xray and infant will have tachypnea, poor feeding and weight gain. Frequent respiratory tract infections and fatigue

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
Patent ductus arteriosus
Treatment fo this CH problem:
indomethacin (indocin) Inhibits prostaglandin in the system.
digoxin and diuretics to control CHF
conserve energy and prevent exposure to respiratory infections
heart cath
Surgical Treatment-visual assisted thoracoscopic surgery (vats)

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
patent ductus arteriosus
this is the abnormal opening b/t the atria, allowing blood from the high-pressure left atrium to flow into the lower pressure Right atrium.

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
atrial septal defect
Atrial septal defect happens in females more than males?
S/S of this CH defect:
may be asymptomatic
recurrent respiratory infections
may develop congestive heart failure
atrial arrhythmias have been reported
vi. medical management

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
Atrial septal defect
an abnormal opening b/t the R and L ventricles, which can vary in size from a small pin hole to complete absence of the septum which can result in on common ventricle

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
ventricular septal defect
S/s of this CH defect?
murmur congestive heart failure may occur, poor feeding and failure to thrive in infants

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect
medical management
treat CHF with dig and diuretics
nutritional supplements to increase calories
cardiac catheterization
surgical treatment: patch closure, banding- placed around the pulmonary artery

a) atrial septal defect b. Patent ductus arteriosus c. ventricular septal defect d. atrioventricular septal defect
ventricular septal defect
The septal defect where there is nothing between the atrium and the ventricles.
atrioventricular septal defe t
This is the obstruction of blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery. S/s are asymptomatic, mild cyanosis, CHF.

Pulmonary or aortic stenosis
pulmonary stenosis
Treatment of _____ stenosis is non sugiclal which is a balloon angioplasty, R side heart cath, which stretches the pulmonary valve and they there is surgery which has high mortality rate.
this is the narrowing or stricture of the aortic valve causing a resistance to the blood flow in the left ventricle and decreased output

Pulmonary or aortic stenosis
aortic stenosis
s/s of this stenosis is L ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary congestion, chest pain, dizziness, syncope

Pulmonary or aortic stenosis
aortic stenosis
this is the localized narrowing near the insertion of the ductus arteriosus resulting in increased pressure proximal to the defect ( head and upper extremities) and decreased pressures distal to the obstruction (body and lower extremities)
coarctation of the aorta
Three cyanotic lesions:
PA with intact ventricular septum
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tricuspid atresia
Pulmonary atresia
The classic form of this cyanotic lesion is :
ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, overriding aorta, Right ventricular hypertrophy.
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tetraology of Fallot happens in 5 to 10% of people
This cyanotic lesion is when the tricuspid valve is closed. The foramen ovum shunt comes in hand and a ventricular septal defect is also good for this
tricuspid atresia
This is when the pulmonary valve is shut off.
pulmonary atresia
This defect is when the pulmonary artery and aorta become one. With a VSD
truncus arteriosis
This defect is the underdevelopment of the left side of the heart.
1% of CHD is this
cardiac surgery a must or transplant
small survival rate of 50% after the 4 year operation
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
This is when the aorta is off the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery is off the left ventricle
transposition of the great arteries
cardiac surgery and care: ___ child and family to the ICU, and surgery room. Provide post operative care:observe VS and A/V pressures. Provide comfort. Hourly I&O, observe fo CHF, dysrhytmias, infection,
An infection of the valves and inner lining of the heart which can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or a virus. Strep, staph, fungus. Unexplained -grade fever, anorexia, nausea, fatigue, heart murmur
an autoimmune inflammatory condition that effects the heart, joints, subcutaneous tissue, brain and blood vessels. Most serious complicatoin of having damage to the heart valve, shows up after 2 weeks of having strep.
Rheumatic fever
S/S of Rheumatic fever:
Carditis- Inflammation of _____
chorea ____ movements of the legs arms and face
Erythema marginatum-rash
Sucutaneous nodules

Penicilin treatments, seizure precautions. These people can be on antibiotics for 5-10 years. Massage and heat and cold treatments
endocardium, jerky
an acute systemic vasculitis of unknown causes. Triggered by an accute infection, seen in kids at 5 or younger. Effects boys more than girls. If not taken care of kids get coronary artery aneurysms
kawasaki disease
Three stages:
acute last 10-14 days
sub acute Lasts from 15-25 days
kawaskai disease
Managment of kawaski disease is directed toward ____ coronary artery damage
These are white lines going across the finger naile
Beau's lines
This is defined as an average systolic and/or diastolic BP that exceeds or is equal to the 95th percentile for the age, height and sexo on the basis of measurements obtained on at 3 occassions
There are two categories of hypertesnion _____ or idiopathic and ____ symptoms of underlying disease
primary. Secondary
These are abnormalities of the myocardium in which the cardiac muslces' ability to contract is impaired
types of cardiomyopathies:
Ventricle dilation
increase in heart muscle mass
impared ventricle filling

a dilated cardiomyopathy b. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
c. restrictive cardiomyopathy
dilated cardiomyopathy
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
restrictive cardiomyopathy
This dysrhythmia is a narrow QRS pattern.. Rates can be in the 220-300 beats/min range
supraventricular tachycardia
This dysrhythmia impulse originates in the ventricle
ventricular tachycardia
Slow heart rate
brady cardia
Electrical cardiac activity is absent
rapid and ineffective contractions of the ventricles
Ventricular fibrillation
Children should limit their intake of saturated fat to less than __% of total daily calories and reduce cholsterol intake to less than 200 mg/day. 2-19 yoa cholseterol should be <170
Dysplasia of the hip is ball and socket. The Head of the femur is the ___ and the socket is called
ball, acetabulum
This is diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.
Manuever leg in and down.
Manuever leg out and up.

a. ortolanis b. barlows
abnormal development of tissue?
unstable hip- femoral head remains in the acetabulum. doesn’t have the curve it should
preluxation subluxation dislocation
the most common form of dysplasia. partial or incomplete dislocation of the hip
preluxation subluxation dislocation
a condition in which the head of the femur is improperly seated in the acetabulm of the pelvis
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
This is the first initial treatment of DDH. It is a harness that maintains hip in flexion. It is successful in treating 90-95% of patients. Harness is worn from 6 to 12 weeks
Pavlik harness
Spica cast is the last ___ in DDH. Spica cast is used till 6 difficult between 4 and 6. After 6 it is just surgery
what are these signs of
fixed plantar flexion of the ankle
adduction or turning in of the heel or hindfoot
adduction of the forefoot and midfoot
Management of club foot is _____ of the deformity, ____ of correction until normal muscle balance is gained, ___ up observation to avert possible recurrence of deformity
correction, maintenance, follow
talipes equinovarus is ___ ___
club foot
Pigeon toed, most common congenital deformity there is. Treatment involves simple stretching and manipulation exercises.
metatarsus adductus
an acquired defect characterized by loss of circulation to the head of the femur. most common in boys ages 4-10. Damage to the blood supply results in bone death to the head of femur
legg-calve perthes disease
This isrefers to the outward curvature of the thoracic spine.
this reers to the inward curve of the lumbar spine
this refers to the sideways curvature of the spine
This is the convex curvature of the spine. Shermans disease
Lordosis, kyphosis or scholiosis
Brace is neded for a curve greater than 60 degrees, exercise and surgery can correct it.
Lordosis, kyphosis or scholiosis
concave curvature of the spine
can be caused secondary to trauma
can be caused by MS, or polio. secondary complication
see lordosis with obesity and pregno
treamtnet is exercises to strengthen muscles
can use support garments to support back
1st most common cause is idiopathic
congenital- results of birth anomalies
paralytic- result of neuromuscular disease
functional other form of deformity

Lordosis, kyphosis or scholiosis
The cob angle- measgurement of angles for which curvature of he spine.
Lordosis, kyphosis or scholiosis
Treatment for which Lordosis, kyphosis or scholiosis.
Milwaukee boston brace, electrical stimulation.
This is when the head, or the ball of the thigh bone slips off the neck of hte thigh bone. It is described as a scoop of ice cream slipping off the top of a cone.
Slipped capital femoral ephiphysis
Ligaments are stretched, partially or completely torn
strain or sprain
excessive stretch of hte muscle
strain or sprain
Occurs when soft tissue, muslce or subQ tissues are damaged.
contusion or dislocation
this occurs when a joint is disrupted in such a way that articulating surfaces are no longer in contact.
Contusion, dislocation
a. bilateral knee pain while running jumping climbing. Some call it jumpers knee
b. due to repetitive and overuse of muscles and tendons. Usually occurs when 8 and 16 yoa. Overuse of muscles and tendons. Overuse causes tendon to be inflamed. Tendonitis. Treatment is conservative, ace wraps. ice and heat. Disappears with then end of growth spurts.
osgood-schlatter disease
a. brittle bone disease
b. inherited autosomal dominant trait.. have to have one abnormal gene from one parent.
c. characterized by connective tissue and bone defects in the body. affects 1 and 20000 babies.
osteogenesis imperfecta
In osteogensis imperfecta, maintain integrity of the bone they already have, ROM and ___ care. No cure for this condition. medciation is boniva
This is infection of the bone usually caused by staph. you will see pain, fever, chills, tiredness. Treatment will depend on severity
This term refers to diseases that affect themuscles, tendons, joints boines or nerves
This is the inflammation of snyovial membrane ( the linine of hte joints, such as the knees or knuckles.
In rhumetoid arthritis the ___ is attaking itself. This is a ___ condition (life long), but can go into ____. The cause is unknown but is believed to be autoimmunal. ___ is the test to see if you ahve it.
body. Chronis, remission. ESR
A gorpu of chronic muscle disorders characterized by progressive weakening and wasting of the skeltel or voluntary msucles.
Muscular dystrophy
This is the most common form of muscular dystrophy. Primarily effects boys. caused by absence of protein dystrophine that is used in maintaining integriy of muscles
This muscular dyshrophy is caused by a defective gene on the X chromosome, mening tha tonly guys can get it. A protein dystrophin is missing
This muscular dystrophy is an abnormal gene that can affect both guys and girls. The disease typically begins during the teens or early adulthood. Muscles of hte face and shoulders are always affected, and may have difficulty rasing arms, whistling or tightly closing their eyes.
This muscular dystrophy affects muscles around the shoulders and upper arms and around the hips and thighs. Weakness of proximal muscles of pelvic and shoulder girdls
limp girdle
This is a chronic, non-pgressive disorder of posture and movement cauesd by neurologic damage. Walking is delayed- scissor gait, slured speech dealy in obtaining sphinctor control
cerebral palsy
Classifications of CP what part of the brain
- hypertonicity
-poor control
Cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum
Classifications of CP what part of the brain
athetoid (dyskinetic) wormlike, writhing movements, drooling and speech difficulties
Cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum
basal ganglia
Classifications of CP what part of the brain
wide based gait poor motor control
Cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum
what is it called when the either the arms are effected or legs effect.
one side of the body is effected
all limbs are affected
This is the congenital defect (nerual tube) of the spine. where the spin is not totally inclosed
spinal bifida
This is congential defect whent he spine is hidden with a tuft of hair a tht bottom of the spine but the spine is not totally enclosed
spinal bifida occulta
This is the type of spinal bifida when there is a cyst outside of the body.
spinal bifida cystica
this type of spinal bifida cystica is when the cyst that is outside the body.. inside that sac is spinal cord fluid. the meninges is outside the body.
this type of spinal bifida cystica is when the portion of the spinal cord and spinal nerves is in the sac. This is the ultimate worst. cause is unknown
an ____ is performed at 16 to 18 weeks to determin alpha fetal protein. If there is alot of this in the amniotic fluid then the baby will have spinal bifida
The most common abdominal emergency to affect children ↓ 2yoa
This happens when one segment of the bowel telescopes into the adjacent segment of intestine. LIke the terminal ileum goes into the ascennding colong thru the illeal cecal valve. It is suggested that possible connection to the viruses they catch during the spring and fall season
IN intusseption. the bowel press against each other and compromise the blood and lymph flow.
The definitive test in an intussusception is a ___ ____
barium enema
This is called congenital aganglionic megacolon. This is a motility disorder of the bowel cuased by the absence of the _____ ____ ___ in the large intestine. without these cells it prevents ____ there for leading to a bowel obstruction. This is called
never cells. peristalisis. Hirschsprung disease
In herschsprung disease the primary manifestation of a newborn is the failure to pass ______.
the procedure for hirschsprung disease is called _____ ____ pull through
The origin of the anus and rectum is an embryonic structure called the ____
this is when the rectum and anus do not form a passage to the outside of hte body. Low defects vary from a normal appearig anus to a thin anal membrane to a deep anal dimple.
anorectal malformation
Low defects of the anorectal formation is corrected by creasting an ____. High malformations are a 2 stage repair
This is the most common condition rquiring abdominal surgerin in children. This is the most frequent subject of malpractice suids and the 5th most expensive source of claims for ED physicians
when appendicitus is suspected if the childrey are hungery chances are the don't have appendicitis
A positive ____ ____ is the senseation of sever pain that occurs after dep pressure is applied
mcburney's point
Mcburneys point is in between the ____ and the anterior superiour ____ spine
umilicus and iliac
Two things that should not be done when appendicitis is suspected
enema and heating pad
what are the two inflammatory bowel diseases called.
uclerative colitis and chrons disease
ulcerative colitis includes the inflammation of the ___ and ____ and CD involves ___
mucosa and submucosa.. ALL layers
irritable bowel syndrome is commonly known as ___ ___
spastic colon
In IBS having a ___ ___ will relieve pain
bowel movement
infections gastroenteritis is caused by usually a ___ origin
This is the intolerance to digest lactose a diasscharide
lactose intolerance
The enzyme that is required to absorb lactose
Lactose intolerance is usually diagonosed by using a ____ ___ test
hydogen breath test
This disease is known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy. A disorder to intolerance to gluten the protein componenet of wheat barley rye and oates
celiac disase
The harmful protein in gluten is _____
Celiac disease causes damage to the vili of hte smal intestine. Fat aborption is impaired followd by protein, carbs and fat soluble vitamines which are.
A life threatening condition of preterm neonates is characterized by necrosis of hte mucosa of the small and large intestine, most frequently the distal ilium and proximal colong.
necrotizing enterocolitis.